Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 12)

I am excited for Drifty the Crazy Murderer Sylveon. DARN YOU EGGS!

The Glazio News
All right. I'm still breeding for the Eevee I want. Stingy little things. I haven't been to the Chao Gardens, so no Chao news. But, shockingly, there's fanfic news. I think I'm back in my element. Hopefully I'll finally finish episode 2 soon. See ya!
Jun 27, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
So now I've decided to resume my quest for a near-perfect IVs Modest HA Eevee. For some reason, all the Eevee's IVs suck. Now I see why I put it on hold. So I'll be doing that for a while. Chao news is that the two Chao I'm raising finally bred. Yay. Fanfic news doesn't exist. See ya!
Jun 26, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
All we have today is Pokemon news. So, I'm still trying to breed a near-perfect IVs Timid female HA Fennekin. I hope I'll get one soon. I caught a Kyogre in my random wild Pokemon Black playthrough, and I named it Primal. He's a new team member, as I replaced Palkia. I played Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky a bit today. I did Bidoof's Wish, a special episode, and got to the expedition. I'm currently at base camp while Flareon realizes that he remembers the place they're in. And that's it. See ya!
Jun 25, 2020 by Gau
Ooooops sowwy
Jun 25, 2020 by y-chai
I'm glad you like it! I'll put it in my fanfic someday, and we can watch the entire gang who is watching it go "what the frick is this". XD
Jun 24, 2020 by Gau
WWWWWWWWWhat makes you think that
Jun 24, 2020 by Syl ™
The Adventures Of Super Drifty, Drifty the Sylveon's future animation series, has one fully planned episode and one partially planned episode.

The series takes place in a location called Buddy Capital, home of Drifty and his friends. Drifty is secretly a superhero, Super Drifty, protector of Buddy Capital. There are two villains. N, whose goal is to goal is to destroy Drifty and Buddy Capital, and Skye, whose goal is to get Gladion. Skye teamed up with N because if he killed Pika, who Gladion has a crush on, she would be able to get Gladion.

Episode 1: Trouble in Buddy Capital
The plot is that N has an invention he'll use to destroy Drifty: the Mega-Super-Blaster Ray 2020. When Pika and Drifty see that N seems to be plotting something, Pika asks Gladion to set some dynamite inside of N's base to destroy it, to which he happily agrees. He's held up by an infatuated Skye partway through, and Pika notices that he's been gone for a while and goes to help him. This worries Drifty, who is concerned that his friends will die in there. Gladion sets the dynamite and Pika comes in. They decide to destroy the Mega-Super-Blaster Ray 2020 because it will most likely be fired before the base is destroyed. They then reach the top, but N stuns them by knocking them to the ground. He then readies the Mega-Super-Blaster Ray 2020, which alerts Drifty. He transforms into Super Drifty and flies out the window, towards N's base. N fires the Mega-Super-Blaster Ray 2020 at him, and he counters it with his special move, Pixie Beam. However, Super Drifty begins to tire. Then the dynamite goes off, shaking the crumbling base, and Skye comes running in in a total panic. Pika, Gladion, and Skye are about to jump out the window, but N locks them in, knowing that he can take both Pika and Gladion out. Then Super Drifty flies through the wall and though the Mega-Super-Blaster Ray 2020 and out the other wall, which causes the machine to act like it's about to explode. Pika's frightened and Gladion thinks they're going to die. The situation looks grim... but then Super Drifty flies through the wall again and grabs Pika and Gladion with his ribbons before making an escape. N's base crumbles before being blown to pieces because of the Mega-Super-Blaster Ray 2020's explosion, and N and Skye blast off in a Rocket Trio-like fashion, and Drifty and his friends happily return home. Gladion says that N'll probably get another plan, but Drifty and Pika aren't worried and say that they'll just beat him again.

What are your thoughts on it?
Jun 24, 2020 by Gau
I love your randomizer. :)

The Glazio News
Finally, I did my Wishiwashi chain and encountered a Shiny Wishiwashi ??? into the chain. I caught it in a Dive Ball, so yay. Then I went to the Battle Tree and stalled a Venusaur until it Struggled. Chao news is that my two Chao have evolved. My Hero Chao is now Power, and my Dark Chao is now Run. My Dark one looks a bit like a mini neon green Shadow the Hedgehog, and my Hero one looks a bit bulky. Not a fan of the Hero one's new look. The good thing is that her Power's grade is now S. I still haven't worked on my fanfic... I'll try to today. See ya!
Jun 23, 2020 by Gau
So yeah I have a random discord server now. https://discord.gg/5VCzSHr
Jun 23, 2020 by Driftyy:]
How's the fan game doing?
Jun 23, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~