Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Greninja-Jay @ Choice Specs
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Water Shuriken
- Dark Pulse
- Spikes
- Hydro Pump

Desc: Jay-Greninja serves as the team’s Poster-Child, Wallbreaker, Revenge Killer, and Cleaner. He is meant to use his speed and offensive pressure to punch holes against offensive teams and take advantage of the switches he forces to put up spikes and to punish and pressure defensive answers. He Pairs well with Gallade and Zeraora as an offensive wall-breaking core that ruins Offensive and Defensive teams alike.

Gallade-Mega @ Galladite
Ability: Justified
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Zen Headbutt
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch
- Swords Dance

Desc: Gallade was inspired by a Mega-Medicham Ash-Greninja core that sported perfect offensive synergy with one another. I wanted a 2nd Wallbreaker that could also serve as the primary wincon for the team. Gallade takes advantage of his monstrous attack stat to ruin stall once his defensive answers have been weakened or removed ie: (Unaware users and Mega Sableye). Ice Punch proved to be more useful than Knock Off as it is a nice KO option against Lando-T after Intimidate, does more damage against the Lati Twins, and grabs the KO on Weakened Mega-Sableye after set-up. Against Offensive Teams, Gallade is to take advantage of Sticky Web and Hazards to sweep once faster flying types have been removed ie: Hawlucha and Tornadus-T.

Zeraora @ Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 200 Atk / 116 SpA / 192 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Plasma Fists
- Close Combat
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Grass Knot

Desc: While Zeraora may seem out of place here, he serves as the team’s Premier Wallbreaker. Zeraora makes use of its high speed and life orb to threaten both offensive and defensive answers alike. Zeraora is here to threaten or Punch Holes in Greninja’s and Gallade’s Defensive Answers and Revenge Kill their Offensive Threats. 116 SpA HP ice guarantees OHKO on non-defensive Lando-T, helping Gallade’s future sweep. 192 spe minimizes EVs whilst maintaining speed tier. Grass Knot OHKOs Mega-Swampert after sticky web or on the switch, grabs the KO on Quagsire which also helps out Gallade, and severly weakens Gastrodon which helps Greninja. Close Combat serves as an answer to offensive threats like M-Lopunny and Kartana whilst 2HKOing Ferrothorn. Plasma Fists is Zeraora’s signature move that threatens Bulky Water Types helping out Greninja and Fast Flying Types Helping out Gallade. He is meant to be used early game to punch holes and can attempt to clean if he survives until the late-game though he has to be wary of Life Orb drain that effectively puts him on a turn timer which makes adequate prediction and precision necessary for him to be used effectively.

Gliscor (M) @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Poison Heal
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 244 HP / 156 Atk / 88 Def / 20 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Sky Attack
- Swords Dance
- Stealth Rock

Desc: Gliscor’s role on this team is as an Offensive Stealth Rocker capable of nuking to eliminate Bulky Grass Types that hinder Greninja, Gallade, and Zeraora. Most people will expect Toxic Orb and proceed to knock off which Gliscor can take advantage of for a free stealth rock or swords dance and attempt to wall break from there. Against Defensive Teams Gliscor can attempt to switch in against Chansey or Toxapex’s Toxic increasing his longevity and granting him an opportunity to sweep if Skarmory/Celesteela have been removed or weakened. Super Sonic Skystrike also serves as a nuke option against unsuspecting set-up sweepers such as Bulu, Keldeo, Kommo-o, Buzzwole, Hawlucha, and Lando-T. Stealth Rock will be pretty much mandatory against Scarfers who are immune to sticky web like Staraptor and Hydreigon as it helps greatly when wearing them down into KO range without sacking mons. 244 HP and 88 Def EVs gives maximum recovery from poison heal and allows him to tank Two of Hawlucha’s +2 boosted Acrobatics and reply with Supersonic Skysrike. 20 spe Evs allows him to outpace Banded Bulu.

Chandelure (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 248 HP / 160 SpA / 96 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Clear Smog
- Hidden Power [Ground]

Desc: Chandelure is the teams Bulky Counter to Special Sweepers such as Serperior and Kommo-o being able to tank their moves and remove their boosts thanks to Assault Vest and Clear Smog. Chandelure can come in on Moonblast from choice-locked Lele and Fleur Cannon from Magearna, then punch holes from there as not many mons resist his Fire Ghost Stab combination. Chandelure can threaten grass types with his Stab and make use of his bulk to tank hits and KO the mons back. Hidden Power Ground is meant to deal with Heatran. He Attracts T-Tar which Gallade can threaten out to get a free Swords Dance. 0 Atk IVs minimizes damage from Foul Play.

Araquanid (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Water Bubble
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Liquidation
- Sticky Web
- Magic Coat
- Mirror Coat

Desc: This Araquanid does not have to be used as the dedicated lead of the team and can be flexible in choosing when it decides to come in. Typically lead with Araquinid when the opposing team has at least 2 mons faster than Greninja and Gallade that need to be taken care of or as a necessity when the opposing team has Tapu Lele or a Sticky Web lead. This is because Scarf Tapu Lele can be a significant roadblock to the team's overall functionality as Greninja and Gallade are susceptible to Lele’s attacks and excessive prediction is required to handle her properly. Liquidation serves as Araquanid's signature means of offense against common hazard removers like Landorus, Tornadus, and Excadrill. Immunity to Will-o-Wisp makes it a great Mega-Sableye answer as it isn’t bothered by any of its other moves and can potentially 2HKO it with Liquidation, putting it in range of Gallade’s boosted Ice Punch. Magic Coat can bounce back Taunt, Toxic, and other Hazards from opposing Pokemon crippling them and their team making them easier to deal later on in the match. Mirror Coat is a usable option when Sticky Web is either already up or isn’t needed and can be used to OHKO special attackers that come in to kill Araquinid ie: Tapu Koko and Tornadus whose deaths are appreciated by Greninja and Gallade. Sticky Web is what allows Gallade and Greninja to unleash their devastating power against offensive team unchecked with emphasis on Gallade who already excels against defensive teams. When reserved for later Araquinid can also serve as a defensive switch-in to Mega-Swampert and Greninja locked into Hydro Pump or Water Shuriken granting it an opportunity to set up sticky web or get off massive damage. 0 Spe IVs improves matchup against Trick Room Team and lets Araquinid to outspeed Alolan Marowak when it's up.

I’m not sure if this team falls more under the Hyper Offense Category or Bulky Offense as it has defensive options but mainly relies on constant offensive pressure to maintain momentum and prevent set-up opportunities from other mons.

  • The highest rating I’ve gotten with the team so far has been 1532
  • here are some Example Battles.

Zeraora Clean: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-2110273278?p2

Mega-Gallade Sweep:

Jay-Greninja Sweep:

Against Rain:

Against Stall:

edited by
Yes, that may be a good idea. This team would require major overhauling to function as a Sticky Web team. I originally assumed you didn't want to remove Sticky Web because it was in the thread title.
Okay so I’m looking for now is a Mon with a good matchup when it comes to switching into mega Gyarados, Dragonite, Azumarill, Bulu, and Mega-Mawile, AFTER set-up as a pivot who can wall and KO/severly cripple them. Having Defog/Rapid Spin on them would be nice but isn’t required.
you can drop the +spe natures on a lot of these in favour of a +atk/spa one, as they're already very fast and sticky web almost guarantees you outpseed stuff. for greninja, do you need the 4 EV's in attack? U-turn isn't really meant to damage, just pivot. you can instead put it in spd or something and run modest (the -10% to defence can be a problem since a lot of priority is physical). maybe something like specs tapu lele can help with your priority weakness? you can run focus blast to obliterate dark types. (I've not played this meta in a long time, so take this with a few grains of salt)
Just make sure to keep Jolly Nature on Gallade so that it can outspeed Scarf Kartana after Webs. Same for Greninja, I reccomend Timid nature on it.
Only mon I can see making the nature change on is Gliscor because Zera needs his speed to out pace Hawlucha and Gyarados who are immune to sticky web

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