This is a pretty solid team so I don't have many suggestions to give.
Be carfeul with Emboar, it is slow and can be outsped by anything with a Scarf and a few things without a Scarf (such as my Swellow). Rotom-S is thankfully there and one of the best at outspeeding foes. I would however suggest switching out Cradily to provide support to Emboar. Right now it is a Pokemon that takes Neutral damage from Brave Bird. To better deal with foes such as Scarf Dodrio, I would go with a Probopass, which completely resists everything a Normal/Flying outside of Braviary can deal out. Make it your lead so it can Stealth Rock on turn one. You need Stealth Rock if Rotom-S is to take down Braviary with Volt Switch if I remember my damage calcs correctly.
And speaking of Rotom-S, I think you can see why I always go HP Grass instead of Thunderbolt on mine.
Misdreavus is good and if you have Probopass you have no need to worry about archenemy Swellow.
Cincinno supports Misdreavus quite well, breaking through any Subs that are set up to stop Misdreavus.
Finally, we go to Mr. Mime. It looks good but as JCM said, Charge Beam can help out a lot more than Magical Leaf, seeing as it provides the BoltBeam combo as well as a great chance for a Special Attack boost, in case you either don't have time for Nasty Plot, or you just want to add on to the boost. Another possibility is to add Baton Pass to evade Pursuit and give Rotom-S or Probopass absolute power. However these two aren't the best Baton Pass recipiants, and this doesn't make as much use of Technician, so you're probably better off not using Baton Pass. Just make sure you make sure the Skuntanks and Absols are out of the way!
You can also run Psyshock over Psychic on Mr. Mime. However, Stealth Rock up means you can easily handle the main Special Walls in NU.
Yeah, not many suggestions because you have a solid team.