Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Iridacea (page 42)

Dec 7, 2020 by Thunder Clapper
You have culture.  You put Littleroot Town for good Pokémon music.
Dec 7, 2020 by J™
Dec 7, 2020 by themodernage
Aww, cute grav
Dec 7, 2020 by BM™
Congrats on 5K! You’re so close don’t give up!!
Dec 7, 2020 by themodernage
Congrats on 5k!
Dec 7, 2020 by Amethyst
Congrats on 5k!
Dec 7, 2020 by J™
Friends I think
1UpGirlProxy- She's my best friend in real life! We've been best friends for like 6 years, so if we're laughing about something that makes no sense in chat it's probably a stupid inside joke. She likes Zelda and has only played Pokemon Sword. #SingleSisters

Her best quote ever:
"It's called a concealed carry, dipstick, ever hear of the second amendment?"

PrimalKyogre- Awesome fellow Kyogre. Also an Ancient Kroger.

IWantToDiePringles- I have to say "Hey, sentient chips." On his wall June 5th 2022.

~Chocolatte~ - She's random and great, lol..........

☆SleepyDreepy☆ -Very awesome :) since he made a 'nature' for me, I'll do him....I think Careful... (K well I asked him and he said quiet, timid, quirky, careful or calm SO take your pick.) Also, just say "Sleepy Dweepy" out loud right now. Fun, isn't it?

DeltaEmerald- Apparently hunted for a 6iv timid shiny Rayquaza for 6 years. Now that's dedication. Other than that, he's pretty cool.

Gladion Aether- G l a g l a w h e e s

Hollow The Slyveekyu- He's an Eevee fan, obviously. Super fun to talk to.

Aurora Zapp- She writes cool fanfics and is very supportive of everyone.

UncleEdison (0_0)- He lives in China, very noice. We apparently have a points contest, he's winning rn tho.

Giga~Blade X- If you ask a question, he'll have answered it within the hour. One of the few calm chat users. (I hope he comes back soon)

A typical glance- He loves Kirbo, TerminalMontage, and Hoenn. (Ditto's Daycare Dance is my favorite too)

SSuperiority- Calm and funny, also a Hoenn fanboy.

Porygon-Zangoose- He makes awesome Pokemon sets.

Blaziken787- Go look at his grav right now and tell me it isn't the cutest thing ever

Alphacelestius- He has the best gravatars. Like seriously, did you see his Zamazenta one?

PX- Great mod, very friendly :)

ThatPokemonBoi - Fellow n e r d

~Dragapulse~ - He's very nice and usually on the chat/Discord. (Sorry for making a theory that you're a bot)

J™- It's not my wallet
Dec 6, 2020 by Iridacea
I have indeed lol
Dec 6, 2020 by Amethyst
I finished it but thanks anyway. I basically just wrote half a page about buses and tomatoes XD
Dec 6, 2020 by JaJaDingDong