Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Amethyst (page 730)

no u
May 29, 2020 by y-chai
Yeah I can I also trademarked it
May 29, 2020 by y-chai
Mesky mesky mesky mesky mesky mesky

^^^cuz I want to LOL
May 29, 2020 by y-chai
Yup. Lots of nonsense as well XD
May 29, 2020 by y-chai
The Glazio News

The most exciting recent news related to Pokemon is the fact that I got a perfect IVs Eevee... with the Gentle nature. Not what I was going for. And the Chao news is that Chalulu isn't a jerk anymore and I got two new baby Chao. Now for the recent fanfic news. My newest fanfic about kids going to the Pokemon world and all that is currently being written. Marie broke a lamp in the first few sentences. I'm not kidding. The DNA fanfic's going slowly but surely, and the gang's all there. And the main fanfic is also going slowly, but episode 2 is almost over, so I can soon get to episode 3. Excitement is certainly building. This has been Glazio news, and I shall now sign off because I'm boring as heck and this is all I have to report.
May 28, 2020 by Gau
There are too many keystone gravs on my wall.

*looks at your wall*

Uhhhh that’s another Y with the same grav it’s not me stop accusing me!!!

May 28, 2020 by y-chai
It’s okay chat eas busy
 Which Ology you study there is a list on my wall somewhere
 Grade, fifth grade equals first year 12 grade grade equals eighth year
 Apparently I only need  that once if i said  it twice I  apologize  
 Any more details about your character you want me to know or any specifics that you want do you happen this last thing not required
May 28, 2020 by Dyla N
I guess.
May 28, 2020 by y-chai
nooooo uuuuuuu
May 28, 2020 by y-chai
no u
May 28, 2020 by y-chai