Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 5)

You’ve canushed again... anyway! Hi how are you? Make any orogress jn ur DND? I just learned i’ll get a new spell sojn as well as Meta Magic which allows me to add some damage and stuff to my already r live that long XDexisting spells. And omg u’m hapoy i get sings at lvl 14 i bette
Mar 14, 2022 by Dyla N
Hi! Whatcha up to? Any good fanfics?  I mean have you written any good ones lately? Or any original ideas
I’m lacking in original ideas lately u’m trying to use my own made up characters Who are the children of plastic characters  however the problem with that is that no one has read those classics  And will get the idea i think i need to break from that idea for a while but then i don’t have anything original in mind. My grandmother planted an udea in my mind where theres this person who’s been  in an insane asylum  and while they were there a scientist was experimenting and trying to separate the good side from the evil in hopes  same person could maybe be redeemed   I’m having the experiment ultimately fail  that doesn’t have any more to it than that  yes I talked about some what if ideas like
 What if the south and when the Civil War  Or  Germany has been able to continue when there  internment camps etc.... that ladder idea actually gave me a slight idea where if the holocaust had continued  then even somewhat normal people would be terrified  I want to hide or a busy looks like it’s deserted and no one lives on it   That’s even less than I did in the other one... grr any ideas?
Mar 9, 2022 by Dyla N
All toght fonally got Firsta done! I was gonna have Ginger take Tevhno’s form but then i remembered Rookie was next,I still like the idea of ginger taking on the forms of the others so she can ca I still like the idea of ginger taking on the forms of the others so she can write her on the laundries .  For Rookue’s entry i’d like Fursta to go to him to help out Chain, she’s not hsed to helping out with Rookue’s attacks but because it’s been happening so often and she said herself  I want her to be a bit more concerned now  it wasn’t that she didn’t care in the first place but now she actually wants to help out  on occasion how that impacts Rookie i dinno but u’m hoping ge doesen’t mind
Mar 6, 2022 by Dyla N
Pkay!  Because I’m tempted to have her disguise herself as all the other main characters and steel part of the entry  what you did with Constance and hod  how Ginger turn into fiesta to get a journal Adrian. Course eventually someone will catch on I don’t know who I’m honestly surprised Constance didn’t catch on   I definitely had intended on writing it like this morning but then I forgot I had class and then we were out shopping which is where we are right now so I’ll probably write fiestas chapter when we get home  or later tonight
Mar 5, 2022 by Dyla N
P.S thanks for the reminder XD
Mar 4, 2022 by Dyla N
Good job! I’ll do Fiesta sokn. I just wrote a short piece with Dare, i mentioned her below but it might’ve got lost. She gets to see her dad ho up in flames and then learns later he’s fine olliysions ta know...
Hmm i yhink i lnow how to make Guin train June h’m imaging a lightning strike just close enough to singe her.
I like Ginger being in the joyrnal wasn’t sure if she was gonba be in it. Oh how would Ginger feel about teansforming into a fuy? I have ideas delending on the answer.
Mar 4, 2022 by Dyla N
“ early enter
“ The girl I mentioned in Chain’s chapter us suppised to be Amolphy  I think I got her powers right but not sure. I actually forgot June’s power
Mar 3, 2022 by Dyla N
Hello! I did Techno and Chain’s chapters. Chain has sone grammer issues but otherwise i’d say they’re good. Yhe gurl i mentio
Mar 3, 2022 by Dyla N
Here is something to dry you don’t have to but it might be interesting. I’m going to post a rough draft of the characters bio that I just made and then I want to see what you add or take away from it  that can be story elements grammar etc. I don’t really care   I don’t know why I just kind of came up with this randomly   The character will probably used in a story at some point  but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll usually change it up biography unless you want me too.

Character for future story.

Name: Dare Dracol

Age: appears to be eighteen but is actually over 1,000 years old. (She stopped ageing at eighteen)

Appearance: she is half human so she doesn’t look much like a “typical” vampire, she isn’t one but still. She has ebony black waist length hair, medium-dark skin and dark brown eyes that sometimes look sad despite her positive outlook. She is quite tall and slender and typically wears black, crimson, scarlet and on occasion royal blue.

Personality and backstory: on the surface she has a positive outlook but within she is quite serious and takes things slowly. She is half human and the daughter of Dracula but because of her mother she was shunned and turned out, hence why she doesn’t use the full name “Dracula” as her last name. She also chose the name Dare after she left castle Dracol because she was “daring to be different.” she was doing this by merely existing but she wanted it to be on her terms. She seems almost child-like to conceal how she truly feels which is mostly anger and betrayal for her father not accepting her. After all HE was the one who fell in love with a human princess and helped her have a child. Dare might be angry at her father but she knows that there’s nothing she can do about how he treated her unless she tries to kill him which someday she might have to if she is asked since she is a  training vampire slayer but for now she avoids her homeland as much as she can. For vampiric traits she is quite fast more so than any human and she doesn’t care much for sunlight though it won’t make her go up in flames. She has the vampire life-span as far as she knows; after all she is over a thousand years old. People who know the truth about Dare’s heritage either stay clear away or consider her a monster and something to kill. She won’t hesitate  to defend herself if anyone tries but they usually lose the fight and that only adds to Dare’s bad reputation. Very few people want to be on Dare’s bad side as she is skilled in more than just vampire slaying.
Mar 3, 2022 by Dyla N
Here is something to dry you don’t have to but it might be interesting. I’m going to post a rough draft of the characters bio that I just made and then I want to see what you add or take away from it  that can be story elements grammar etc. I don’t really care   I don’t know why I just kind of came up with this randomly   The character will probably used in a story at some point  but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll usually change it up biography unless you want me too.
Mar 3, 2022 by Dyla N