Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Vibrant Vaporeon

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I did, accidentally?
Feb 28 by GeckoGuy
Thanks! It's pulled straight from the Pokémon Home Challenges, which I feel has a lot of nice art people overlook.
Feb 27 by JustATypicalPerson
Honestly my sleep deprived brain doesn't remember saying that and it can't find me saying that so Ill just say beard
Feb 20 by GeckoGuy
What sort of question is that?
Feb 6 by GeckoGuy
Ye I CinderClod
Feb 5 by ClodOfTheSire
Hello you wanted meh?
Feb 4 by ClodOfTheSire
CinderClod is ClodOfTheSire now, he lost his password to the CinderClod acc (so now whenever someone loses their password to their account, we call it "pulling a Clod")
he's homies with me, if you want to contact him I have his discord
Feb 4 by BananaBroSHSID
I've read percy jackson (the original 5 books, not the sequel tho idk why but I can't finish that)
"dam" is kinda like an inside joke from when me and the boys saw a huge dam on a trip and just decided to say "dam" (although I'm the only one keeping it alive now)
Jan 31 by BananaBroSHSID
1. just saw your revival in chat, welcome back
2. what's PJO?

whenever you hop in chat and I'm in idleland, stick around and I'll give myself a proper introduction
Jan 30 by BananaBroSHSID
First post in twi years
Jan 2 by BM™