Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 11)

The Glazio News
Yeah, not really any news today. Nothing new happened. See ya.
Jul 22, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Well, I'm back on Ultra Moon! I started playing some more, so that's cool, I guess. I got to Guzma and something amazing happened partway through the battle. There I was. My only team members left that hadn't fainted to Guzma's Pokemon were Casey and Sweetie. I had no more healing items. Casey took out Golisopod with Counter, but was taken down by Guzma's last Pokemon, Pinsir. Sweetie only had 17 HP left. I sent her out. I knew that if I could just live one more turn, I could finish Pinsir with an Oceanic Opperetta. Pinsir, naturally, outsped me and used X-Scissor. 'It's over' I thought. But then... Sweetie survived on 1 HP due to her high affection! She used her Z-Move, and Pinsir went down! It was so amazing! Well, sure, I could have just come back and challenged Guzma again, but I won! And like that, too! I also got that Buginium Z or whatever it's called in that chest of... Buginium Zs. I went to Aether House, and Lillie went with Team Skull so no one would get hurt. And here comes Mr. Cutie Pie Gla-Gla, who is very ticked! Or something! However, I sat there blasting his awesome music and my 3DS almost died. So yeah. See ya!
Jul 21, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I'm afraid there's no news today. All I've really been doing is copying my shipfest of a fanfic to my old Windows XP. I need it on something because my phone is going to break eventually. See ya.
Jul 19, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I decided to play on two of my emulated Pokemon games: Platinum and Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. On Platinum, I leveled up my invincible Manaphy army a bit, and on Mystery Dungeon, I made a little bit of progress by doing the Special Episode for a while. I'll finish that soon. I've read my fanfic, dunno if I'll work on it. See ya!
Jul 18, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I did the Ghost-type trial and got the Ghostium Z. Now I went to Po Town to get back a kid's Yungoos. I can't wait to beat up epic loser heads. Chao news is basically nonexistant, but I did beat the Dark Story in a couple hours. I didn't do Final Chase, though. So aside from Final Chase. Theme of Shadow is amazing. I've started reading my fanfic, trying to get back in my element. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I hope so though. See ya!
Jul 18, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I made a lot of progress. I caught a Drifloon named Drifty, who evolved into Drifblim, and Soul evolved into Espeon. I also caught a Pyukumuku named Casey. Casey destroyed Totem Togedemaru. Just basically one-shot it with Counter. Pretty insane. I'm close to the Ghost-type trial, but I'm sitting outside of that motel near that one desert place, blasting that song that sounds like Gladion's battle theme. It's amazing. I wore the battery down listening to it and had to plug my 3DS in, heh. Good old Ultra Moon. See ya!
Jul 17, 2020 by Gau
Caught the Drifloon! :)

Pokemon: Drifloon
Nickname: Drifty
Gender: Male
Level: 7
Nature: Careful
Characteristic: Nods off a lot
Ability: Aftermath
Moves: Astonish, Constrict, Minimize
Stats: 31 HP, 12 Attack, 11 Defense, 12 Special Attack, 13 Special Defense, 14 Speed
Jul 16, 2020 by Gau
Sure! I'd love to! I'll get a Drifloon soon. :)

The Glazio News
I'm still in Gladion's motel room. I keep running around and giggling gleefully as his head follows me around the room while squealing about how cute his eyes are. Thrilling. Darn Soul and his stubborn affection. See ya!
Jul 16, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I did the Battle Royal. Hau, the Masked Doofus, and Gladion all ganged up on me and I fainted, and I want to cry because of it. But I can forgive Gladion. So I beat the Fire-type trial and now I'm maxing out my two Pokemon's affection inside of Gladion's motel room. Because Gladion lives in a motel on a Route that's a famous date spot. I'm letting that sink in. He tells me to get out but doesn't force me out because of... video game logic? Good of a guess as any. I've literally been standing there for over 16 hours maxing out my Pokemon's affection and doing Roto Lotos, you'd think he'd shove me outside or call the person who runs the place because I'm staying there without paying or something like that. Maybe he's thinking of a plan to get me out that takes over a day to think of. I dunno. See ya!
Jul 14, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Much progress made on my new file. I got my banked Pokemon into my PC, beat up Teacher Emily and Ilima without any trouble, and beat the trial and grand trial on Melemele Island. So now I'm on Akala Island, after finishing the Brooklet Hill trial. I have to follow Gla-Gla AKA Gladion into the Battle Royal Dome now. He's cute and I'm gonna go up against him in a Battle Royal... I feel kinda bad. I'll be targeting Hau and the Masked Doofus's Pokemon for sure. See ya!
Jul 14, 2020 by Gau