Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hi! I've been getting mixed results with this team in Casuals. Recently I switched out Flutter Mane for Walking Wake to see how it went, and even though it didn't do bad, I do fear that against Shadow Rider Calyrex, I don't have much coverage. I know for a fact that some of the usual VGC mons like Tornadus and Incineroar could be quite helpful in a Harsh Sunlight team, but unfortunately, Scarlet and Violet are my only switch games, and I haven't been able to get an Incineroar with Gen 8's moveset or any of the Legends Arceus legendaries.

I based the team around Chlorophyll Venusaur since it's one of my favorite starters and I wanted to experiment a bit with him. Let me know what you think I could do to make it better:

Venusaur @ Leftovers
Solar Beam | Protect | Sleep Powder | Sludge Bomb

  • Type: Grass/Poison
  • Tera Type: Rock
  • Ability: Chlorophyll
  • EVs: 0 HP | 0 Att. | 4 Def. | 252 Sp. Att. | 0 Sp. Def. | 252 Speed
  • Timid Nature (+Speed, -Attack)

Koraidon @ Clear Amulet
Collision Curse | Protect | Breaking Swipe | Tera Blast

  • Type: Dragon/Fighting
  • Tera Type: Fairy
  • Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
  • EVs: 0 HP | 252 Att. | 0 Def | 0 Sp. Att. | 4 Sp. Def | 252 Speed
  • Joly Nature (+Speed, -Special Attack)

Chi-Yu @ Choice Scarf
Dark Pulse | Heat Wave | Snarl | Tera Blast

  • Type: Fire/Dark
  • Tera Type: Flying
  • Ability: Beads of Ruin
  • EVs: 4 HP | 0 Att. | 0 Def | 252 Sp. Att. | 0 Sp. Def. | 252 Speed
  • Timid Natura (+Speed, -Attack)

Whismsicott @ Focus Sash
Tailwind | Moonblast | Endeavor | Sunny Day

  • Type: Grass/Fairy
  • Tera Type: Poison
  • Ability: Prankster
  • EVs: 4 HP | 0 Att. | 0 Def. | 252 Sp. Att. | 0 Sp. Def. | 252 Speed
  • Timid Nature (+Speed, -Attack)

Hisuian Arcanine @ Sitrus Berry
Rock Slide | Extreme Speed | Protect | Flare Blitz

  • Type: Rock/Fire
  • Tera Type: Normal
  • Ability: Intimidate
  • EVs: 0 HP | 252 Att. | 0 Def. | 0 Sp. Att. | 4 Sp. Def. | 252 Speed
  • Adamant Nature (+Attack, -Special Attack)

Walking Wake @ Choice Specs
Hydro Steam | Flamethrower | Sunny Day | Draco Meteor
- Tera Type: Water
- Ability: Protosynthesis
- EVs: 0 HP | 0 Att. | 0 Def. | 252 Sp. Att. | 4 Sp. Def | 252 Speed
- Timid Nature (+Speed, -Attack)

I've tried using Clefairy with Eviolite as a support a couple of times and it worked out pretty well, but in some matches, I felt like I was lacking a bit of offensive power. I wish Whismsicott would be a bit more bulky but I've noticed that Tailwind plays a huge role when dealing with other Sun teams. Let me know what you think I could do to make it better! Also, I'm very new to EV training so I tend to just max out the stats I need the most from each Pokemon, but if you've got any pointers on EV distribution, I'd really appreciate it.

Your team is truly amazing! I may not be skilled in team building myself, but seeing your team's hard work and success inspires me. Keep up the great work!
Do you have the DLC?
He probably has, since he has a Whimsicott.
Well litten is in the DLC
Gotta include that incin

1 Answer

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What’s good man? I really like this sun team! Super threatening, but there are a few things I think need a touch-up:

  1. Venusaur’s Tera Type. Yes, I understand the fire-weakness, but Tera Fire is SO MUCH BETTER than Tera Rock. It’s less weaknesses to cover, and the rest of your team helps more against Fire weaknesses rather than Rock (ex. Walking Wake, Arcanine)
  2. Personally, I’ve never ran it, but Tera Blast on Koraidon is…alright. I definitely suggest something like Flame Charge for speed or Flare Blitz for pure damage. Plus, you are running Clear Amulet. Swords Dance would be amazing for your set. By the way, Tera Fire not only resists Fairy but prevents burn, making it more viable.
  3. For Whimsicott, Fake Out is a huge threat as it prevents set-up. Try Covert Cloak, and instead of Endeavor, use Taunt. As you said, Tailwind is important for other sun teams, so making it so they don’t get it up and you do is vital
  4. Whimsicott’s AVs. It’s a support Pokémon, not a special attacker. Put that 252 Sp. Atk into Speed.
  5. I’m so sorry. Choice Specs Sunny Day???? Why??? That just makes Walking Wake useless unless you switch out and switch back in. If you want to set up Sun, don’t use Walking Wake and use Arcanine if anything. Replace Sunny Day with Scald and you’re golden.
    Everything is practically amazing! Lmk if you have any specific questions or concerns and I’ll try to help you out!