Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 11)

where'd this cape come from-
Apr 5 by MangoBrick

I really don't know who flagged it so quickly...
Apr 5 by MangoBrick
Sorry, won't happen again.
Apr 5 by Zyla™️
Not much context to give without intruding on others problems, but I'll give you the heads up if it pops up again.
Apr 4 by NobleOnion
I did a bachelor's in computer science, got lucky with a summer internship, and managed not to stuff that up so now they pay me full time.
Cybersecurity is a broad umbrella with a lot of positions that I do not envy. If you do want in, make sure you have practical experience configuring networks and using cloud infrastructure. They also lie when they say programming/scripting knowledge is not a huge advantage.
Apr 3 by Fizz
Apr 2 by Hellfire Taco
Thanks bestie :D
Mar 31 by Amethyst
But thank you so much again for the offer!!
Mar 30 by Amethyst
At LAST I tell you
Mar 30 by Amethyst
CFWed the 2DS, installed PKSM (and some kickass new background themes), and got the Vivillons
Mar 30 by Amethyst