Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 11)

The Glazio News
I started a new save file on Ultra Moon, and I'm quickly realizing why I shouldn't have. All my Pokemon from my previous save file are OK, they're in Pokemon Bank. But guess what? Sweetie the Popplio keeps getting destroyed by a Rowlet's Leafage. Stupid teacher lady. I'll soon be putting my banked Pokemon into the PC, and I'm considering cheating. I may, I may not. Also, I have plans to get a Pyukumuku on my team. What fun! That's all, see ya!
Jul 12, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I gave my 10 Dhelmise all movesets depending on their Attack or Special Attack. Ones with their Attack being hindered by a Nature are Special Attackers, and ones with their Special Attack being hindered by a Nature are Physical Attackers. If neither Attack stat is being hindered, they'll be Physical Attackers. The Physical moveset is Shadow Claw, Power Whip, Anchor Shot, and Giga Impact, and the Special moveset is Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Flash Cannon, and Hyper Beam. Yay. See ya!
Jul 12, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I've been breeding a lot of Dhelmise. Dhelmise holding Evolution Stones. They're good because I can put them on the GTS and get Type: Nulls. It works, I tried it. What fun. I'm trying to teach them all strong moves as well. Chao news is that my two Chao whose grades I've been trying to raise through rencarnation had another baby. I thought that if two Chao bred, they couldn't breed again in that life without a Heart Fruit, but I guess I was wrong? Oh well. See ya!
Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I decided to take on the Pokemon League with a team of Shinies: Casey the Flareon, Nikki the Sylveon, Lillie the Primarina, Violet the Alolan Ninetales, Brandon the Umbreon, and Poppy the Lurantis. It was hard as heck, but I had Revives and Sitrus Berries, as well as useful TMs. I eventually beat the E4 and was challenged by Hau. And I won. Now I feel very smug because my Shinies were levels, like, 30 to 50, going up against level 60s. Now they feel even more special, as they have a Ribbon to prove it. And that's it. See ya!
Jul 9, 2020 by Gau
Also, great whatever-the-heck you posted on my wall, I love it. XD
Jul 9, 2020 by Gau
Jul 9, 2020 by Gau
Yeah I doubt you weren’t high
Jul 9, 2020 by y-chai
I know the feeling. I practically gave up on my alpha sapphire nuzlocke.
Jul 9, 2020 by Amethyst
Hey, how's the Nuzlocke going?
Jul 9, 2020 by Amethyst
The Glazio News
I finally named my Shiny HA Pyukumuku. His name is Alan. I think Alan's a cute name. I spent what felt like forever trying to get an HA Wailmer, and I eventually did, so yay. Chao news is that my Chao are being Chao in the Chao World Chao Garden. Woo-hoo. Fanfic news... if you can count it, I've been writing a new fanfic. It's about a girl name Pika starting up an HA breeding service, and the jobs I do here are put into the fanfic. What fun! And that's it. See ya!
Jul 8, 2020 by Gau