Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for ~Obstagoon-Marnie~ (page 7)

On meta and qaa
May 19, 2021 by PeeKayFreeze
Okay! No rush i won’t be far
May 19, 2021 by Dyla N
Yes i do my name for duscord is on my file.
May 19, 2021 by Dyla N
Namelocke update

I went to Route 6 and encountered a Mudbray who was luckily male. I caught him this time, but he didn't have Stamina like the one I failed. Depressing. He has Brave nature though, so there's that. I then happily stalked Gla-Gla to the Battle Royal Dome where he looked at The Masked Royal (who bears a striking resemblence to the Machamp balloon outside) like he was a freaking idiot. Twice. And with good reason. Meanwhile Hauhead was a Headhau and The Masked Lamehead killed Renee with his Rockruff's Rock Throw and his own ugliness. I've decided not to count it as a death because... it was kinda unfair I guess? Anyway, then Kiawe who needs a shirt as much as Professor Royally Dumb was looked at like he was a freaking idiot by Gladion and I never thought I could agree with a look more in my life. Also Hauhead suggested that Gladion wants to make friends and I bet the first thing he wanted to do was become invisible because he's surrounded by a group of loons. We got Hauhead, who seems to take caffiene every day, The Idiot Loser, who looks like he's an alien with health problems, Kiawe, who is one of the lamest captains ever, and me. I was probably the one he wanted to get away from the most. Anyway, I headed on to Route 7 and caught a Staryu before I knew what I was doing. Since he's genderless, I stuffed him in my PC without naming him. So there went that Route's encounter. Then I headed to Wela Volcano Park, where a strange bit of luck happened. I encountered a Salandit, and it was female! That's lucky because I wasn't even trying, like with Anissa. But that's also unlucky because I can't catch any more female Pokemon. And guess what? I was an idiot and Witch was defeated by some Meowth's Bite. Stupid Sightseer lady. So not only did I miss out on the chance to get a Fire/Poison-type for Mallow's bloody trial, I lost another team member. Frick. But in better news, Pheobe evolved into Golbat. I'm grinding up Julius, too. I don't plan to use him because he'd get destroyed by Totem Marowak, but he might be decent against Totem Lurantis. I can hope so.


Renee (Oricorio-Pom-Pom) (F)
Ability: Dancer
Level: 23
Modest Nature
- Air Cutter
- Peck
- Pound
- Feather Dance

Owen (Mudbray) (M)
Ability: Own Tempo
Level: 19
Brave Nature
- Bulldoze
- Double Kick
- Stomp
- Rototiller

Pheobe (Golbat) (F)
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 22
Bashful Nature
- Wing Attack
- Bite
- Astonish
- Absorb

Anissa (Brionne) (F)
Ability: Torrent
Level: 26
Relaxed Nature
- Bubble Beam
- Aqua Jet
- Icy Wind
- Disarming Voice

Selena (Grimer-Alola) (F)
Ability: Poison Touch
Level: 22
Quiet Nature
- Poison Fang
- Acid Spray
- Bite
- Minimize

Julius (Cutiefly) (M)
Ability: Shield Dust
Level: 20
Naughty Nature
- Silver Wind
- Struggle Bug
- Draining Kiss
- Absorb


Luna (Meowth-Alola) (F)
Ability: Technician
Level: 17
Quirky Nature
- Bite
- Fake Out
- Fury Swipes
- Screech

Candace (Rattata-Alola) (F)
Ability: Hustle
Level: 10
Brave Nature
- Bite
- Quick Attack
- Focus Energy
- Tail Whip

H. Goddess (Fomantis) (F)
Ability: Leaf Guard
Level: 15
Brave Nature
- Razor Leaf
- Leafage
- Fury Cutter
- Growth

Chase (Lillipup) (M)
Ability: Vital Spirit
Level: 11
Naive Nature
- Tackle
- Bite
- Odor Sleuth
- Baby-Doll Eyes
May 18, 2021 by Gau
No clue. I just saw your friends list...
May 18, 2021 by Calquischezlerynop
I have surpassed you
May 18, 2021 by PeeKayFreeze
I am your friend. agreed
May 18, 2021 by Calquischezlerynop
Well okay then, thanks. You better teach  me how to join a server XD.  And thanks (reference to the grav comment) actually i said “i” made up those characters well those two i actually didn’t make my friend did (same one who frew them)  they are the twin  children  Of Mulan and Shang and they are  characters  For a fanfic i’m writting.
May 18, 2021 by Dyla N
Sure. :3
May 17, 2021 by Gau
You really want ME to join something? I mean i’ll happilly join but i don’t know why you’d want me theee.

My grav is custom XD they are character i made ul and my friend drew them i just screenshoted them and used them as my grav.
May 17, 2021 by Dyla N