Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 15)

Feb 28, 2022 by Gau
No. I have fact-checked your opinion myself. It's invalid.
Feb 28, 2022 by Gau
Sorry, but your opinion is factually incorrect.
Feb 28, 2022 by Gau
Right. It happened in Legends: Arceus. Gau the Alpha Jolteon (who is a Pokeymanz reincarnation of our favorite feral boy) took out a Bidoof that had to have been like ten levels higher than him.
Feb 27, 2022 by Gau
Ooh, interesting. I would say I never noticed that but of course I never noticed that. Cool though!
Feb 27, 2022 by Gau
"It's time to s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-shoot blocks horizontally!"
Feb 26, 2022 by Gau
En-Ne-Th: Derp Meenies

Once upon a time, Pika was forcing Primal to watch Yu-Gi-Oh in the Seafloor Cavern. Unfortunately, she was magically breathing, so she gave commentary on everything everyone said and squealed like a schoolgirl every time Bakura and Yugi did anything that she considered even mildly cute, which was mostly any sort of movement. And blinking. So Primal was in pain. After he Water Spouted her out of the sea because she was wailing about Yugi dying, he decided to go on land. But then he realized that he must've been in there for a year because the world had been semi-taken over by lameheads. "Oh god not again." he groaned. He then saw two Gligurr dupes standing next to a table and holding some cards. But since they were idle like always they hadn't made any moves and had just been standing there and staring at each other for approximately 75275293.5 hours. At the angle he was at, he couldn't see what was on the front of the cards, but he could see what was on the back of them: very poorly drawn artwork of Enneth and Parlor Swipple kissing. He used Ice Beam to freeze the Gligurr alts and their cards and went on his way. But then things started to get creepy. Well, creepier. Everywhere he went, there were Gligurr alts, Josh Kool alts, and tiny bikini-wearing Enneths playing what was apparently supposed to be a card game. Ignoring the fact that lameheads didn't even know what a card was, he found it strange for all of them to be playing it. But then he saw a news broadcast on a TV that was there for no apparent reason. It was Enneth. "DORP IM THROWGING A TOORNAMINT WHERE WE PEE ON CARDS" he shrieked. Then Parlor Swipple appeared. "ALSO WE BEET UP THE DUMBY JERK FROCKY WHEE HATS DERP AND SMOOCH ENNETH" she screamed. Then the TV self-destructed. Primal, realizing that he needed to kill the lameheads before they completely took over the world, went to the unnamed site of their 'toornamint'. When he got there, it was just a random plot of land with signs that said "DERP EN-NE-TH IS KOOL" Primal quickly figured out that En-Ne-Th must be the lameheads' version of Yu-Gi-Oh. But before he could do anything, Enneth and Parlor Swipple fell from the sky, with Enneth having a puke green Maximillion Pegasus wig and Parlor Swipple dressed like Mai Valentine. "OMDERP" they both screamed upon getting up off the ground. Primal prayed to Bidoof that this was some sort of fever dream brought about by Pika being a Yu-Gi-Oh addict, but it didn't seem that way. "ITS A PEEHEDED HED HAT DORP" Enneth screamed. "DORP LETS CHALGENSH HIMMETH TO EN-NE-TH" Parlor Swipple shrieked as a table, made out of peed-in N pants, magically appeared. Words couldn't describe how much Primal wanted to kill everything at that moment, so he used Thunder and electrocuted them. "Well that ends that." he said. He was about to leave when a million Josh Kool dupes randomly appeared out of nowhere. "FUC U PRIMAL U FUCHED IM GOING TO KILL FIZZ WITH A TRUCK!!11!!!1!!11!one!111!!1!" they screamed. Primal let out a great SCREE and used Origin Pulse on them, but for every one he destroyed, two more took his place. And at this point, he was just getting plain ticked off. "YOU MUSTETH PLAY DERPING EN-NE-TH" Parlor Swipple told him. He turned around to see the two lameheads un-miraculously unscathed from his Thunder. He quickly realized that, no matter what he did, the Josh Kools would duplicate themselves infinitely, so he had no choice but to pray to Bidoof again and play the pathetic excuse of a 'card game'. So he went on one end of the peepants table and saw that there was a deck of 'cards' there. Enneth stood at the opposite end and had his own deck of cards. "OH DERPING KAY FIRST WE SHUFFLE OUR PEGS" he said and inhaled his cards before barfing them back out. Understandably, Primal decided to leave his as-is. "THEN WE PICKETH UP FIVE DORPING CARDS AND PEE OUR PANTZ" Primal decided to skip part of this as well and took five of the cards from his deck. He had no idea what the hell his opening hand was because it looked like some kid had eaten crayons and threw up on a peice of construction paper. "ALSO IF WE LOSE PEE POINTS WE EAT BAKED BEENZ AND THE FIRST ONE TO EET ALL THER BAKED BEENSES LOSES DERP" "OK so it's basically Yu-Gi-Oh but lameheaded and disturbing. Got it." Primal said, hoping that Enneth would stop his 'tutorial'. "I GO FIRST BECAUSE IM DERPING EPIC" Enneth said. Then Parlor Swipple broke into song. "OOOOOHHHHHHH EMMMMMMM DOOOOOOORP EN-NE-TH IS COOOOOOOLETHHHHHHH AND WE ALL PEE IN ENNETHS HAAAAAIIIIIIRRRRRRR WHICH MAKES ME HOOOOOOOOOT BECAUSE I BROKE THE DERP UP WITH HIM TEN TIMES THIS WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK OH WAIT I MEAN THIS HOUUUUUUUUR ALSO PRIMAL IS A FROCKY LAMEHEAD TURN HEAAAAAAAAAAAAD AND WE HATETH HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM BECAUSE EN-NE-TH IS COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL DERPDERPDERP" Luckily, the 'song' ended more quickly than most of Parlor Swipple's 'songs' did, and Enneth put a card on the 'field' face-up. And backwards. It featured a giant eyeball with Enneth hair on it, and it was named "DERPING BALLEYEETH". Its stats were 4639576 DERP and 000000000000000000000000000000 MEENIE. Then it became Primal's turn. He played a card himself, and it was called "FROCKY WHEE HED (WHO SUCK AND ARE DERPING DUMBETH)", and it had a really lame drawing of the frocky whee heads on it. It had 000000000 DERP and 5773568235763288 MEENIE. Figuring out that DERP must be ATK and MEENIE must be DEF, he played it in Meenie Mode. Enneth spent sixteen turns trying to destroy it but failed to realize that his DERP was lower than its MEENIE. And for whatever reason he wasn't losing Pee Points. "All right, I'll also play this face-down and switch my Frocky Whee Hed to Derp Mode." Primal said, even more bored than ever. "WHAT THE DERP I CNAT SEETH UR CARD PEE KAY" Enneth shrieked because of his face-down card. "I know. That's the point." "DERP THATS UNFARI YOU ELEPHANT HEAD TURD BRAIN" "Fine. Attack me and I'll activate it so you can see it." "OH DORPING KAY" Enneth replied and attacked. "Ha! You've activated my... you know, whatever the hell this is." Primal declared, flipping his card face-up. It was called "DERP NOW MEENIES ARE LAMEHEADS AND ALL THAT", and it worked like the card Shield & Sword. It swapped DERP and MEENIE for all monsters on the field, and for some reason the effect was written on the back of the card. "OH ENNETH GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DORP" Enneth shrieked as Parlor Swipple had a seizure. Thanks to Derp Now Meenies Are Lameheads And All That, Enneth's Derping Balleyeeth had been destroyed and he lost all of his Pee Points. Well he didn't say how many Pee Points a player started with, but he ate all of his baked beans so Primal won. "OH WAIT DERP I LOST" "OH EM PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY FEELIGS WERE DERPING HORTED" Parlor Swipple screamed and slammed her head into the peepants table, which was apparently made of glass now because it shattered. "...OK." Primal said. "EBBETH POOPTURD IM BRAKING UP WITH YOUETH DORP" Enneth suddenly burst into tears and screamed something about a "headphone pee basket". But just when Primal was about to blast them with all of his most powerful moves, a brilliant light split the sky and something began to decend. He hoped it was Bidoof coming to smite the lameheads again, but of course it wasn't. "The... the Dark Magician? What?" he asked himself out loud, more utterly confused than anything. However, he soon realized that it wasn't the Dark Magician either. It was Gau. Dressed up as a Dark Magician. The lameheads peed their pants upon seeing who it was. Gau yowled and used Ultima. When the dust cleared, the lameheads were nowhere to be seen. Primal knew that wouldn't last long though. Gau re-ascended into the heavens as Primal went back to his Cavern so that he didn't run the risk of seeing Pika dressed as a Dark Magician Girl.

The end.
Feb 24, 2022 by Gau
Wonderful story you posted on Geeroo's wall XD
Feb 24, 2022 by Mr. Fish
I was wall stalking myself when I found this:

"Once upon a time, Primal was awoken to a noise.  He didn’t know what it was, but he already hated it. He swam to the surface to see Groudon, who was screaming and crying like a baby that needs it’s diaper changed. “Shut up and go marsh Lusamine.” Primal said. “PRIMAL I DROPPED A BAKED BEAN REEEEEEEE I SO SAD REEEE DORP MINE BAKEDETH BEAN” Groudon replied. “Groudon. It’s 2:00 AM. You’ve dropped enough baked beans to build a stage for your idiot friend Parlor Swipple to play at, as well as make a replica of 555 mental insanity drive. And you whine to me every time you drop one. I’ll tell you again, shut up and get married to Lusamine.” Groudon got angered by this and threw a stomping tantrum. Primal punched him (somehow) which knocked him out and sent him flying all the way to his home, a volcano. Primal went back to sleep. The next morning, he went to the surface to see a stage made out of baked beans, and Parlor Swipple was singing about the N lodged in her ear while N huggled her. Groudon was also slowly eating the stage. He looked to the left and saw a house that looked identical to that of the house on 555 mental insanity drive, except for made out of baked beans. Gligurr and Josh Kool were making alts there. “What the hell” primal whispered. He went back to sleep, woke up, and the baked bean stage and house were still there. This time, he noticed Rayquaza’s tail coming out of the ground. Rayquaza was probably late to Primal and Groudon’s “fight” last night and dragon ascended and got his head stuck in the sand. Primal prepared to origin pulse them, when he heard a voice from behind him. “PRIMAL LETS ORIGIN PULSE THEM TOGETHER IT WILL MAKE A GREAT MEMORIES FOR ME TO REMEMBER IN MY HEART FOREVER” it yelled. He turned around to see the head of parasect-eyes shauna sticking out of the water. Primal was both horrified and wondering if she really had a heart. Her head sank down in to the water slowly, and she almost immediatly re-emerged closer to him. Primal backed up, and she kept getting closer. This kept on happening until primal was close to the land. Groudon was behind him, and he picked him up and threw him in to a coffin of baked beans. “AAAAAAA GROSS GET ME OUT” Primal shrieked. Groudon, who was so horribly ignorant that he had forgotten that he had thrown Primal in to a baked bean coffin and mistook Primal’s voice for N’s, let him out. “DORP N WHO PUT YOU IN THIS COFFIN?!?! IT MUST HAVE BEEN THAT DUMB HEAD PK!” Groudon screamed “Stop calling me P-erm, DORP IT WAS PEE KAY HE A MEAN DORP HEAD REE” Primal replied. Groudon went up to N and said “OOO DORP PEEKAY WHY DID YOU PUT N IN COFFIN” he asked. N, who was so incredibly idiotic, replied with “HAHA DORP I AM EVIL PEEKAY I AM A FRONCKREE REE HED”. “How stupid can you idiots ge-erm DORP HE MEAN PEEKAY” Primal cried. “WAIT IM N” N realized. They then realized that Primal was not N, and was in fact, Primal. Primal then saw something coming out of the sand. “LET’S BEAT LAMEHEADS UP TOGETHER IT WILL BE EPIC AWESOME MEMORY” the head of parasect-eyed Shauna screamed. “Ok, we will! Let’s start with you!” Primal replied. Primal ice beamed her, which froze her head. Primal proceeded to water spout Parlor Swipple, N, and Groudon, as well as the baked bean stage. He turned around and destroyed the baked bean 555 mental insanity drive with Origin Pulse, which revealed hundreds of Gligurrs and Josh Kools. “I HOPE YOU RUN OVERED BY A FUCEEN TRUCK ALONG WITH FIZZ” Josh Kool yelled. Gligurr just stood there, idle as usual. Primal took all of the Gligurr alts and Josh Kool alts and baked them in to a pizza which he force fed to Groudon. Groudon hated pizza and went to the Lamehead Dorp hospital for two weeks. As for Josh Kool and Gligurr, they ran away.

The end
 Jan 9, 2021 by AlphaSapphire"

Another of my favorites.
Feb 24, 2022 by Gau