Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 6)

The Glazio News
Nonsense is charming. What am I talking about? I dunno I have Gla-Gla whees lodged in my brain stem skull. Anyway, I did a bit more grinding on Ultra Moon and I've been trying to catch a Chinchao with Volt Absorb, because I thought it could have it. It probably can, I just have bad memory. But so far no luck. In Moon, uh... I don't think I did anything in Moon. Did I? Epic confusion. Anyways, onto fanfic news! In Sol and Luna, I edited Rotom into existence a bit. He took a picture of Mr. Luna when Sweetie Water Gunned him and scolded Pika for slipping down the ledge like a number one moron dummy idiot. Yes I love the phrase 'number one moron dummy idiot'. What happens when you read the past news. Anyways, Pika asks herself a million questions 'cause dreams are very weird. Then she realizes that Mr. Luna has vacated the premisies AKA he left at one point or another. Sweetie's still there, but Pika doesn't see Rotom anywhere. She calls his name and here he comes with a picture of Pika napping with her head on Mr. Luna's shoulder. God it looks so cute in my head. I mean, Mr. Boy Person Luna Whee is just like relaxed and stuffs. Massive cuteing implosion in progress. Pika smiles but then gets ticked off and yells at Rotom, asking why he took the picture and is embarrassed because Rotom took the picture. Sweetie wakes up and Rotom asked why Pika'd be embarrassed. Dun dun dun. But that's not all! I added like one line to Alola School, which is my placeholder name for that fanfic about Gladion going to school. Gla-Gla walks through the halls and looks at a clock. It's currently... something o' clock. I haven't decided on the time yet. But ya know what that means? I'm gonna work on it soon I hope! Yay! That's all for now! See ya!
Oct 14, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I did some grinding on Ultra Moon and that's about it. On Moon, I tackled the Battle Tree with three Flying-types: Swoobat, Gliscor, and Dragonite. I've gotten six wins so far. Gliscor can be an effective staller with Toxic Orb and Poison Heal, as well as Roost. And Dragonite can get off some Dragon Dances and hit hard with Earthquake or Fly while having access to Extreme Speed. Fun! But here's some good news: I did some work on Sol and Luna! And I wrote a song! The song's unimportant, so onto fanfic news! Here comes the continuation of Pika's weird as heck dream. Mr. Boy Person Whee blushes and avoids eye contact with Pika, so she asks what's wrong while calling him Luna. Ya see? The name is Sol and Luna, and they called- oh whatever. He says he wants to tell her something. Guess what that is. A love confession is what. Sheesh Pika you weirdo and your wierd dreams. She tells him she loves him back and so the whee spree is number three in the pokey trees and their fleas. Then they hug and kiss and Pika wakes up to... nothing. She's confused and is like 'wait that was just a dream what what what what what what what' and her head implodes. Don't worry, her head didn't actually implode. But that's all for now! See ya!
Oct 13, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I downloaded the ORAS demo. Yay. It wasn't as interesting as the Sun and Moon demo, but it was okay. I was a boy named Orlando which is an odd name in my opinion. I actually chose Grovyle for my starter. New choice for me. But there were some nerds I beat up from the evil teams and I caught a Glalie that I transferred over to AS. It has a Mega Stone, so yay. Did you know that Steven likes Skittys? Apparently he does because he asked me to find two of them. And speaking of Steven, I beat him in AS again. Epic battle theme still. So anyway, I also played Moon and had a whole lotta fun in the Battle Tree. I love Simple Calm Mind Stored Power Swoobat. It's very powerful if it can set up its Calm Minds. It's far from unstoppable, obviously, but it can hit very hard. I found Choice Band Goodra very powerful at some times and very underwhelming at others. Toxic Boost Toxic Orb Facade Zangoose could hit very hard, just like Simple Calm Mind Stored Power Swoobat, but seemed kinda frail to me. Cradily was a pretty cool staller, but I prefer Celesteela. Leftovers Leech Seed Substitute Protect Celesteela can be so fun to use. Stall HP HP stall HP stall stall HP whee. Heh heh. Did you know that Wally is a pain? I could've beat him if his Gallade hadn't used Stone Edge to knock out my poor Swoobat. And Colress is a lamehead 'cause he beat me some way that I don't remember. I should check my Pokemon for HAs that I can breed. That's it for now! See ya!
Oct 12, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I actually did something new today! What was it? Downloading the Sun and Moon demo version! Now, I bet you're wondering: why download the demo when you already have Moon and Ultra Moon? Because I wanted the Battle Bond Greninja is why. Hey, it was free. Anyways, I begun the demo as a boy named Sun because there was nothing I could do about it. Me and my mom had just moved to Alola or whatever, and I had a letter about a Greninja someone had given me. Nerd forgot to write their name. But I bet money it's Ash, as the OT for the Greninja who could turn into Ash-Greninja due to Battle Bond was, well, Ash. Whee. But I actually enjoyed the demo a lot! I went to the City Hall, ran into Hauhead- no I didn't actually run into him. Anyway, I ran into Hauhead, beat up a Team Skull nerd, met Professor Needs-A-Shirt, and went to Ten Carat Kill! I mean Hill, not Kill! Dran. I mean darn! Sheesh. Uh... moving on. This is what I found very interesting. In Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon, Ten Carat Ki- Hill is just kinda sitting on Route whatever number near the professor's lab. However, in the demo, you ask a guy to take ya there, and you end up on this thing of land with grass and some sand and things that leads to Ten Carat Kill Hill. They removed this from the full version! That actually sucks, because the area, though simple, looked nice. It was interesting. And there was a trial at Ten Carat Hill Of The Dead! A Dragon-type trial, but different from the full games' Dragon-type trial. In it, you take pictures of two Jangmo-o and two Hakamo-o, which you then battle. However, the second Hakamo-o happens to be a Totem Hakamo-o, the Totem Pokemon of Ten Carat Hill! And while you don't get a Z-Crystal from a pedistal or whatever, you do get an Electrium Z from the professor. Really interesting, huh? Oh, the professor lended me a Pikachu, by the way. That's what the Electrium Z's for. So I beat the trial with ease and here came Team Skull and Plumeria! I also beat Plumeria with ease, one-shotting her Golbat with a Gigavolt Havoc from Pikachu. So then some stuff happened and I had completed the demo! What happened then? Simple, I did a couple side things, got a Nugget and three Stardusts, and transferred the items over to Moon! I also got the Battle Bond Greninja transferred over. It has a Modest nature! I dunno if it's always like that or if I got really lucky, but I'm happy! Oh, and I did a catching challenge and got ticked because I couldn't keep my Pokemon. There wasn't anything more to the demo, and I was trapped in Hauhead'oli City, but it was really, really interesting! It felt less like a demo and more like a different version of the game. Sorta like how the Ultra games have a different plot to them than Sun and Moon. It ended up being incredibly interesting, even though it was short. I would've loved to see another version of the games that followed that plotline. It felt kinda like a fan creation. Just imagine would could've happened next! But that's it for now! See ya!
Oct 11, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I'm such a frocky whee head. I haven't done much at all. I did some things, some other things, some stuff, some other stuff... augh. Nothing really worth reporting. I've been trying to get a female HA Tepig, but it hasn't been working yet. I got a female non-HA and an Adamant male HA. I do like the Adamant male HA, so I'm keeping him. Good nature. But that's really all. See ya.
Oct 10, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
What fun: basically nothing. Yeah, I didn't really do much. Two Silvally reached level 100, so yay for them. I'm so lazy. Sorry 'bout that. See ya.
Oct 9, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Yay for breeding and HA evolving. I think I'll open my breeding service again today. I mean, it was only closed for a day, but whatever. I plan to find some more HA Pokemon, so hopefully I'll get lucky. I have too many Pokemon in my PC, by the way. So I decided to release a solid chunk of 'em. I released some Eevees, some Fennekins, some Wingulls, and some other random things. This cleared up enough space to give me another empty box. The box is where I'll be putting more HA Pokemon, but for now, it has HA Pokemon that I'll breed for female HA Pokemon. And I learned today that I have a perfect IVs HA Fennekin with the Timid Nature. He's so cute. What the frick I'll do with him I dunno, probably trade him away after breeding him. But anyway, that's it for now. See ya!
Oct 8, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Hello epic whees. What am I talking about? Nobody knows. Anyway, I did a bit more breeding on Moon so I could get female HA Pokemon. I'm planning to redo my breeding service, as I haven't updated it in forever. Not much happened, so onto fanfic news! In Sol and Luna, the boy who had rescued Pika asks to see her ankle, confusing her, as she wonders how he knew she hurt her ankle. Then he tells Sweetie to use a Water-type move, and Sweetie Water Guns him in the face, angering him and making Pika giggle. Sweetie then finds out what she was supposed to do and Water Guns Pika's ankle. However, the Water Gun is too forceful and it just hurts her more, so the boy tells her to use it more gently. So she Water Guns gently and it helps Pika's pain. Pika starts falling asleep but snaps herself out of it as she's in the middle of a trial. She tells the boy that she's grateful for him rescuing her and thanks him. She tells him her name and asks what his name is, and he doesn't reply. Again. So then she asks why he rescued her and gets no response for the umpteenth time. All he does is tie some cloth around her ankle. Yeah thanks man that answers a lot keep it up. So Pika's about to pass out from major tired and accidentally rests her head on his shoulder. Pika is big embarrassed. But the boy's like 'ah who gives a frick' and doesn't care. So then Pika falls asleep and awakens in a dream. Wait that means she didn't awake. Whatever. In this dream of hers, her and the boy are watching a waterfall. Epic. They talk a little bit and Pika rests her head against his shoulder because hey why the frick not. He calls her Sol for... some odd reason. Insert mysterious music here. Anyway, her dream's not over but the news is. See ya!
Oct 7, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I'm so awesome and back in my element. That part about me being awesome isn't really true, but whatever. I worked on Sol and Luna a lot this time! Hauhead goes excited whees and runs off to do his trial, and Flare and Pika are ready to head on to Route 2 as well. Pika asks if Pyxis and Eclipse want to come along, but they politely decline. So then Pika and Flare exit the school and Rotom tells them how to get to Route 2. But on the way, they take a break to heal their Pokemon and discuss the trial and wonder what it'll be like. Rotom shows them a picture of Verdant Cavern, the first trial site. And I mean first as in the site for the first trial, not the first trial site ever made or something. Flare asks what the trial's like, but Nurse Joy tells them that their Pokemon are healed up. So then they leave the Pokemon Center and reach Route 2! They walk past some things, some other things, and some other other things and then find Ilima Beanhead. He asks if they're ready to begin their trial, and Pika brings up where the frick Hauhead is. Ilima Beanhead replies that he hasn't seem him yet. Then Flare and Pika say that they're ready to begin the trial, but Ilima Beanbrain tells them that they'll have to take turns. So Flare says that Pika can do it first, and she enters Verdant Cavern. Ilima Brainbean tells her what she has to do and the rules and all before leaving. Pika finds a hole in a rock that has a Pokemon living in it, a den, so she battles the Pokemon, which is identified by Rotom as an Alolan Rattata. Sweetie defeats it with one Disarming Voice. Then she finds another den and gets ready to battle. But the Rattata attacks first with Quick Attack before being promptly defeated by Sweetie's Disarming Voice. Then after ending up at a split path, with one path being for backtracking, Pika decides to jump off of the ledge for fun. She slips instead of jumping and lands badly. She ends up with an injured ankle. Because of fricking course why wouldn't she? She can't seem to walk, but she can't quit the trial, so she drags herself back. But then she tries to stand up so she can walk across the little bridge thingy. She eventually suceeds at standing up and begins to walk, Sweetie hanging onto her arm. But guess what? Her ankle acts up and she slips like a number one moron dummy idiot! She manages to grip the bridge thingy with a hand before she falls and is big terrified. She tries to pull herself up but can't seem to, so she tells Sweetie to get up onto the bridge. After all, she doesn't want to drag her Pokemon into death and pain or whatever. But Sweetie doesn't because why the frick would she? Then her hands slip, and she falls to her death... not! In fact, her hand is grabbed by someone, who pulls her up back onto land. It's revealed to be a boy and Pika is big confuse as to how he got there. She asks who he is because yeah no need to thank him for saving you or anything you jerk. But he's just perfectly silent. I think that's it for now. See ya!
Oct 6, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I found another random Shiny Pelipper, this time male with Naughty nature and the cursed ability Keen Eye. Frick. Not much happened that was noteworthy aside from that, so moving on to Sol and Luna. Yes, I worked on it. A tiny bit, at least. Yeah I suck. Pika, Flare, and Hau get super excited and high-five, then Ilima Bean says he'll be waiting for them at Route 2, which I think is where his trial site is, before walking away. So then Eclipse is excited because Pika, Flare, and Hau are gonna do their trial. That's it for fanfic news. But before I end this, I want your opinion. If you were writing Sol and Luna, how would you make Pika and Gladion first meet? I'm very curious and would love to hear your opinion. That's all for now! See ya!
Oct 5, 2020 by Gau