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Wall for Chaos481

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im sorry to hear things are going bad. but im certain there is plenty of good in store for you. youve got it

things are going pretty good on my end, im working and going to college, all while trying to maintain some social life. im enjoying life right now
Feb 21 by BM™
you're good. welcome back

how's life?
Feb 7 by BM™
once again completely forgot this exist
Feb 5 by Chaos481
Jan 20 by BM™
I have to take creative liberties with numbers
Jan 17 by Mr. Fish
it's alright, we all got crap in our lives
although now I don't think it's appropriate to deem myself as Chaos Incarnate lol
anyhow hope I see you in chat sometime soon
Jan 17 by BananaBroSHSID
No problem! Life has been busy for me too, but it hasn't really stopped me from coming on here frequently, lol. Regardless, it's nice to see you again! :)
Jan 16 by JustATypicalPerson
hello, as a new user since your departure and self-proclaimed Harbinger of Chaos I feel it is appropriate that I meet you
Jan 12 by BananaBroSHSID
Honestly, I usually wind up periodically leaving and popping up on the site every so often myself, so I just try going on with business as usual. The last name changes were actually about a year ago, so it might be a good idea to go back and look at one of the ones when around you were last on to see who was who. That's what I do, anyways.
Jan 11 by JustATypicalPerson
Yes, I remember you. And thanks lol
Jan 11 by -RisingManectric-