Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hellfire Taco (page 20)

I created a whole damn landmass out of thin air. Do you really think that I wouldn't take steps to prevent any kind of person from killing me? All of this is nonwithstanding the fact that your government's don't even know where the heck I am.
Sep 11, 2021 by Talos
Why this unprovoked attack on our budding friendship?
Sep 10, 2021 by Talos
I only don't have any powers on this damn planet. And yes, I am still the most powerful person, cause I am a brilliant strategist. Having a very, very, vert large army also helps. I can crush anyone, even No. 2 on the Aorbes list, with my stupendous powers. Amen
Sep 10, 2021 by Talos
Because I kind of have a whole planet or two's worth of army waiting to attack you? But it's kind of personal now, so I won't be calling them unless I get bored
Sep 9, 2021 by Talos
Not powerless, more like out of my comfort zone. Plus, I'll have to think something other than "steal others powers and wreck the defense"
Sep 8, 2021 by Talos
Fine, I'll tell you. I can steal or rather, borrow other people's powers for a limited amount of time. But you people don't have any powers, so how can I steal any?
Sep 8, 2021 by Talos
I don't exactly have a superpower, more like a special skill, but I actually can't use it on Earth, Taco of Hades
Sep 8, 2021 by Talos
Why will you want to "explode" another nation's coastline? And, If you didn't know this, countries actually keep the water near their coastline to themselves, so your point is wrong.
Sep 8, 2021 by Talos
I heard you are Hitler's successor, atleast in the world of Grammar. I guess I'll have to become Churchill
Sep 7, 2021 by Talos
Explode the coastline? Your English is worse than mine. I think that you meant 'explore' the coastline, and why would you want to do that? You have the internet, for heaven's sake.
Sep 7, 2021 by Talos