Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 9)

The Glazio News (So long that I had to split it into two parts)
Well, all we have is fanfic news. Guess what? I've started a new fanfic. I probably won't finish it, but it's fun for the moment. It's about Pokemon turning into humans and some getting crushes on the humans and stuff and we're in Alola and look it's Pika woo-hoo. Tell me that isn't a great way to sum up the story. Anyway, it starts with Pika on a boat to Alola, with her three Pokemon: Mew, Night the Umbreon, and Lunala, who is in a Poke Ball. Lunala was contacting her in her dreams and told her that she needed to come to Alola. Never said why, just that she needed to. Pika once woke up to find Lunala inside of a Poke Ball. So Lunala technically is her Pokemon. Also, Pika used to live in Johto. Mew's backstory is that him and Pika found each other when Pika was just a little girl. They ended up playing with each other, Pika oblivious to the fact that he was the Mythical Pokemon, Mew. Eventually, she found out all about him. And when she became a Trainer, Mew tagged along and became her Pokemon. Night the Umbreon was found as an Eevee. A stubborn, rebelious Eevee who had been caught and released by multiple Trainers. They released him because he wouldn't obey a command the first. Pika caught him, but he obviously wouldn't obey her. But he eventually warmed up to her and even evolved into Umbreon! Now that the backstories are over, the boat has reached Alola! Pika's excited to explore, and explore she does, running around Hau'oli City. But she's not watching where she's going and crashes into something like a complete klutz. Because she is a complete klutz. She looks up and sees someone standing there... a boy with piercing green eyes. So we get warped to his point of view, because why the frick not? He doesn't know who Pika is, obviously. She seems to be afraid of him, and she apologizes for running into him. He asks if she's all right, and she nods yes in reply. He finds her odd and takes notice of her Mew. He wonders if she's something special, as random people don't just have Mythical Pokemon sitting on their shoulders. He also notices her Umbreon's hostile stare. He reaches out his hand, and Pika takes it before being pulled up. But she stumbles like an idiot klutz and her face lands against his chest, because awkwardness is funny. Nice going, doofus! Anyway, she kinda blushes and freaks out a bit, then apologizes again. He thinks she's a klutz, and we must all tell him that he's wrong, she's actually an idiot klutz. He says that it doesn't matter, and then asks her name. He also doesn't know why he asked her name, as he doesn't really care and it just slipped out of his mouth. She tells him that her name is Pika, and he gets ready to leave. But she tells him to wait and grabbs his wrist... or rather, she tries to grab his wrist and actually grabs his hand. Epic sigh. Then she lets go of his hand, blushing and probably feeling like the world's biggest moron. Then she asks his name. He glares at her, she flinches, and he says only "Gladion". Obviously, that has to be his name, right? Pika couldn't mess up something like that, could she? Yeah, she could. She asks if it's some Alola word or something and what it means. And Gladion thinks she's an idiot, which is spot-on. So he sighs and starts walking away... he has a place to be. What is that place? Start placing guesses! And back to Pika's point of view we go! She stares after Gladion and has no idea where he's going but thinks he's cute because massive duh he kinda is and Pika's weird. Then she thinks she must be insane. Which is correct. She still thinks Gladion's some type of weird word and not a name. Then she realizes that she doesn't know where she is, where she's going, or where she's going to stay. Frick. No, she hadn't thought anything through. And "ep the frick ic" is something I legit said in real life in response to that. Anyway, she thinks about where she's going to stay, but is cut off by being crashed into by someone who's in a massive rush. What is with all the crashing into people? The person is revealed to be a boy, which is truly info we all needed. He apologizes and asks if she's okay, since she was kinda knocked to the ground, but before she can reply, Night leaps at him. Of course. So Night uses Bite straight to the boy's arm, how nice. Pika tells him to stop, which he luckily does. The boy says he's fine, but his injury is actually bleeding. She says that he's not fine, but he says that he is fine, and Pika remembers getting bitten by Night once. Night was still an Eevee, and Pika thought the bite was fine. After all, it was just a small bite. But it got infected and she had gotten sick with a fever and felt really weak. So weak, in fact, that she could barely move for about a week. So she drags the boy to the Pokemon Center, where Nurse Joy asks what happened. She says that Night bit the boy, and so they're taken to a room. Because Pokemon Centers aren't just for the Pokemon here. Like, legit, where are all the fricking hospitals?
Aug 26, 2020 by Gau
Ya gotta use the Pokemon Center. So they clean the injury and bandage it so it doesn't get infected, and also help me I know nothing about medicine because being a doctor or nurse would suck. Night's feeling guilty and Pika tells him it's fine and that he was just being a loyal Pokemon, trying to protect her. The boy asks if he can get outta there now, and Nurse Joy says that he can. So they leave, and the boy asks if the bite really was that bad. Pika explains how she was bitten by Night once, and how it got infected. The boy then realizes that was why she was freaking out, and thanks her while introducing himself as Hau and asking her name. She says that she's Pika, and that she was glad to help. Then Hau realizes that he forgot about going to school. Also, Pika knows nothing about school. Pika asks if he has to hurry, and he says that he had to hurry when they had just first met, so yeah, it's started without him. He's past late. Pika says that he should probably hurry and catch as much of it as he can, but he says that since he's really late anyway, he just won't go! That's something I can get behind for sure. Pika apologizes for the third time today... or was it fouth? Whatever, she apologizes for holding him up. He says that she doesn't need to apologize because it's fine and that worse things can happen. So they engage in a chat. He asks where she came from, and she answers Johto, causing him to ask why she came to Alola. She hides the fact that Lunala's involved and says for no reason except wanting to see the Region. He asks where she lives, and is this a chat or an interrogation, Hau? She says she doesn't have anywhere to stay, and he gets an idea before running off. So she follows him and they run all the way to Iki Town. But when she reaches the stairs, she collapses from all the running. Hau shakes her, trying to get her to stand up. Night nudges her arm. Mew falls asleep. Pika sighs and closes her eyes, but opens them again to see Hau trying to lift her up by her arm. That doesn't work very well, obviously. He gets an A+ for effort. He tells her not to go into the light, seeming to assume that she's dying. Of course. And that just amuses Pika. So, that was my new, currently nameless fanfic. But we're not done yet! Time for... Sol and Luna. So, continuing from where we left off yesterday, the hugging continues, now featuring Hauhead! He says he's sorry, starting to tear up. Pika says it's fine, but Nick asks how it can be fine when Hauhead almost killed her. She replies that she's fine, and it was just an accident. And Nick asks how she knows it's an accident. So Eclipse cuts in and asks if Nick's accusing Hauhead of attempted murder. No reply to that. Pika says she feels awkward with all the hugging, and they stop hugging her. But then Flare says they should go home, as it's getting late. Eclipse and Nick are confused, but they leave Hauhead to fill them in. Flare releases Eevee from his Poke Ball as they head home, to make it not look like they were out buying Poke Balls and stuff. But Scarlet is passed out asleep on the couch. No need for stealth. And that's it. God, this news took forever to write, and I can finally stop. See ya...!
Aug 26, 2020 by Gau
Hey, how goes the Fangame?
Aug 25, 2020 by Jasone Anderson
Hey there, Drifty! I haven't seen you in forever! How are ya? And yes, that is the news flash. Frick Feebas. XDXDXD
Aug 25, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Uh... apparently my account's a year old. Woo-hoo! Whee whee whee, Gla-Gla is a cutie! This has been Miss Random, on to the news! I don't think I played Pokemon, so on to Sol and Luna! I was trying to work on it, but when I got into working on it, it got too late and I had to stop. Frock frick frip. So, there's basically no progress. Pika feels weird being hugged by multiple people and Hauhead is sad. And Pika squirms. That... that's literally it. Oopsie. Well, see ya!
Aug 24, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Uh... I was trying to remember what I did on Pokemon, and all I can recall is owning that sissy of a Battle Tree. Seriously, the Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Battle Tree has these challenges where you can use Pokemon of any level and stuff. I know that a regular challenge will be unlocked when you beat the sissy one, but seriously, it's so stupid. My level 100 hacked Shinies I got from the nice hacker person just destroyed it. And- oh! Now I remember some stuff that happened! I actually traded one of my Type: Nulls. I said to myself that I'd never trade them, so why did I do it? Uh... it was a Type: Null for a Shiny Type: Null, which helps fill up my Moon Shinydex as well as being a Shiny, which is awesome. It's Korean, too. So I suppose it was just one regular Type: Null... but it kinda hurts. On to Sol and Luna, because I need to distract myself from the small crack in my heart that can only shatter later on... Rotom tells Hauhead the Malasada-loving smol brain that Pika isn't dead, as she's regaining consciousness. Hauhead's sad 'cause he nearly killed her, which is a good reason to be sad. Sweetie the Popplio and Nick's Buneary are having a bit of a chat, with Buneary giving Sweetie 'you're stupid' looks. Buneary points at Pika, and Sweetie is seemingly overjoyed because her Trainer is not a dead doorknob! She does a leaping arm flipper-hug, in which she leaps at Pika's arm and hugs it with her flippers. Pika is amused and asks herself "Who'd she learn that from, Hau?" Then she realizes that that's probably right. Eclipse asks Pika if she's sure that she's all right, and Pika says that she is, just a little dizzy. And then she feels some more dizziness. Great. Then Flare gives her a hug and asks her why she keeps getting in danger. She has no clue. Then Eclipse and Nick hug her as well. She thinks, and I quote: "Was I a stuffed toy that you hug or something?" Yes, a human-sized one that gets crushed on by three boys, Pika. Uh, oops. Spoilers. Oh wait you probably figured that out already and don't care. See ya!
Aug 23, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
News flash: frick Feebas. Oh, I beat Giovanni, leader of Team Rainbow Lollipop Rocket Boot, on Ultra Moon. What a nerd he was. Also, Traitor Dude AKA Faba got demoted, so he's a fricking massive loser confirmed. Seriously, that dude betrays Aether and lets all these evil nerds just walk in... to advance his career. Pardon me while I punch his nose into tiny shards. But, anyway, here's some Sol and Luna, who eat tuna. Eclipse sends out Pokemon named Sapphire, Shadow, Zizzy, and Luna. Pika can't recognize them except for Zizzy the Litten, although Luna reminds her of Vulpix. Then Nick sends out Feebas, Honedge, and Buneary. Eclipse is startled because they both have Honedge, which is the Pokemon that Eclipse named Shadow. Also did you know that Buneary can grin unnervingly? It's true. Most of the Pokemon start playing with each other while their Trainers sit around and do basically nothing. Pika wonders in her thoughts where Rotom Dex is, and he suddenly pops out of nowhere and gives out info about Hau'oli City Beachfront, which is where they are. He also says that they can just call him Rotom, which I will happily do, thank you very much. And Buneary apparently likes to alert Pika that Nick is staring at her. Because it does. Then a very excited voice calls Pika's name and tackle-hugs her to the ground. Who could it possibly be? Yeah it's Hau. But he apparently doesn't notice that he's drowning Pika, whose face is being unintentionally shoved into the water. Oops. Because that's... funny... right? Pika starts panicking, and the next thing ya know, Hau's being pinning to the ground by Nick, who is yelling his head off for nearly drowning Pika. Hau, of course, is pretty darned scared because he had no idea that he was about to unintentionally take Pika's life. Also, shout-out to Pika for being a fricking moron and screaming while her face is underwater. Bright idea, doofus! Anyway, Flare asks Pika if she's all right, and her response is to lose consciousness. She passes out for only a couple minutes and is shaken awake by Flare. How does she know time has passed? Because Nick is no longer about to strangle Hau. Perfect time-pass-teller-method-thing. See ya!
Aug 23, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I've decided to make an all-stallers team for fun. So now I gotta breed Feebas. Woo. And my Feebas are all HA when I'm trying to get a non-HA one. Stinkin' great. Here's some Sol and Luna news. Pika says that she twitches sometimes, and the lemonade is apparently sour, causing her to twitch. Then Jurse Noy says that their Pokermains have been healed. Yay. Then Eclipse says that she can show them around the city, and they agree to be shown around. They zoom around for a while and eventually find the Alola Tourist Bureau, and Eclipse tells them to check it out. They go inside and see a boy sending out some mail or such. Eclipse leads them to the counter and talks to one of the people about a Poke Finder. Pika gets bored and looks at the boy and promptly realizes that he's staring at her and smiling. Massive awkward. Flare looks at him as well, and he just gives Flare a hostile look. And of course Flare just waves. And apparently Pika is smile-worthy according to Mr. Random Boy smiling when he looks at her. Anyway, Eclipse tells Pika that the Poke Finder has been installed and explains what the frock a Poke Finder is. Flare reccomends that they go to the beach, so they decide to go to the beach. But as they leave, the boy comes and stops them. He's an epic obvious stater, as he says that he saw them in the Alola Tourist Bureau. So Flare introduces himself, his sister, and the creepy tree battle stalker girl. Then Mr. Random Boy Who States Much Obvious says that his name is Nick Miller. Yay he exist now. Then he says that Pika's name is cute, shakes hands with her, stares into her eyes, and kisses her hand. Because, you know, that's normal apparently. And Pika wins award for Most Funny Flustered Face, because she's blushing like crazy. Fun. Anyways, after Pika recieves 'screaming I ship it' eyes from Flare, Nick once again states the obvious that they seem to be exploring the city and learning about it because they said so. Flare says they're gonna go to the beach, and of course Nick wants to come along. He says he knows Hauhead'oli City very well. Pika says no, but Flare, Eclipse, and Rotom Dex say yes. Because of course they would. So he says thanks and onward they go! Pika tries to stay away from Nick because of pure awkwardness. He apparently doesn't get the memo and goes into flirty mode. Met the girl five minutes ago? Hold her hand, that'll do it. Do what? No fricking clue aside from make her awkward. So Pika zips to the front, making her blush very noticible. Great goin', doofus. Eventually, they reach the beach, and Flare says they can send out their Pokemon so the Pokemon can enjoy the beach. Sweetie the Popplio pops out of her Poke Ball on her own, and Flare sends out Rowlet and Eevee. And what do Eclipse and Nick send out? That'll be revealed next time! Ha ha! See ya!
Aug 22, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I started sorting out my Type: Null and Silvally in a massive list, so that's cool. And I think a new one reached level 100. Anyway, I went back to Team Rainbow Lollipop Rocket Boot's castle and eventually beat up Cyrus. I like his battle theme. Then I come back and me and Lillie are about to go try to save the crazy president AKA Lills and Gla-Gla's mom. But then, a lamehead named Ghetsis appears, and he rants and ranbles a bit! Then we battle and I win yay also his battle theme sucks so bad. Then he knocks Lillie to the ground and threatens her because that's a totally nice thing to do there you fricking jerk! Frock Jetsister. Then Colress or whatever his name is appears and zippity doo dahs Ghetsis back to his own universe. Soon I shall go and beat up an evil nerd... but not right now. On to Sol and Luna! Pika's still freaked out a bit by Rotom Dex, great info there we all sure cared. She continues the battle with Flare, having Sweetie the Popplio fling Pounds everywhere. But then she's hit by Rowlet's Leafage, almost knocking her out. Rowlet gets ready to finish the battle with Tackle... but then a blue aura surrounds Sweetie and she blasts Rowlet away with Water Gun! This shocks them because Water Gun isn't very effective. But then here comes Rotom Dex, explaining Torrent. So Sweetie's Torrent ability had activated, increasing the power of Water Gun. The Pokemon battle for a little bit, with Sweetie actually able to counter Leafage with her boosted Water Gun. She pounds Rowlet to the ground, and a green aura surrounds him, showing that his Overgrow has activated. Great. Then he blasts Sweetie to kingdom come with a Leafage and the battle ends... Flare won! That upsets Pika quite a bit, as you could expect. Then Flare tells her that losing is nothing to be ashamed of, and uh-oh, here comes a random voice agreeing with him! A girl is sitting in a tree with a camera in her hands, recording their battle. Not creepy at all, man. Not. Creepy. At. All. Anyway, Flare asks who she is, and Pika asks what's with her "lame style", and apparently it's lame because it's so black. But then Flare points out that Pika's wearing lots of black too. The creepy tree battle recorder stalker girl says her name is Eclipse and that she likes her clothes. Pika still thinks it's lame because why wouldn't she? Flare asks Eclipse what's up with the camera, and she replies that she likes Pokemon battles, so she recorded theirs. Then she asks if they're brother and sister, as Flare had called Pika "little sis". The answer is yes, dum-dum. Then then then then then she asks their names, and yes, the five thens were intentional. They tell her their names and then she asks what they're up to. Sheesh. And we get a great line from Pika: "Go darken the sky, dork." What does that even mean? I don't know, and neither does Pika. Flare and Eclipse laugh and Pika joins in. Then she replies to Eclipse's earlier question, saying that they're just exploring Hauhead'oli City. Then she asks to tag along. Pika doesn't know, but Flare says yes. Because of course he would. Then Eclipse asks where they're going and holy crap half the convo was just Eclipse asking questions please kill me. Flare says they should go to the Pokemon Center to heal their Pokemon, so they... go to the Pokemon Center to heal their Pokemon. While the Pokemon are healing, Eclipse says they should get a drink at the cafe. Then she orders three lemonades, which mentally ticks off Pika because Eclipse chose their drinks. At least she was the one paying. While they're waiting for the drinks, something rips out a little bit of Pika's hair, which freaks her out and she falls off of the stool she was sitting on. In the Pokemon Center. In front of people. Guess who ripped our her hair? Rotom Dex, that's who! He asks if she forgot he was there, and yes, she had. Flare asks if she's okay, and she says she's fine. Rotom Dex said all he wanted to do was help them earlier, but they forgot he existed, and that makes him sad. Pika asks what he's doing here and if he was following them, and he said he was. Great. Stalker Rotoms. But then he says he wants to come along on their Island Challenge. Why? Because they were the first people Rotom Dex talked to when he had gotten inside of the Pokedex, although Pika had fainted when he did. And he wants to explore Alola because he's actually from Sinnoh and hasn't really seen Alola. Pika asks what he'd do if he did come along, and he says that he has a Pokedex and a map and whatever. And of course Flare says he can come along and epic Pika facepalm. Rotom's very happy about that, and Flare says they're not from Alola either. This surprises Eclipse, and Flare says that they're from Kanto and they moved to Alola just recently. Then guess what? The lemonades are ready! Yes, I do want some LEMONADEs, they taste like glitchy cubes. What do you mean, not that lemonade? Anyway, when Pika takes a sip, she shudders. Rotom Dex asks if she twitches like that often, and yeah that's all I've written so far. See ya!
Aug 20, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I finally progressed Ultra Moon a bit. I caught those Stakataka and then Sophocles comes by and tells me that some people have taken over Festival Plaza! They're revealed to be some nerds called Team Rainbow Rocket. Because that doesn't make them sound like sissies at all. Their motto should be "Team Rocket spreads rainbows at the spead of light! Surrender now and get a lollipop!" Anyway, I stop them because they're nerdfaces and yay. Then they appear in Aether and oh no stuff happens. So I head to Aether and Lillie's there. There's also a bunch of Team Lollipop Rocket Grunts around, and they look like nighmares. But they're also weaker than Team Skull. The Aether Snazzy House Mansion is now red and black which reminds me of Gladion's hoodie. That cracks my heart. Then guess who is revealed to be a big fat creepy traitor? Faba, that's who! So me and Lillie beat him and an Aether person up. We go inside and there are nerds! Lots of nerds! And then Guzma shows up so yay for that. The Team Rainbow Lollipop Rocket Boot nerds fall very easily and so I have to go in some rooms. Puzzles exist. Yay. Then I beat up the Team Aqua nerd Archie and the Team Magma nerd Maxie. Also Maxie looks freaky to me. And I one-shot their Legends. And here comes some more Team Rainbow Lollipop Rocket Boot Grunts who apparently are very wimpy. Then I can go to the other places and I beat up Team Flare nerd Lysandre. Nerds. Also, another Silvally reached level 100. And I got some more Type: Null and Silvally. One was Chinese with a Flying Memory! I'm happy about it. I might not have to do a Chinese playthrough after all! Because I might have both Chinese ones, I dunno. Luck is shining in my direction. Time for Sol and Luna! Pika realizes that Lillie, Mr. Fat Old Hala Bread, and Professor-Needs-A-Shirt have disappeared off somewhere and cares very little. Instead of epically editing them into existence, I epically edited them out of existence! Pika and Flare leave Iki Town, very excited. They hide their Island Challenge Amulets and Poke Balls and pretend to be sad still when they go home. They go to Pika's room because apparently it's a pre-teen rebel hangout base or something and send out their Pokemon. They tell their Pokemon to stay quiet, and Eevee wants to come in. They let Eevee in, and he's surprised by the two new Pokemon. Flare tells Eevee that they're going to go on their Island Challenge, and Eevee's happy about it. Pika guesses that Eevee wants to come with them, which makes Flare happy as his Pokemon. Then Eevee chats with their starters, clearly making friends. Flare decides to get a Poke Ball for Eevee tomorrow. The next day, Pika's waken up by Scarlet and is told that it's almost noon. Just now noticed that noon is a palindrome. Anyway, Pika eventually gets out of her bed and drops her Poke Ball, making her remember why she should be awake. She goes into the living room where Flare and Eevee were waiting. We also learn that Scarlet likes to yell at the TV. Some great info, that. Flare asks Scarlet if him, Pika, and Eevee can go explore Hau'oli City, and Scarlet says sure, not seeming to care. So they zoon out to the city and Pika is stunned by the size of the Pokemon Center they enter. Flare goes to the Poke Mart and buys a Poke Ball for Eevee, who eagerly goes inside of it. Flare's overjoyed that he caught Eevee, and then gets an idea. A Pokemon battle with his little sister! Pika comments that she only has Sweetie the Popplio while Flare has Rowlet and Eevee, but Flare says it can just be a one-on-one. So Pika agrees. They go outside and Flare sends out his Rowlet while Pika sends out Sweetie. After a rather klutzy entrance, Sweetie has to dodge Rowlet's Leafage, which she does. Pika feels dumb because she doesn't know Sweetie's moves, and yeah, she is pretty dumb. Then she hears a noise and realizes there's something behind her. She grabs it and it turns out to be Rotom Dex. He shows her Sweetie's stats, including her moves: Water Gun, Pound, and Growl. Pika thanks Rotom Dex, and just then realizes that it's Rotom Dex. She's still a bit freaked out because of the whole "Pokedex coming to life in her hands" bit, so she tosses him into the air. Flare cracks up because it's hilarious. And that's it! Oh, and who do you think will win the battle? Pika or Flare? Just take a guess, it'll eventually be revealed! See ya!
Aug 20, 2020 by Gau