Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 13)

Why did you make demon noises on my in-game Serperior moveset?
Jun 23, 2020 by Amethyst
Clefairy guards! Also, yay, I'm a mad lad! (does victory dance)

I evolved Drifty the Eevee into a Vaporeon and destroyed Burgh's Gym with IYBFlareon and my new Articuno, so yay. :)

The Glazio News
The boredom deepens. I got a few more Wishiwashi into the SOS chain, so yay. I've been doing my random wild Pokemon playthrough of Black, and that's going well. My Chao still needs to evolve to get a better grade in Run. I haven't worked on my fanfic yet. Sorry. See ya!
Jun 22, 2020 by Gau
Okay! :)
Jun 22, 2020 by JaJaDingDong
Assuming you're talking about my misspelling of Coil, I despise autocorrect sometimes.
Jun 22, 2020 by Amethyst
Nice news. I like that.
Jun 22, 2020 by Amethyst
That is the best grav ever
Jun 22, 2020 by iloveflareon
The Glazio News
Ah, a new start. Shockingly, there's no Pokemon news. Instead, I've been playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I deleted my Chao Data and started over. My starting Chao evolved, and I've decided to get two all S Grade Chao, which will take forever because of reincarnation. Fanfic news doesn't exist. This ended up more boring than I expected. See ya!
Jun 21, 2020 by Gau
I want to hug your Grav. :3

The Glazio News
This news is majorly disappointing. I was 253 Cutiefly into the chain when I accidentally used Flash Cannon on the only one, which knocked it out and ended my chain. Then I tried to SOS chain Corsola, but I was tired of the darn thing using Recover and gave up 3 into the chain. So now I'm SOS chaining Wishiwashi. I was going to try Feebas, but I ran into a Wishiwashi, so I decided to do Wishiwashi instead. I'm currently 13 into the chain. It's going pretty well. And I made a new file on my emulated Explorers of Sky. My character is a Flareon who knows Roar of Time, Luster Purge, Aeroblast, and Shadow Force. My partner is a Vaporeon who knows Spacial Rend, Mist Ball, Sacred Fire, and Seed Flare. Yay for cheat codes. Chao news doesn't exist again. The fanfic news is that I'm going to work on it soon. After I look up Drapion's moves. That's that. See ya!
Jun 21, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
OK, I didn't get three Shinies in three days. Too bad. I gave up on the Drowzee chain and decided to Shiny hunt Cutiefly instead. I actually tried to Shiny hunt Cutiefly without a Shiny Charm once. I didn't succeed. So now it's payback time. If you can call it that. Anyway, I'm 161 calls into the chain. Lots of Cutiefly. Chao news doesn't exist, but I added a new tiny bit to the main fanfic. Yay. See ya!
Jun 19, 2020 by Gau
Ooh, that'd be cool! I think I'll do that sometime! :)

The Glazio News
Yay for two Shinies in two days. 58 calls into my Riolu chain, I found a Shiny Riolu. I threw a Luxury Ball at it, and it broke out immediately. Then it called a Riolu, and I knocked it out and threw another Luxury Ball, but it broke out again. Then it called a Chansey, which survived my level 90-something Lunala's Moonblast with more than half its HP left. Then I knocked it out and threw a Dusk Ball at the Riolu, which caught it. It was male, so I named it Dexter. And so I now have a Shiny Hidden Ability Riolu named Dexter. Yay. I've decided to Shiny hunt Drowzee this time and I'm currently 20 calls into the chain. Maybe three Shinies in three days can happen. That'd be pretty awesome. Chao news doesn't exist. The fanfic news is, uh... that I read my fanfics but didn't work on them. I have a serious lazy streak... sorry. See ya!
Jun 18, 2020 by Gau