Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 12)

The Glazio News
Well, I've started up an HA breeding service, and oh boy do I have a lot of Pokemon. I have over 400 in Moon, I think. I also have over 100 Type: Null and Silvally in Ultra Moon. Crazy. Also, my Shiny Pyukumuku is an HA, so that's snazzy. I'm still thinking of a name though. The Battle Tree was more like the Insanity Tree with me battling in it today. I played Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of Sky a bit today as well. Fun. Now I'm doing a Special Episode, and you may not know what the heck that is. And that's it. See ya!
Jul 7, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
It finally happened. After 206 Pyukumuku called, I found a Shiny one. I caught him in a Luxury Ball. I'm going to check if he's an HA soon. I haven't named him yet, though. I decided to take some of my Shinies to the Battle Tree, and I lost pathetically terribly. I think that makes sense. Anyway, I lost bad. Someday, I want to get all my Shinies to level 100. Yay, pure pain! Well, that's that for news. See ya!
Jul 6, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Well, I've been doing my Pyukumuku chain still. I'm now at 123 Pyukumuku called. Maybe I'll get a Shiny soon... or not. Or never. But whatever, I'm gonna keep trying. Because I love Pyukumuku a lot for some reason. And that's it. See ya!
Jul 5, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
OK, I suck at remembering holidays. But I have to say: happy 4th of July! I really like this holiday, heh. So, here's the news: I've started Shiny hunting Pyukumuku. I dunno how far into the SOS chain I am, though. Too lazy to check. It's a pretty hard Pokemon to SOS chain, because Innards Out says hello. Luckily, I have plenty of Revives and Sitrus Berries. And that's it. See ya!
Jul 5, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
It's another sad day. Basically no news. But I have gone into the "breeding rare Pokemon" business, it seems. If you want a hard-to-get Pokemon that's in Moon, well, I probably have it. And I can help. That sounded more like advertisement than news, but whatever. That's the Pokemon news. And that's the only news. See ya!
Jul 3, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Well, I evolved some more of my Type: Nulls and I got three more to evolve later. I went to the Battle Tree and eventually lost thanks to a pair of Bug-types. Depressing. And that's it. See ya!
Jul 2, 2020 by Gau
You are a beast in the Battle Tree.

The Glazio News
Yay, it's a new month! I celebrated by... going to the Battle Tree and trying to destroy people with my new Eeveelution buddy while blasting Gladion's battle theme. What a good start to the day. Chao and fanfic news don't exist. See ya!
Jul 1, 2020 by Gau

The Glazio News
I finished EV training the Eevee and, after a failed attempt, evolved him. I also taught him the moves he needs. Now I'm trying to train him to level 50, but I'm slacking off. That's the only news, I'm sad to say. See ya!
Jun 30, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Good news. I was hatching Eevees at night when I suddenly hatched the one I was looking for. Male, HA, near-perfect IVs. I would prefer less Attack IVs, but I am not going to breed for who knows how many more hours just because I got stingy. He's currently EV training on Poke Pelago. Now you can wonder what I'm going to evolve him into. Chao news doesn't exist, and neither does fanfic news, but I'm just happy to finally have that Eevee. See ya!
Jun 29, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
There's no news today. I'm not kidding. I haven't played Pokemon, I haven't went to the Chao Garden, and I haven't done any work on my fanfic. I'd usually say "see ya" here, but I'll just sign off.
Jun 28, 2020 by Gau