Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 10)

I saw your comment on the yhread but it pooks like you got to change it, i eas coming over to tell you  that you could still use the RMT glitch if you hadn’t posted there. Also you missed yhe protest past night a bunch of us have joined Smoothie )TY) in telling PM he needs to get act together (in a nice way) i joined them not sure about Giru i don’t think she joined nor did Primal. Actually yiu probably saw our comments. XD
Anyway how ya doing?
Oct 17, 2021 by Dyla N
Got impatient, used RMT glitch.
Oct 17, 2021 by KitkatKK2
Hey Sixer, looks like we've been paired in the next round of the tournament. Of the times you're available, which is best for you? Be sure to let me know, thanks!
Oct 16, 2021 by Call me Joey
can name changes pls open i want to annoy giru. I really, really want to annoy giru.
Oct 15, 2021 by KitkatKK2
Okay 9 is done, you don’t need to start 10 tonight i was just letting off steam.

Sorry i made a svene in Chat and i get it if you don’t wanna talk to me for...awhile i was partpy in a bad moos cuz i had a blood draw today i hate those , that’s not an excused though. You were...ALL right i should be more respectful of people’s wishes i’ll...try.,, to just call you “N”, the other reason i didn’t like that is um i used to crush on N...so like  awkward ...
Oct 14, 2021 by Dyla N
Wow just   Hughes  Everyone Mason. Time for 9 and i’m stealing 8  original  Title “ that one mysterious teenager.”
Oct 14, 2021 by Dyla N
I FINALLY made an entry in STJ gknna post it now.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING (i assume yiu celebrate the CA dare)
Oct 11, 2021 by Dyla N
Grr i’ll miss you in chat again my plan is to be on tomrrow though i still need to add an STJ entry and make the pove cursed boy
Oct 11, 2021 by Dyla N
Oct 10, 2021 by Gau
Hi, how are you? How’s PM?!sorry i wasn’t in chat tonight was visiting fam from 2:30 to like 8:00 PM.so much for making a pove-cursed boy i have my reasoning for hus family curse but no name or anything  i have a vague image of a slender almost feminine looking guysho’s really nice but has very few friends cuz falling in love with a stranger is bad juju XD

OH, i don’t even know why but last night i imagined Apex (from MC) in the world
 of COG  as Trix’s viusin sge’s not even part of this world but she fit in oddly enough. I think i was imaging a scene like this...

Trix: (is panting heavily from running) Carmen! I just saw my cousin!

Carmen: (in confusion) Trix? Yiu okay?

Trix: yeah, did yiu NOT just hear me?

carmen: -Trix your ciusin died like 3 years ago...

Trix: yeah?! Tell her that (points behind Carmen)

Alex: (from behind) hi there!

Carmen: ( quickly back in a while) AHHHH! Ghost!

Trix: she’s not a ghost, she’s a Einerji

Carmen: a inner what?

This keeps going until Carmen actually gets into reaching distance of Alex, resulting in a garrot attack that misses Carmen cuz Trix catches said garrot  and Carmen says “acts alive, talks alive proobably not a ghost” and Alex answering “og i act dead and talk dead proobably an Einsrji”
Oct 10, 2021 by Dyla N