Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 12)

You need to ship or rop Airika now XD
Sep 25, 2021 by Dyla N
I meant pokemon Bianca and Saturn and Mars as in admins, i meant Wallace
Sep 25, 2021 by Dyla N
I don’t even know where to find Banette but Mimikyu i do. Maybe she couldget one or both in STJ were already headed to mount whatever (yes i forgit its name) so maybe after Skye Casey can get a Mimikyu

Can Airika be annoying and  unofficially  Name it? She’d refer to it by “name” because...Airika
Sep 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Alright don’t sound so offended  it was just an idea. So we scrap that (well the Casey part anyway) what do you suggest she (i’d think) want a pokemon from Alola i still like her getting a shiny too i mean it wouldn’t be fair if Airika just kept getting them it wouldn’t be balanced anyway. So maybe yiu have an idea for her?
Sep 24, 2021 by Dyla N
I alreadyvhad a plan for yhat, i nevef intended her to keep it in fact i was thinking at the end she’d give it to Airika.

I don’t quite understand why you’re so agaonst the psychic type thing if yiu ask me psychic is equally supernatural to ghost i don’t want this to ruin the Journal for you i just don’t understand.
Sep 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Well how boring XD however “supernatural” isn’t ALL ghoststhere are psychic types that could work and it dosen’t have to be one you got irl i might even make up one for Airikabased on one i want. Casey could get



Maybe Airika could  unofficially name Casdy’s.

You could do Drapion where its half dark type its a slight stretch but psychic wouldn’t be

I guess its okay if your dead set afainst it but it would’ve been fun i think
Sep 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Yrah i figured she didn’t know i’m thinking soon (brfore she reads about em) that Airika will show her what they’re all about. I’m thinking she’ll meet a shiny there (based on either Eris or Kalias probabpy) and it will be like in gen 4, meaning it will follow them outside of its poke ball. Eas also wondering id Casey could get a wormhole shiny it’d happen after Airika gets hers but if she does could she pissabpy name it? I’d use that for a pittle plot
Sep 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Huh? “Its better for that yhat nobody knows anything?” Normally i’m good at guessing what people mean but what does FBAO have to do with it? They’re completly unrelated so i don’t understand what your saying sorry

Oh and STJ June 2 is up i didn’t see where you said how Casey felt about everyone so i made her like everyone except Guzma who she dosent DISLIKE but  isn’t sure  about either that might be out of character but i couldn’t decide how she’d react  to him June 4 Airika will get her first shiny (Elgyem/Skye)
Sep 24, 2021 by Dyla N
“I don’t watch superhero movies” and yet you seem to know who Shatter is talking about.

He’s, as the bio stated, a character from  The last of the Mohicans. If i’m being honest i am a little annoyed no one seems to know any classics yet at the same time i didn’t know who he was til a week ago myself, that’s  hypocritical  I know but... i wanted people to join but if no one knows any classics that won’t happen. I mean, i can’t really be annoyed   But... oh! I don’t know what i’m trying to say (sighes at self(

Anyway why are you focused on the name Hawkeye i wasn’t asking you about him i was asking about Sunbird/Naomu as
a character  seems odd you bith focused on Hawkeye and not the char herself was she that bad?

Unreleased byt i recall you saying Kayla’s socks are never the same, i was gonna bring that up in the fic but does she wear mismatched socks or are they the fun wild kind that are made to be seen and therefore she wears crazy socks but never the same pair twice?
Sep 24, 2021 by Dyla N
I’ll tell you what I told chatter Just now its not superheroes i clearly said nothing about heroes i’m talking about books, classics  specifically  Like  last of the Mohicans,  end of Green Gables, Jane Eyre etc i haven’t read a lot but a few i have
Sep 23, 2021 by Dyla N