Eelektross is one of my favourite Pokemon, and Gen 5 NU is one of its strongest tiers. Who needs more justification than that?
Importable team here

Eelektross @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 140 Atk / 244 SpA / 124 Spe
Rash Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Giga Drain
- Superpower
Eelektross is very good in NU because it's one of the strongest wallbreakers available, making it great for offensive teams that struggle to break through defensive pivots. Thunderbolt is the move of choice against bulky threats like Alomomola, Mandibuzz, and Charizard. Flamethrower exploits Rotom-Frost and Grass types like Serperior and Tangela; Giga Drain chips Seismitoad, Carracosta, and Golurk switching in. Superpower lets Eelektross serve as a competent mixed attacker with an ability to nail bulky Normal types (Lickilicky, Audino) and other special walls such as Zweilous.
Smogon recommends the EV spread and an Expert Belt to preserve Eelektross' longevity while still being able to 2HKO Alomomola.

Primeape @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
Primeape synergises well with Eelektross because it can take on Pokemon the latter struggles with. In return, Eelektross comfortably eats Flying moves meant for Primeape.
This set generally serves as the wincon of the team -- without Band, Primeape must allow its teammates to chip down threats so it can clean with Scarf in the lategame. And clean it does: Close Combat wipes out chipped walls like Regirock and Piloswine while also curtailing offensive threats like Kangaskhan. Ice Punch works beautifully in tandem with Eelektross, as it's able to break down infrequent Dragon types like Altaria and Shelgon that Eelektross cannot touch. Stone Edge revenges Scarfed Charizard and friends, while U-turn allows safe switch-ins to slower members of the team.
Scarfed Jolly lets it speed tie Scarfed Haunter and beat Scarfed Sawk and Pinsir. Vital Spirit is its best Ability because Defiant rarely comes into play without viable Intimidate Pokemon in the tier. It's also really funny to smack the occasional Hypnosis Haunter and Musharna.

Garbodor @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic
- Pain Split
- Rock Blast
You may have noticed a common denominator between Eelektross and Primeape, though, and that's their reliance on previous chip damage to really accomplish anything meaningful. And that's where Garbodor comes in: with Spikes and Toxic, it's able to sit on more passive Pokemon and set up the path to a Primeape sweep. Pain Split is (unfortunately) Garbodor's best recovery option and allows it to eat HP from fat Pokemon like Alomomola. I'm not sure whether Rock Blast or Gunk Shot is better as an attacking move, but I went with Smogon's recommendation because I think hitting Armaldo and Braviary is better than hitting Tangela and Fighting types.
The Defense and Speed investments allow Garbodor to set up one more layer of Spikes against Golem before dying, while also allowing it to eat resisted STAB from Primeape and Sawk. The Rocky Helmet makes U-turn users think twice about switching out, but I'm not sure if Black Sludge is better for general recovery.

Skuntank @ Black Sludge
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 252 Atk / 176 SpD / 80 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Pursuit
- Poison Jab
- Taunt
With the team suddenly looking a little weak to Psychic types, enter Skuntank. It performs the valuable role of removing Psychic and Ghost types for -- you guessed it -- optimal Primeape conditions!
Sucker Punch and Pursuit force every Psychic and Ghost type into a lose-lose situation. This is most notable against Misdreavus, which checks the other three Pokemon so far, but it also helps against Musharna, Gardevoir, and Haunter (plus the uncommon Drifblim and Duosion). Poison Jab dents Fighting types and Tangela and works in tandem with Garbodor to poison bulkier threats. Taunt stops setup sweepers like Fraxure and Gorebyss cold.
The EVs ensure Skuntank outspeeds Gorebyss and can Taunt its Shell Smash. Special Defense is also pumped up to better handle coverage options of the Pokemon it tries to trap. Black Sludge provides passive recovery, but Skuntank really hates being Wisped by Misdreavus and Drifblim. Would Lum Berry be a better idea?

Golem @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Blast
- Earthquake
- Explosion
Golem is a classic suicide lead when necessary and a formidable physical wall when not. Its main purpose is to ensure Stealth Rock goes up against Charizard, which helps significantly with Eelektross' ability to break through it. It's also a check to Braviary, with Rock Blast hitting through Substitute and Sturdy ensuring it survives one Superpower. Earthquake bonks opposing Poison types and dents lead Carracosta. Custap Berry Explosion is objectively really funny and gives Golem the jump on a Shell Smash or Dragon Dance user.
Sturdy and the EVs almost always guarantee that Golem can lay down rocks before dying -- it doesn't need bulk when it can always live a hit. Custap Berry is a hilarious item that, as mentioned, works quite well with Explosion (or Rock Blast and Earthquake if you want to be practical for some reason).

Misdreavus @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 40 HP / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
Finally, Misdreavus provides a second Ground immunity to a team beleaguered by Earthquake, as well as acting as a spinblocker to protect Golem's and Garbodor's hazards. I chose a Nasty Plot variant so as to not lose momentum on this offensive team, and I think it works pretty well -- fast Will-O-Wisp is an answer into opposing Fighting types, while Nasty Plot turns Misdreavus into a very potent offensive threat. Shadow Ball breaks down exactly what you'd expect it to, while Thunderbolt just OHKOs Swellow (even without boosts!) and heavily chips Mandibuzz.
Eviolite provides Misdreavus with the bulk it needs to set up a Nasty Plot. This set doesn't run max Speed because it doesn't outrun anything noteworthy, so 216 EVs are used to outspeed non-Scarfed Braviary and the rest are allocated to HP.
And that's the team! Overall, I have a few specific questions:
- Is Superpower necessary on Eelektross when Primeape exists? Should I go fully special and replace it with Volt Switch?
- Is Black Sludge or Rocky Helmet better for Garbodor?
- Is Lum Berry or Black Sludge better for Skuntank?
- This team isn't threatened by hazards -- Toxic Spikes are absorbed, Primeape resists Stealth Rock, and Eelektross and Misdreavus shrug off Spikes. If you disagree and think hazard removal is a good idea, where would you slot it in?
- And of course, any general improvements.
Thanks in advance.