Pokémon Rate My Team
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Alright well here's my dragon mono-team for showdown, Its a lot better competitive than my flying team as that team isn't doing much anymore in going up the ranks, so I decided to start using a dragon team which is really good that I relatively win a lot more than the flying (of course I can't use Dracovish, it's banned), which comes with it's own set of problems but that'll be later. anyways I want to improve this team to be stronger than those pesky fairy, ice, dragon, water, and sometimes those annoying grass teams and I'm talking about that MEOWSCARADA with the protein ability, I really hate meowscarada both in design and usage. So I do need some improvements as well as replacing pokemon (well I hope I can still use mega Altaria) Anyways Here's my dragon mono-team

The Lead (Fast Physical Sweeper)

Jet (Garchomp) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Scale Shot
- Earthquake
- Substitute
- Fire Fang

Welp to start things we have Garchomp of course being very fast with the use of substitute praying the use a status move and not an attack move while, lashing out while healing with leftovers. Neat concept, but those other pesky players attack then after I use my substitute, thats when I use scale shot for extra damage which mostly works for me. (maybe I should use appltun or flappe or haxorus, or dragapult, instead of garchomp who knows so many choices)

The Physical Attacker (Bulky Physical Sweeper)

Ángel (Altaria) @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure ----> Pixilate
EVs: 252 Atk/4 SpD/252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Return
- Roost
- Substitute

Here's my favorite Pokémon of all time, and this time now I can it's mega here in this team :) Mega Altaria is really good especially now that I use Substitute Aswell instead of earthquake to at least use Dragon dance once and this powerhouse was able to beat many Pokémon, even finishing off a fairy team with substitute, roost (in case), then Return for the damage, Although it's still weak to fairy and ice attacks sadly, aside from that Altaria is a great Pokémon competitively.

The Strong Wall (Gimmick Physical/Special Wall)

Acero (Hisuian-Goodra) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Sleep Talk
- Rest
- Curse

Here's my best pokemon in terms of defense and bulk, this pokemon can tank almost anything and Hisui-Goodra really does well in lasting long with curse aswell as the gimmick of rest then sleep talk to using curse or heavy slam tanking those fairy and ice moves, this pokemon does have weaknesses however including ground and fighting which those pesky moves can be sneaked in grass and water teams even in dragon teams which is the sad part as I started laddering in monotype especially with haze toxapex. Aside from that goodra here can tank fighting and ground moves once or twice and it caused many players to flee from goodra.

The Physical Killer (2nd Fast Physical Sweeper)

Maracas (Kommo-o) @ Kommonium Z
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 32 HP/252 Atk/224 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Clanging Scales
- Drain Punch
- Poison Jab
- Earthquake

This thing is deadly when I get the chance, of course I use Kommo-o its a very stealthy cool pokemon (it's shiny is pretty awful though) of course with it's special Z-move it gets boosted with power boosting all of it's stats and when it starts loosing health, I start spamming drain punch when it's actually effective aswell as punching fairies with poison jab, but of course it's weak to fairy.. 2X weak to fairy, especially Fairy protean Meowscarada >:( anyways though this pokemon kills most of the time.

The Special Attacker (Fast Special Sweeper)

Huracán (Walking Wake) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 8 HP/4 Def/244 SpA/252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Steam
- Draco Meteor
- Hydro Pump
- Flamethrower

Here's my member of the team that surprisingly, doesn't really support the team aside from chipping damage and without booster energy I can't do much aside from attacking and choice scarf doesn't do any favors (im not sure though) not to mention that draco meteor lowers special attack and the accuracy lowers too, but anyways i use it to tank those ice moves and other threats. At least my last member does something effective aside from being a meat shield

The Finisher (3rd Fast Physical Sweeper)

Barney (Tyrantrum) @ Life Orb
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Head Smash
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

Well this set is Stu-u-u-upendous! here's my last member and yes its Barney!!1!11! (Tyrantrum) :D (if only it's shiny was purple and not blue) anyways this is technically the finisher (very rarely its the finisher because I lose) with a very strong powerful head smash can send someone flying to death, although it's weak to fighting, ground, dragon and fairy types.. ugh.. but anyways aside from when I actually get to finish off their last pokemon in monotype, I start becoming menacing and remind them of the I love you song from Barney as I defeat their last weakened pokemon :) (I have yet to see an actual reaction)

Welp that's my dragon team, its a really good team with coverage and strength unlike my flying team even if it got improved heavily. But aside from that I do want improvements as I got higher in the ranks now having tons of bad luck but anyways I hope you guys can be a good help.

Altaria @ Altarianite  
Ability: Natural Cure  
Tera Type: Dragon  
EVs: 16 HP / 224 Atk / 16 Def / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Return  
- Earthquake  
- Dragon Dance  
- Roost

The EV spread allows Mega Altaria to survive a Triple Axel from Mega Lopunny.

Kommo-o @ Kommonium Z  
Ability: Bulletproof  
Tera Type: Dragon  
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- Clanging Scales  
- Flamethrower  
- Drain Punch  
- Taunt

This is the Kommo-o set and EV spread it uses since it is a mixed attacker using 2 special moves and 1 physical move.
Is this your actual team

1 Answer

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I don’t have a problem with any of these mons, except for two. Your Altaria and kommo-o. I mean, if you want bulk, you should invest a bit more in either hp or defenses, but hp seems like a better bet. An alternate ev spread would be 128 hp/64 in defenses, 128 atk and 256 speed. Roost seems good in theory, but with the nerf of recovery moves in gen 9 , a better option would be to use something that can cover it’s weaknesses, particularly, poison, steel and fire. (3 types pixilated return cannot hit that hard.) a good option would be earthquake, hitting everything mentioned super effectively unless it’s part flying.
2, despite kommo-o having clanging scales, a better option would be to run a set like this.

Kommo-o @ Leftovers

Ability: Soundproof

EVs: 204 Hp/104 Atk/200 Spe

Nature: either Adamant, jolly or careful.

The bulk is acceptable, and if you’re running adamant, the power is also acceptable. If you’re running jolly, against a breloom, you will always go first and quite possibly one shot it with Poison Jab. No way is this thing gonna survive play rough from Meowscarada but if you already boosted, you will outspeed and can one shot.( regardless of nature)

I forgot, swap clanging scales out with clangourous soul.
Even with the recovery nerf, Roost is still essential on many Pokémon who can learn it. Unless you’re PP stalling, you will almost never run out of PP for it.
What do the EV spreads you recommend on the two Pokemon do? They look like random EV spreads tbh. Like Hallucinogens said, Roost is still essential on Mega Altaria. I'd actually tell OP to replace Substitute for Earthquake so Mega Altaria can have both Earthquake and Roost. Also, Kommo-o needs Clanging Scales and the Kommonium-Z so it can boost its stats to be a scary sweeper. However, that set is mixed set with Clanging Scales, Flamethrower, Drain Punch, and Taunt.
Ok then what should my actual ev spreads for mega altaria and kommo-o should truly be for the benefit of this team.
and their movesets and everything else.
I realised rising magnetrics ev spread for  Altaria  seems better. But the only reason why I would pick clangorous soul over clanging scales was the fact that it can boost more than once. Also, it can recover lost Hp with drain punch. I ran a full physical set was because of the power without losing out anywhere on bulk as most of its moves have coverage anyway. So my move set would be

Clangorous soul

Drain punch

Shadow Claw

Poison jab

The ev spreads from my previous post allow it to outspeed spore breloom if jolly and survive a +2 Mach punch from breloom. Clangourous soul can be used more and the recoil is largely negated by the leftovers and drain punch recovery. Also, mixed tends to lose out on power while sacrificing potential bulk elsewhere. Poison jab covers fairy, drain punch takes care of the recoil with leftovers, shadow claw for ghost types like flutter mane and clangourous soul for the boosts. Even without leftovers, on slower fairys below  262 speed, a poison z crystal acid downpour would nuke them, and breloom so you can set up with clangorous soul. Drain punch away the recoil, repeat if necessary.