Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for ClodOfTheSire (page 7)

Wow no shet
Mar 6 by Mr. Fish
i still don't like you or want to talk to you, however we think she was... fake? so i'm a bit conflicted
Mar 6 by Spex
I was extra careful not to evolve any of them until I had all of them in my Home dex
Mar 6 by PokeWrangler
The first I got was on the water so I was tormented by fish while squinting to see them tiny creatures, my red one was an accident
Mar 6 by PokeWrangler
Also those flabebe, they hurt and I still hunt tiny shiny and question myself
Mar 6 by PokeWrangler
Mar 6 by PokeWrangler
Mar 6 by Zyla™️
Hehe, I know. I was just playing with you. YAY YOU CAN POST ON WALLS YAY
Mar 6 by Zyla™️
what happened?
Mar 5 by Ferarri
"Btw I am NOT ignoring you all, I just cant write on walls :("

Mar 5 by Zyla™️