Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 6)

The Glazio News
Welp, uh... I did some battles in the Battle Tree. I did like the combo of Meowstic, Swoobat, and Bruxish, but it didn't work all that well. The plan was for Meowstic to set up Reflect and Light Screen, put the opponent to sleep with Yawn, and then switch to Swoobat or Bruxish, who would set up with Calm Mind or Swords Dance respectively before slamming the opponent with powerful moves. It sounds great on paper but not so much in reality. It worked a couple times but didn't do so well and I lost. Huh. Pro tip: don't use Monotype teams in the Battle Tree. You'll end up like me, unless you're able to pull it off well. It was fun though. Oh, and I'm trying to get an HA Cyndaquil off of the GTS so I can breed it. Fun. Oh, and I raised some Type: Null and Silvally's affection on Ultra Moon. And I need to evolve my fricking Feebas so, uh, yeah. Frock my life. That's it for now, see ya!
Oct 23, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Oh my god, is there no salvation? I haven't been doing much of anything! So this is another day with no real news. Please flamethrower my nose off. See ya.
Oct 22, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Well frick there's no news today. I'm such a lamehead. See ya.
Oct 21, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I think I did a couple things but I can't remember what they are. I think breeding. Oh yeah, I think I got an HA Litten to add to the breeding service. See ya for now.
Oct 20, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I am an epic honk beep. Wow these opening lines are getting weird lately. I did a bit of GTSing and Link Trading, got some HA starters, my fourth Mew, and three new Type: Nulls. One's level 100 with perfect non-Super Trained IVs and I like it becuase why wouldn't I? I plan to do some more breeding. I have three new Pokemon to put in the breeding service, by the way. Oh, and I did some Wonder Trading as well. Ran into Mitsuki.TV and got a Magearna. Snazzy. Anyway, I think that's it! See ya!
Oct 19, 2020 by Gau
Yay! Drifloon! One of my favorite Mons. I even shiny hunted it in Diamond.
Oct 18, 2020 by Mr. Fish
The Glazio News
After a bit of Pokestar Studiosing I did very little. So in Moon, I'm having an epic whee of the scree AKA a seizure for no reason. Don't worry I didn't actually have a seizure. But I'm very impatient and trying to max out Jade the Snivy's friendship so I can teach her Grass Pledge. I... think that's it. Well, see ya!
Oct 18, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I got White 2! Yay! I started up the game and chose Snivy for my starter. I was trying to get a female one, but I gave in and chose a male one whom I named Gladion. Also the rival battle theme is epic change my mind. Then I went to Frocky Ranch and no it's not actually called Frocky Ranch I know and caught an Azurill! I named her Y, but was disappointed to see she had Thick Fat. I had wanted Huge Power. But then I gave zero cruds and caught a Riolu whom I named Aura. Aura's actually the MVP of my team so far. His Counter wrecked Cheren and me overlevelling him allowed me to beat Roxie! Also frock Roxie. She's such a pain and it took me what felt like forever to beat her. Then I went to Pokestar Studios, which I'd been wanting the game for! And I love it! I was doing movies for like four hours. I plan to do 'em all sometime! Heh heh. But anyway, I think that's it for now! See ya!
Oct 17, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
The frocky whee sad Hauhead alliance is going to crush the Gladion cult if we don't harness the power of Gla-Gla's cutie whees before I get White 2. Nonsense aside, I've been breeding some more Shinx so I can EV train a different one. Oh boy. Luckily I got the traits I wanted. Fire Fang, anyone? Boy I should get an HA Shinx. How am I supposed to do that, anyway? Well, I still want one. Maybe a person will bless me with their merciful GTS trades. Onto fanfic news. Pika explains to Rotom why she's embarrassed about the picture, and he still doesn't seem to understand. Stupid Rotom. Oh, you remember The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, right? Well, I did a tiny bit of work on that, too. Lusamine shows Pika her new room. It has some basic furnature so whee heads. Mmm... whee heads... uh, anyway, Pika thanks Lusamine, Lusamine leaves, and Pika needs to sleep more. Sleepy weepy Pika. The bed is really comfy softy. Pika turns off the lighty switchy and goes ni-night. Well, she's not asleep at the moment, but whatever. Welp, that's all for now! Frocky wocky Hauhead sends shivers down your spine! I mean see ya! My life is a meme...
Oct 16, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I'm such a lazy frocky whee headed scree. I didn't really do any work. Well, I did hatch a Shinx and am currently EV training it. No I'm not gonna use it for anything I don't think. Sorry 'bout that. See ya.
Oct 15, 2020 by Gau