Hey Fizz, how is going? Playing any game theese days?
Feb 11, 2018
Thanks Fizz! I had to send a friend request bc it won't accept messages otherwise apparently.
Feb 7, 2018
I would love that link! I recently started using Discord and I'm fairly active on two servers.
I definitely was really upset for a while, especially since those games and their Pokemon (and other data for other games) held a lot of meaning for me. It's all right, although I keep thinking I have cartridges I don't. I do have all my trading cards still and luckily didn't lose Pokemon X or Super Mystery Dungeon, or any of my Gameboy cartridges.
Feb 7, 2018
Sounds great! i'm a little out of the loop. I got my several of my game cards stolen AND lost my Moon cartridge. Hoping to pick it back up again but I haven't felt ready to start with a new team yet.
I'm interested in helping out on the DB if you need anything, but otherwise will probably just take the activity as it comes. Not sure how regular I'll be posting but hoping to stick around bit.
Feb 6, 2018
Hey Fizz. Dunno if you remember me but I used to be super active here so hopefully I made an impression. :P
I came on to say hi to people and check out some of the updates. I haven't logged in in months.
I just wanted to say i'm really glad to see the DB is still updating and doing okay, and that you're active along with PX, Sciz, and several other users I was hoping to check in on. Best wishes, and post to my wall if you need anything! - Love to all of you, Poke'/
Feb 5, 2018
Alright, cool! Thank you so much; that's been really bothering me since day 1!
Feb 3, 2018
Can you do me a favor?
Feb 1, 2018
Can I post a copy of PX's advertisement in the RMT?
Jan 27, 2018
So theoretically with deleting accounts on this site, if an account is deleted, then everything related to that account is wiped? Would there be a way to make it that the content is still there but the account itself is deleted? For example, an account is deleted but a comment from before would still be there except the username will just say something like [Deleted]. Is this possible or would it be to much work for the site admins to implement? That way content will still be present but the account is deleted.
Jan 21, 2018