Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Driftyy:] (page 8)

The Glazio News
I'm breeding some Snorunt in Moon so I can get a Froslass with an evil moveset. And I beat Morty in Silver. On to fanfic news, and this one's a whopper! In Sol and Luna, the Fomantis girl introduces herself as Pyxis and I hope I'm not butchering that name. So Pika introduces herself and the others, and Pyxis asks if they can battle. Pika says yes, but Rotom blabs about her being at a disadvantage. She doesn't care and sends out Sweetie while Pyxis uses Fomantis. Sweetie tries to Pound Fomantis, Fomantis dodges and then gets hit. So then it uses Razor Leaf, which is dodged, and when Sweetie tries to use Pound, it Grass Knots her and she falls to the ground, stunned. So Fomantis charges Solar Beam and Pika nearly has a panic attack and tells Sweetie to do something. What, she doesn't know. Will Sweetie get blasted by Solar Beam? That'll be revealed later! Time for The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika! Hau yells at Gladion and Gladion yells back so they yell at each other and Gladion starts taunting and mocking him! Coooooool! Pika just sits there like Miss Moron and watches, heh. Gotta love this argument. Hau calls Gladion a jerk and Gladion smirks and says "An insult from you, even if it's true, is like a Magikarp that only knows Splash: pathetic, stupid, and useless!" So Hau replies "Oh yeah?! You do know that Magikarp can evolve into Gyarados, right?!" And we get this gem from Gla-Gla: "Oh, sure! Hau's insult is evolving! Hau's insult evolved into an even more pathetic insult!" Fricking Gladion I love you. Gla-Gla looks so smug 'cause Hauhead is ticked. And Pika's just like 'oh nooooo this is alllllll my faulllllllllt' internally. So Gladion stands up and that's all I have for now! On to my new nameless fanfic about a disaster in Alola which is still being decided on and will possibly involve Ultra Beasts! I made a prologue, yay. It's an Alola night that looks nice, and we hear someone say Gladion's name. Gladion notices, and the girl who spoke sits down next to him. He remarks about the sky, and how they're small under it. Insignificant. Alone. Her response is to press her side against his and lay her head on his shoulder and tell him that he's not alone. Yay for Gladion blushes. He considers her his best friend, but hasn't told her. He also hasn't told her how he loves her. And he can't now. He says her name, which is Pika, and says he'd like her to have a Pokemon, which is a Type: Null. He believes she'd make the perfect Trainer for it. So she blushes, thanks him, and calls him sweet, making him blush more. As I once said, "T-This is... this is cute." Anyway, she hugs him and buries her head in his chest because whee. This stuns him, but he hugs her back. Oh and she has put the Type: Null's Poke Ball in her pocket. Gladion feels the urge to tell her how he feels about her, but doesn't. He'd have plenty of time to. And Pika has fallen asleep, just making him blush more. He decides to carry her home so she isn't alone, asleep, in the night. And she melts his heart with cuteness when she's not even awake. Ending lines of the prologue: "He knew he needed to tell her how he felt. But not today or tomorrow. He knows he'd have plenty of time to." Awwwww... anyway, that's all for now, I gotta catch my breath from all this. See ya!
Sep 14, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I've been evolving some Eevees in Moon because why the heck not? And I beat the Pokemon League again in Alpha Sapphire. Now two of my Pokemon are level 100! Sheesh. Now on to Sol and Luna! The Fomantis-having girl apologizes for accidentally hitting them with that Leafage Storm. Rotom agrees that it's powerful. And Hau is whimpering 'cause one of the leaves cut him. And when Pika's sympathetic, his crush sets in and he blushes. Ugh. Seriously, I am craving Gladion so much right now. But frick, it's gonna take a while before he's introduced. We need the cute couple, Pika and Gladion, right this second. Sadly, we cannot have them right this second. Anyway, the Fomantis girl asks if Pika's a Pokemon Trainer and if she'd like to battle. Without getting an answer to the first question. Nerd. And yes, Pika. Random streaks of color in your hair seems to be a theme. Insert random person with streaks of non-hair-color red in their hair here. So Hau says, I quote: "Um... we don't even know your name, and you don't know our names. And you just hit us with a Leafage. Also, you just asked her if she's a Trainer and if she'd battle you without knowing if she's a Trainer or not." Her reply? "I-I said I was sorry..." She only focused on one part. Epic sigh. Pika says that she'd love to battle, but asks her who she is. Then Flare cuts in because they were having a battle. The Fomantis girl says she hopes he doesn't mind if she battles his girlfriend. And she gets her head epically screamed off because Pika's Flare's sister, not his girlfriend. Awkwaaaaaard. For the girl, at least. Everyone but her and Flare are dying of laughter. Pika thinks that he's more angry than Scarlet was when the two of them were pretending to be Pokemon and accidentally knocked the TV over and broke it. Pika was Reshiram and Flare was Zekrom, by the way. Pika used Blue Flare! Flare used Bolt Strike! It's super effective against their mom's TV! Heh heh. The memory makes Pika laugh even harder, and the girl apologizes to Flare. Flare's response is: "No harm done, just assuming my sister is my fricking girlfriend! La la la, totally harmless and not weird in the slightest!" Flare's sarcasm makes Pika laugh even harder because it is hilarious. In fact, she's laughing so hard that she cried! That's it for now! See ya!
Sep 13, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Phew! I evolved those three Type: Null in Moon, meaning I have Type: Null and Silvally's Pokedex entries in every language! On Moon, at least. Finally! I'm so fancy! And I can finally send them and the others to Ultra Moon, as I didn't want to do so until I evolved those three. Ha ha! Clearing up box space! In my Black Nuzlocke, I caught a few new Pokemon. A female Purrloin named Marina at Route 3, a male Slowbro named No-Speed at Wellspring Cave, and an Unown at Pinwheel Forest! Aww, Unown is so cute! Sadly, No-Speed died when I was training him. I encountered a Floatzel while at low HP. I was going to switch out, but the thing used Pursuit and killed me. Frick. Oh, and Marina stole a Star Piece from a Jirachi. Mythical Pokemon that grants wishes just got mugged by a cat! Ha! Also, frock my team's Psychic-type overlap. Seriously, I've had waaaaay too many Psychic-types. Anyway, time for some more Sol and Luna! Picking up from where we left off, Flare says that him and Pika are planning to go out on their Island Challenge today! Eclipse says that they should check out the Trainers' School, and Pika asks why. Also, Pika was still kneeling on the ground, so Hau pulls her up. And when she thanks him, we get another Hau blushing moment. Yay. Frock me and my wanting Hau to have a crush on Pika while she crushes on Gladion. Hau x Pika seems to be getting popular. Pika x Gladion is the true ship though. Ask future Sol and Luna. I wrote it because I got cool ideas and wanted a story that had an Alola adventure and Pika x Gladion. And this shall have both. Dreams are in reach when you have a pen... or in this case, keyboard. Anyway, Eclipse explains that the Trainers' School is a place where Trainers can go to learn about Pokemon battling and crud. So Flare drags Pika to the Trainers' School, and Hau and Eclipse follow 'em. When they go inside, Flare decides to explore and maybe battle someone, so he goes up the stairs on his own. Eclipse goes with him. Pika makes a joke about them trying to leave her there alone, and Hau's reaction is to say that he'll stay so she won't be alone. It's a joke, Hau. Laugh at it. Stop fueling ships. Then he wonders if they left them there together on purpose, and Pika yells at Flare while heading up the stairs to follow him. But guess what? He's battling against a girl and her Pokemon, which is identified as Fomantis! Rotom gives Pika the info on its species. Then it uses a giant Leafage that's more like a Leaf Storm. It hits not only Eevee, but also Pika, Eclipse, Hau, and Flare. Oops. Pika slams into a wall 'cause of the impact of the Leafage Storm, which is what I am jokingly calling it, which hurts her shoulder a bit. So Flare ignores the fact that he was battling to see if his little sister is OK. And yes, she says she is. That's all for now, see ya!
Sep 12, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I started my Black Random Wild Pokemon Nuzlocke! Whee! My first attempt was a flop, with me losing on the first battle with my Budew. On my second attempt, I got a male Togetic whom I named Drifty. On Route 1, I caught a male Espeon named Alan. I was training them up when Drifty's Metronome called Final Gambit. So, uh, yeah... he's dead. Frick. When I went to Route 2, I caught a female Pichu named Pika who sadly perished when I got too cocky against this one nerd in the first Gym. So all I had was Alan. I trained him up to level 19 and one-shot both of Chili's Pokemon with Confusion and got my first Badge. Well then, he sure is a powerhouse! Also, did you know that Espeon could learn Cut? I didn't. Then, after I went to the Dreamyard and beat those Team Plasma Grunts and stuff, I caught a female Gothitelle named Gina. She has a fricking Adamant nature. Curse her soul and mine. Anyway, fanfic news today is Sol and Luna! Surprised? Yeah me too. I was looking at my Pokemon cards and decided to work on it because I adore Alola and its adventures. And its Pokemon. And especially its characters. So it's back! Ha ha, whee! I hope you remember what was happening last time! Pika and Flare go into Pika's room and remark about it being an eventful day when Rotom flies in through the window. And takes pictures of stuff. Then they hear a Pokemon cry that causes Pika to nearly have a heart attack and fall off of the bed she was sitting on. Flare rushes to her side and asks her if she's okay, which she replies that she is. Then Flare notices some thingies on the bed that weren't there before. Rotom identifies them as Z-Rings and explains what they are and they're made from Sparkling Stones. Pika wonders if they're made from the same ones that the fat old not-psychic kahuna dude borrowed, and Rotom says he doesn't know. Then Flare wonders how they got there. They're all confused by it, and Pika remembers that they were supposed to get their Sparkling Stones back today. Oops. They put on their Z-Rings and decide to study. The next day, they learned about the Island Challenge and stuff from Rotom and head outside after Scarlet says they can. Rotom follows them stealthily. They get near the Trainers' School and see Hau and Eclipse chatting. So Pika decides to get Hau back for the tackle-hugs... by tackle-hugging him! Perfect. So he blushes like a moron. Pika asks who's embarrassed now, and his response is to hug her back, making her feel awkward. Fantastic flop. She tells Hau she can barely breathe, and he lets go and apologizes. Eclipse asks how Pika and Flare are doing, and Flare says they're doing fine. What's next? That's for me to know and for you to find out! See ya!
Sep 11, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Oh joy. I did some things I can't remember in Pokemon. No, legit, I can't remember. Uh... oh, right! I played Silver and finally beat Bugsy thanks to Primal the Geodude and his Rock Throw. Then I beat my rival and headed to Ilex Forest. I got Cut, made it to Goldenrod City, and beat Whitney with ease. Seriously, how do people even have problems with beating her? She's easy as pie. Anyway, then I got the Squirt Bottle and caught that Sudowoodo, whom I named Tao for no reason. He's a part of my team for the moment and seems to be pretty useful. Oh, and I headed to the Ruins of Alph. Why? Simple. I had the Radio Card on my Pokegear thingy and listened to ?????, which made lots of weird sounds and unnerved me! It was really creepy to me. Thanks, Bulbapedia, now I know that exists. I need to find out what exactly those sounds are. Ha ha, whee! Oh, I need to beat Morty, but I zoomed to that place... I forget what it's called. I think it has Jasmine's Gym and a random lighthouse. And I'm gonna do a Randomized Wild Pokemon Nuzlocke on Black. That'll be fun! Anyway, on to The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika. They get outta awkward mode and the room is very boring so whee. And it's hard for Pika to get Gladion out of her mind. Hau remarks that there's no furniture and thinks that they could talk to Lusamine about that. Pika's a bit worried, as Gladion lives at Aether Paradise and seems to hate her, so she thinks it might be hard to stay at Aether Paradise. Hau then grabs Pika's hand and tows her down a hallway so they can go talk to Lusamine. But then Hau crashes into someone and they all tumble down the stairs. Fun. He crashed into Gladion, who is very ticked off. Hau apologizes and calls him Mr. Edgy, which Pika snickers at. And Gladion must be in a really bad mood, 'cause he grabs Pika's tuxedo collar and says that he's sick and tired of her and Hau already and tells her to stay out of his way or "I swear to Arceus, someone will be getting hurt". Someone's grumpy! Pika is on a new level of terrified, and Hau yells at Gladion, saying that Pika hasn't done anything wrong. Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh... might wanna double-check that one, Hau. That's all for now! See ya!
Sep 10, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I got all the Unowns! Yaaaaaaay! I so fancy. In Moon, I finally lost in the Battle Tree... but my win streak was, like, 62. I got a cool stamp at my 50th victory. And I barely lost the battle I lost! My Dragonite probably would've survived and beat the Kommo-o with Outrage if it hadn't been hit with an attack, which broke Multiscale. So I'm feeling pretty good about my nice win streak. Also, one of my Type: Null evolved! Yay! In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, the light's turned on by Hau, and Pika sees a wall. So she leans back and guess what? She had fallen on him, and that just makes it awkward. So they're just kinda sitting there. Yes I'm a lazy writer. See ya!
Sep 9, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Guess what? Unown's being a pain. I ran into a Mirage Cave with only Unown, and I'm trying to catch one of each letter, plus the exclamation and question mark ones. I caught all of them... but one. And I've encountered, like, 160 of the cute little things. Oh yeah, I love Unown. They're adorable and have a little eye. Anyway, on to fanfic news. In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, Lusamine says that Lillie told her about Pika needing a place to stay, and that she can stay at Aether Paradise for as long as she'd like. Pika's happy about this and thanks her. Gladion's ticked off. Hau wants to hug Pika more. And Lillie smirks at Gladion 'cause he's ticked.  Lusamine asks Gladion if he can show Pika to a room, and he's like nope. Lillie begs him, but he still says no. Lusamine asks who would show Pika to a room then. Gladion doesn't know and doesn't care, so says "Hau or something". Hau is pretty stunned and blushes at Pika. Then we get more memorable lines from Gla-Gla: "Oh great. Idiot in love. Why am I not surprised? Pika's perfect for Hau. She has all the qualities he could ever want: stupid, naive, nosy, really stupid, dumb, still nosy, stupid as frick, and dumber than a bag of rocks." So they zoom outta the room and Gladion gets a camera shoved into his face by his mother. It's a pic of him and Pika napping on his bed. Lillie says ship whee. So Gladion tries to kill her wih glares. Then we're warped to Pika's POV. Epic whee. She's feeling like an idiot because she didn't know Gladion's name was Gladion. Then Hau tries to figure out what rooms are empty and does so. They walk into a dark room and Pika accidentally closes the door so they're in pure darkness. So they freak out a bit and try to find the light switch. But then Pika trips and falls! What will happen next? Find out next time, as our journey continues! But seriously, see ya!
Sep 9, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I evolved Snivy into Servine and then Serperior! His moveset is Leaf Blade, Aqua Tail, Knock Off, and Swords Dance. I'd make him a Leaf Storm Contrary Serperior, but his nature is Adamant and his ability is Overgrow. So yeah. Now I want to breed and EV train an Absol. So I caught an Absol with Super Luck and soon I'll breed it. What fun. In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, Lusamine changes the subject to introductions. Gladion is not all that happy. Lusamine's the president of the Aether Foundation, and now Pika knows Gladion's name. Woo-hoo! I love how she says that they welcome Pika to Aether Paradise and Gladion thinks 'I don't recall welcoming anybody to anywhere.'. Applaud Gla-Gla. Pika says she's Pika and she's from Johto, which Gladion finds interesting. Lusamine starts to say something, but guess who bursts into the room at speeds faster than Sonic the Hedgehog? Hau, that's who. Idiot number two, as Gladion says. Hau tackle-hugs Pika because she's alive I guess and Gladion gets mad 'cause now Hau's on his bed. So he yells at them, Hau gets off of the bed, and Gladion yanks Pika off of the bed. Funny how he was just napping on her shoulder mere minutes in their time ago. That's it for now, see ya!
Sep 7, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
Fun in Alpha Sapphire! I caught some more Pokemon, beat the Pokemon League two times, and have begun EV training an Adamant-natured Snivy in Attack and Speed. It's actually going well. Also, it appears that I can blast Wally's battle theme in the Battle Resort. I love the place now. Woo-hoo, fun music blasting! So, in The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika... there's no news for now. I'll try to work on it later.
Sep 6, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I'm still losing on Silver. But I keep winning Battle Tree battles on Moon, so that's great. I have a fourty-something win streak thanks mainly to Celesteela. Also, I finally played Alpha Sapphire again today. Did a few Contests, battled a few nerds, caught a few Pokemon... and challenged the Pokemon League. I beat the Elite Four, but then I had to fight Mr. Champion Steven. I just realized how good that battle theme was. Also I lost. Oopsie. Well, I had fun at least. So, now on to fanfic news. In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, Lillie squeals that Pika and Gladion are so cute. This makes Gladion stir from his nap and we are warped to his POV. He swears he heard Lillie say something loud, but he doesn't know what it is and his dream, whatever it was, starts fading away. He realizes that his head doesn't seem to be on a pillow or the floor, confusing him. So he starts opening his eyes and remembering what had happened. Pika was in his room, he headlocked her, she fainted, blah blah blah, he went to sleep with his head on her shoulder. So he fully opens his eyes and sees Pika staring at him. What a nice way to wake up, huh, Gla-Gla? Oh and Pika's blushing. Now you know. He raises his head and realizes that his mother and Lillie are standing in the doorway, and he thinks that his mother's been taking pictures of him as he sleeps. And she has. This time. Pika shoves herself into Gladion's side a little before jumping back because she keeps embarrassing herself like a dum-dum. Then Lillie tells her brother that she's a bit upset because she's his little sister and she expected to be told if he got a girlfriend. So they both kinda freak out a bit, with Pika being flustered and Gladion being ticked-off. Poor Gla-Gla. Then Gladion tells them they're stupider than Pika. And Pika's kinda hurt by that. And Gladion does think Pika's dumb which is true. Lusamine and Lillie aren't phased at all by being called stupid. That's it for now, see ya!
Sep 5, 2020 by Gau