Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hellfire Taco (page 24)

remember this
how old are you if your born jan 1999
May 25, 2021 by L'chonk
juiced again
May 18, 2021 by Hellfire Taco
May 17, 2021 by BM™
May 17, 2021 by BM™
May 8, 2021 by Felix⠀
bats shouldn't be allowed to be taller than adults it should be outlawed
May 5, 2021 by Hexahedron
do you like it?
May 5, 2021 by Chaos481
grass coral pokemon
dex entry #1: this pokemon live deeply in the sea, this pokemon in dsiguise with other coral to protect it self from predator
dex entry #2: because of it beatiful look, this pokemon always in danger because it hunted by people for decorations

type: grass

base stats
HP: 75
attack: 35
defense: 75
spc.attack: 35
spc.defense: 75
speed: 10

first ability: grassy surge
effect: make the field grassy terain
hidden ability: filter
effect: halfed the damage from super evective damage

tokral Lvl 30 held item mossy coral-> mosakral

male: 50%
female: 50%
May 5, 2021 by Chaos481
three headed pokemon
dex entry #1: this pokemon live in a very hidden forest, anyone dare to disturb them will be kidnapped
dex entry #2: rarely seen pokemon, this creature has three head that could shot different beam each one creating destruction

type: normal

base stats
HP: 80
attack: 30
defense: 95
spc.attack: 150
spc.defense: 100
speed: 100

first ability:type stabber (SELF MADE)
effect: give every type move STAB
second ability: normalize
effect: make every move normal type
hidden ability: serene grace
effect: double the secondary effect of a move

signature move: triple headshot (special)
Type: normal
info: each head fire beam that could be a random type that could destroy a single mountain
power: 40
PP: 10
effect: each shot has a random typing ( get STAB from ability type stabber )

male: 87,5%
female: 12,5%
May 5, 2021 by Chaos481
mossy coral pokemon
dex #1: because of it poisonous moss, every other pokemon always stay away from it making it the most loneliest pokemon in the sea
dex entry #2: for surviving, this pokemon disgiuse it self as a coral to seek the prey with it poisonous moss

type: grass/water

base stats
HP: 95
attack: 50
defense: 150
spc.attack: 50
spc.defense: 150
speed: 10

first ability: grassy surge
effect: make the field grassy terain
hidden ability: filter
effect: halfed the damage from super efective damage

signature move: sturdy coral
effect: raise the user defense and spc.defense and lower the target defense and spc.defense
power: -
PP: 10

tokral Lvl 30 held item mossy coral-> mosakral

male: 50%
female: 50%
May 5, 2021 by Chaos481