Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 8)

The Glazio News
I transferred over a Rattata, Unown, Spearow, Ekans, and Hoppip from Silver to Moon. That's it. So in The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, we get to find out what was going to happen. Gladion wraps an arm around Pika and pulls her closer so that their sides are presing together and lays his head down on her shoulder as if it's a pillow. She's freaking out a bit and asks what he's doing, and he replies that he's trying to get some sleep. With his head on Pika's shoulder. She says it's awkward, and he says that so was she sneaking into his bedroom, which is what started it all. He's tired and wants to sleep since he had to watch her. Then he tells her to be quiet and let him sleep. Pika's in disbelief that he would fall asleep, but he did. So Pika blushes like crazy and is freaked out because there's an adorable boy napping on her shoulder. I'd be freaked out too. Then she freaks out more because she's thinking about him being adorable. Then Mew bends his tail into a heart just to make his Trainer more awkward. Pika's about to yell at him, but since Gla-Gla's nappin' on her shoulder, she decides against it. And yes, Pika, he is really cute. Then she gets tired as well and nuzzles her face into Gladion's hair because it's soft. She's just about to fall asleep when... Lusamine and Lillie appear and Lusamine just snapped a pic! Epic frock, eh? See ya!
Sep 4, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I suck at Silver. Very badly. So no new news for Silver. In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, Gladion's ticked off at Pika and glares at her, but realizes there's no point in doing so, since she's kinda, ya know, unconscious. So he sighs. Then we're warped to Pika's POV. She opens her eyes, waking up from a dream that had a spinning green sky, Gladion leaving on a boat, which Pika was upset about, and a conga line of Haus. Yes, her dreams are weird. She notices that she's holding onto something warm and soft, which confuses her. What also confuses her is that she's lying on a bed, as she doesn't remember being on a bed. She slowly looks up to see... guess who? Gladion. This freaks her out a bit and she goes perfectly still. Then she realizes that she grabbed his arm and sits up, but he doesn't seem to care. He looks bored and tired, and can you blame him? Also, Night and Mew are awake. Cool. Pika asks Gladion what's up, and he tells her to hold still. Then he grabs her by the shoulders and turns her so that her back is facing the wall behind the bed. Then he makes her lean back against the wall. Also she's blushing if you didn't know. He lets go of her shoulders and looks at her for a minute before nodding his head. She asks what he's doing, and he calls her an idiot. How nice, eh? That's it for now, see ya!
Sep 3, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
In Pokemon news, I'm still grinding. What joy. I so suck at Silver. But hey, I got some team planning done. Just need one more member. In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, which is what I'll be calling it for now, Pika heads up the left staircase in the mansion thingy and comes across doors. She wonders if the rooms are used or not and goes inside of one 'cause the door ain't locked. It has a TV, couch, balcony, some other stuff, and another door. Night starts tugging at her pant leg, seeming worried, but she's sure it'll be fine. After all, what's the worst that could happen? Suddenly, we are warped to Mr. Edgy AKA Gla-Gla AKA Gladion's POV. He's headin' up an elevator and wonders what Lillie's up to. Then he heads to the mansion and heads up the left staircase to see... his room door's open! Well, now we found out if the room's used or not, heh. The door to his bedroom in his room is being opened, so he creeps into his room stealthily and finds someone in dark clothing inside. So he puts 'em in a headlock! Guess who it is? "A girl. The girl from earlier. Pika." Yes, you heard it here, folks! Night goes to attack Gladion for attacking his Trainer, but when he tightens the headlock because no I don't know how a headlock really works, the Umbreon stops in his tracks. He asks Pika what she's doing there, but she doesn't respond. She's too busy being terrified and blushing. Blushing. Whee. He tightens his headlock again, trying to make her answer, which she does. She says that Hau has a fever, they brought him here, she didn't know it was his room, blah blah blah. Gladion wonders to himself if she's lying, but lets her go. However she faints like a moron. Her Pokemon are worried about her and Gladion thinks she's an idiot. Then he realizes that she's unconscious. He has no idea what to do, but then his mother comes in, wondering what happened. He replies that Pika barged into his room and he headlocked 'er and then she fainted. Like a moron. His mother tells him that she came to get Hau's "fever" checked out and that she's not some robber. And Gladion's like, "Yeah, as if I knew!" Then Hau comes in, telling Pika she probably shouldn't be in Gladion's room before he realizes that she's unconscious. Oh and Lillie's there as well. Gladion tells Hau that he shouldn't be in Gladion's room either, and also tells him to get out. But Hau starts shaking Pika, trying to wake her up, then screams that he killed her, to which Gladion replies that she's not dead and calls him an idiot. So he gets into an argument with Lillie while Hau mourns Pika even though she's not dead. Then Gladion and Lillie's mother tells them to stop arguing, which they do. Then she smirks and says that they'll just let Pika rest. Hau asks if she can bring Pika back to life, but guess what, Hau? She wasn't dead, dummy! Gladion thinks he's idiotic. Fun. Then his mom puts Pika in his bed, which ticks him off. She says that it's now Gladion's job to watch over her until she awakens and that she'll rest in his bed. So Gladion's really ticked and the rest of 'em leave the room to let him take care of her. She hugs his pillow in her sleep and he takes it from her. They even fight with one of 'em unconscious. What a great sign. So then Pika grabs his arm instead and starts hugging it. So Gladion, who is still ticked off, starts thinking. He supposes that he's the reason she's unconscious... but she wandered into his room. And also guess what? That's it for now, that's what! See ya!
Sep 2, 2020 by Gau


The Glazio News
Oh joy, a new month. More insanity shall await us. Anyway, on Silver, I headed to Azelea Town and hear about Team Rocket Boot and the Slowpoke Well. So what do I do? Head down there after Kurt to go kick Team Rocket Boot's butts! I eventually do so, and it makes me pretty happy. Then I head to the Gym there and try to battle Bug Nerd Who Looks Kinda Like A Girl. And Fury Cutter is evil when your team is a Bayleef, who is Grass-type, and four Unown, which are all Psychic-type. So I lost. Sad. But my Egg hatched, giving me a Togepi, no surprise there. I named him Star and decided to train him and Sweetie the Bayleef up so we could take on the Gym and win. He learned Metronome, and I like to send him out against some Hoppips that are too low level to use any attacking moves. We got moves like Submission, Giga Drain, Psychic, Hydro Pump, fricking Aeroblast... and then moves like Kinesis and Bubble. But it's fun! Also, I battled my rival again, but lost, so yeah. Gotta train up for that too. I also caught four new Pokemon: Rattata, Ekans, Hoppip, and Spearow, all female and nicknamed Johto. Because why not? Train, train, train more... augh it's boring when I'm not Metronome-ing. On to the fanfic news! In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, which is an unoffical title for now, Pika looks out the window and is startled by the white metal everywhere. And Hau looks to have no intention of finishing what he was gonna say before he was cut off by Captain Nerdface. So Pika sends out Mew and Night the Umbreon and they all exit the ferry. Also there is so much white metal. There's also people, crates, and an elevator, and Pika wonders what the frick Aether Paradise is. Lillie leads 'em to the elevator and they go to the second floor. Someone notices them, a blonde-haired lady. She greets Lillie and remarks about Hau and asks who Pika is. Lillie greets her back, says that Hau wasn't at school today, and tells her that Pika is Pika. And the blonde lady is Lillie's mom. Who would've guessed, eh? Epic sigh. And then Pika wonders if blond hair and green eyes are common in Alola, since there's Lillie and her mom, and "that one boy", Gladion. She wonders if she'll see him again, and, spoilers, she will. Don't worry. Lillie tells her mom that Hau has a fever, and Hau's distressed expression was probably hilarious. Lillie's mom squints at him, and he grabs Pika's arm, causing Pika to ask if something's wrong, which he replies with a no. Lillie's mom says he doesn't look like he has a fever and asks if they're sure he does. Pika says she was sure. So she decides to get him checked out by Aether's doctors anyway, and her, Lillie, and Hau all head onto the elevator and to another floor, leaving Pika alone. Alone. In a weird place. She decides not to stand there, since it makes her feet hurt apparently, and heads down that one place. You know, the place that leads to that mansion thingy. And it's revealed that the sun is setting. Woo-hoo. So she decides to go into the mansion thingy. Thank Arceus it isn't a Team Rainbow Lollipop Rocket Boot castle, huh? "I'm sure no one would mind... right?" Ya better hope so, Pika. That's it for now, see ya!
Sep 2, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
News is good, news is very good. Why? I got a new Pokemon game, that's why! Can you guess what it is? Whatever, I'm just gonna tell ya, it's Pokemon Silver on the Virtual Console. Why Silver, exactly? Because I wanted an old game and chose Gen 2. And I prefer Silver over Gold. So I began my journey by checking the time and date multiple times and complaining about being a boy! Then my fricking in-game mom had to ask me, the 10 year old, what day it was and if it was Daylight Savings Time. Before giving me a fricking phone. I am throughly baffled. So I go to the Pokemon Lab and get a female Chikorita, which only took one reset! I named her Sweetie because I have lame names! Not much exciting happened, I went to Mr. Pokemon's house, got the Egg for the professor, yadda yadda yadda. Then guess who appears? My rival nerd who battles me and loses! While technically having a type advantage! He says his name is ???. Ah yes, ???. Because triple-question-marks is a great name. Then I hear that a Pokemon has been stolen and I go to the professor's lab. I arrive and, apparently, Mr. Triple-Question Marks Redhead stoleded a Pokermain. And apparently I got his name even though he technically introduced himself as ???. Then I had to name my rival. I named him Gladion even though he's nothing like Gladion and Gladion didn't exist. I don't care, I probably would've named him Loser instead. Actually that might've been funnier. But then I headed on my way and eventually made it to Violet City and caught 5 Unown at the Ruins of Alph. They were, like... C, I, K, B... and another I don't recall. Then I took them and Sweetie to the Gym and beat Falkner with them all. His Pidgeotto was finished off by my last hope: an Unown. What fun. Then I quit for the moment. On to the fanfic news on my new fanfic! Which needs a darned name! Hau tells us that malasadas are his favorite food and wow who would've guessed I thought Hau hated malasadas that sure was a mystery. Then he watches Pika eat her malasada, which is apparently adorable. Well, it probably is, so... anyway, he apparently feels his sharp mental knee kick. I dunno. Pika asks if he's all right, since he was zoning out and probably had weird looks on his face since he mentally kicked himself and somehow felt it or something. He apologizes and says that he was zoned out. Hau is Captain Obvious. He asks Pika if she was saying something, which she replies no. Then she cuts herself off and stares at him before asking if he's blushing, because he is. If Pika can spot your blush, you suck at hiding it. Hau says he isn't, Pika says he is and that his face is all red. And then she puts a hand on his cheek to confirm that they're really hot to the touch. The look on his face when she did was probably priceless. Hauhead is embarrassed and lies, saying that maybe he has a fever. This causes Pika to freak out, as she thinks his bite wound got infected. She she returns Night the Umbreon and Mew to their Poke Balls and starts shoving Hau out of the shop so he can get to his house before weakness kicks in, as she doesn't think he's faking it. Then here comes Lillie, who has a chat and introduction with Pika. She asks Pika why she's shoving Hau around, and she replies that he said he thinks he has a fever and all that biz. So Lillie's worried and drags them to the Ferry Terminal so they can head to Aether and Hau can get help. Even though he doesn't need it. Insert warpy sounds here, 'cause it's time to finally get outta Hauhead's POV and to Pika's. The ferry is a-zoomin' and Hau is sitting down while Lillie stares out a window and taps her foot. Pika sits down next to Hau, who looks away from her, giving her the idea that she's done something wrong. She thinks his fever's getting worse and asks how he's feeling. He says that he's feeling awkward, mixed-up, and crazy. Pika asks if she did something wrong, and Hau replies with a classic line: "N-No, unless you count apparently existing to be wrong... because you existing led you here for some reason, and-" I think I'm making Hau kinda sound like a jerk when I'm not trying to. I butcher all of your personalities. Pika thinks that she did do something wrong, and Hau replies that she didn't, but Pika doesn't seem to believe him and asks him to please tell her what she did wrong. After a minute of silence, he says that she met him and that seems to have caused something. Pika assumes it's the bite, but he says no. So she asks what, and he just kinda gets more awkward and covers his face with his hands. Good way to do absolutely nothing besides mutter stuff into said hands. Hau also apparently likes to say no, because he says it about a million fricking times. He decides to admit that he doesn't have a fever because things are getting dramatic, but he's cut off by the captain of the ferry saying they've reached Aether Paradise. Good job, Captain Nerdface. That's all for now, see ya!
Sep 1, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I thought breeding a male HA Pokemon that had a starter's gender ratio for an HA female would be hard, and I found it hard once. But... somehow it's not difficult anymore? I dunno, but I have a few more HA Pokemon, like Chespin and Squirtle. I'm trying to get Bulbasaur at the moment. I was breeding Feebas, but it's harder than I expected, so I went "meh" and quit for the moment. I'll be breeding them again later though. So, news on my new fanfic. Hau explains to Pika what happened in decent detail and kicks himself mentally for multiple reasons. Five, actually. Pika is confused by his explanation, but then here come their malasadas! Pika just stares at her malasada, so Hau has to tell her what it is. So Pika eats a bit and likes it. She says it's really good, and as you can expect, Hau agrees with her. Then he devours his in like ten seconds. And Pika is pretty surprised by how fast he can devour malasadas. That's it for now. Frock I want outta this cruddy shop and to more plot, but I'm lazy. See ya!
Aug 30, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Whee. News flash is whee. Whee whee whee. Epic super whee. Mega whee. I'm eating cane whee sugar. Ice whee cream. What am I talking about? I have no idea. Anyway, I've been breeding Feebas thanks to a nice GTS person. Because now I have one that doesn't have Oblivious. Also, I got more Type: Null and Silvally. The collection shall grow. Grow, grow, keep growing... do it, love it, breathe it, live it... on to the fanfic news. On my new fanfic, I made a little bit of progress. Also it needs a name. So Hau tries to stand up while carrying Pika, and he falls over. Well, he doesn't actually hit the ground thanks to Mew's psychic powers, but you know what I mean. He fally fells. So him and Pika, who is still asleep somehow, are hovering in the air, which Hau thinks is awesome 'cause he's kinda-sorta flying. He thinks about how cool it'd be to do that outside instead of in a Malasada Shop. Mew psychic powers Pika into a stool at an empty table, and she just then decides to regain consciousness. The look on her face is probably great. After all, it's not every day that you wake up and see Hau hovering around while you're somehow in a stool at a Malasada Shop. Mew lowers floaty Hau into the other stool, and Pika's still in shock because she has no idea what just happened. Mew lands on her shoulder and Night sits by her stool. Also, everyone is staring at them because they have no idea what just happened. Hau asks Pika if she's okay because she looks like she's about to croak and die of shock and confusion. She says that he just floated down, and Hau explains that Mew lifted them up with psychic powers or something. Pika then asks what happened, saying that she must've passed out. That's it for now. Where the frock is me malasada? Anyway, see ya!
Aug 29, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
News is kinda dead today. I got some more Type: Null and Silvally, so... that was cool. Oh, and Shiny Chansey seem very common on the GTS. I got one for only a Shinx, and it seems legit. Odd. But I'm happy. And fanfic news is pretty dead right now, I should get my rear in gear. Basically, in my new fanfic, Hau lifts up Pika, and he's either really wimpy or Pika is really heavy because he has trouble with it. Yeah, this is really slow and boring, sorry 'bout that. See ya.
Aug 29, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I got some more Type: Null and Silvally. Yaaaaay. So here's some news on my new fanfic. Hau apparently likes coming coming up with ideas, as he comes up with an idea of what Pika and him can do. So he drags her to Hau'oli City's Malasada Shop. Hau also seems to like yelling when he gets inside of a Malasada Shop. He asks the clerk or whatever the malasada-selling person is for two sweet malasadas. He pays them and then realizes that Pika isn't there. She miraculously vanished into air of thin in the thin of air. She's not in the shop, so Hau thinks that she must be outside. He opens the door and guess who was leaning on it and falling unconscious? Pika, that's who. Whee tumbling to the ground they go. Pika can apparently stay unconscious after falling. So therefore she's a heavy sleeper. Oh wait, no she's not. Is she? Frock. Hau thinks she's dead for the upteenth time, which he's making double and I'm making it rhyme! I love to parody Team Rocket sometimes. Anyway, Hau has no idea in the frocked-up Xs, Ys, or Zs to do. He starts thinking of things to do, and Pika shifts around a bit. He thinks that she's waking up, but nope, she ain't. So he has to think more and wonders if he can possibly carry Pika over to the table. Something tells me that's gonna be a flop. That's it for now. See ya!
Aug 28, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Oh boy, my new fanfic's going well. Ep the frick ic, I have to work on Sol and Luna or I'll punch myself. So, anyway, here's the news. Obviously, Pika isn't dead, which Hau soon realizes. She eventually gets up, carrying Mew, who is still asleep. Hau leads her to a house and knocks on the door. A fat old man who is Hau's grandpa answers the door, and Hau tells him that Pika doesn't have a place to stay and he wonders if she couls stay with them. Pika thinks that's a nice thing to do, but Hau's fat old grandpa tells Hau to come inside for a moment. He does, and Pika waits outside. She overhears their convo, in which Hau's fat old grandpa thinks Pika is Hau's girlfriend. Isn't that just frocking wonderfilled? Also, Hau gets another A+ for managing to get the word 'just' in his sentence three times. So they argue for a while and Pika sits next to a tree, embarrassed that random fat old strangers think she's their grandson's girlfriend. She sits there for a while and dozes off like a dum-dum. The next thing she knows, Hau is about an inch away from her face and trying to get her to wake up because he thought she was dead. Again. She gets him to realize that he's sitting very close to her and he gets a bit farther away. Poor awkward Pika. Poor me because I feel like shippers shall be on the loose. Pika asks Hau what his grandpa said, and he says that his grandpa was convinced that she was his girlfriend and gave him random love advice and that she couldn't stay at their house. Frock fat old men. Pika wonders where she'll stay, and Hau said that there are motels, but those cost money, and she could always ask other people to stay at their places, but she probably wouldn't wanna stay with random people. And she wouldn't. Pika begins to think that she might have to live outside, homeless, but Hau gets another idea. He has a friend named Lillie who always has a room open where she lives, so Pika could stay with her. Pika ponders that, thinking that she doesn't want to stay with random strangers, but Hau seems to trust them and she doesn't have anywhere to stay, so she says okay. Hau runs off to go find Lillie and Pika is eventually found by two nerds, who are Team Skull Grunts, which she doesn't know. They want her Mew, and she doesn't want them to have her Mew, so they battle. Night the Umbreon against Zubat and Salandit. Night seems to be losing, and an attack from Salandit is aimed at Pika... but Mew uses Protect and Ice Beams the Skull nerds' Pokemon, which faint. So they freak out and run away. Pika, Night, and Mew then relax again. And here comes Hau's point of view. He's outside the school and had left Lillie a note to come outside, which she eventually does. And so does Mr. Edgy, AKA Gladion. Hau knows that Gladion wouldn't want some random person going to stay at their place, Aether Paradise, so he gets him to go inside and leave Lillie alone with him. Hau explains why he's not at school and that Pika needs a place to stay. Lillie says that she'll talk to her mom about it after school, and Hau knows that means there's a high chance Pika will be able to stay at Aether Paradise. So Hau skips back to Iki Town to see Pika asleep. And for the third frocking time, he assumes she's dead. She wakes up and Hau tells her that she's gonna have a place to stay! So she gets really happy and hugs him and- I see you reaching for your shipping hat. Put it down. Down. Thank you. Okay, as I was saying, his brain died. Just kidding. He says that school will probably be out in about an hour and wonders what they'll do until it's out. That's all for now, but I'm planning on Malasada Shops being involved. See ya!
Aug 26, 2020 by Gau