Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for stall_fest (page 18)

Oct 31, 2018 by stall_fest
I've seen it, It's a cool game (I was thinking of recording it too. But I'd have to make some kind of video that covers more than one game, maybe).
Oct 31, 2018 by Azelfeo
You just showed me my new favorite video.
Oct 30, 2018 by Azelfeo
Happy Brith day? I'm not British! How dare you! Wait a second please, I have to get my cup tea.

Lol jk, thanks!
Oct 30, 2018 by Syl ™
No, I did not know :O!
Oct 29, 2018 by Azelfeo
24 October
Oct 29, 2018 by Syl ™
Which tag should be removed? I don't an issue with it.
Oct 29, 2018 by Fizz
I mainly use Trevenant for SOSing (although it'll still work with Phantump)
Trevenant @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Harvest
- Trick
- Skill Swap
- at least 1 attacking move

Other than that, any Pokémon with Thunder Wave and False Swipe should be good. It can be two different Pokémon or the same one, I personally use two just because I already had them from my ingame team and didn't want to go through the trouble of getting something that had both. Any other Pokémon I've used to hunt were specifically made for a hunt, like False Swipe Mega Pinsir for Drifloon, since Aerilate allows False Swipe to hit ghost-types.
Oct 29, 2018 by KRLW890
Oh, boy that looked a lot smaller in this little box
Oct 29, 2018 by KRLW890
I guess I'm just a really agreeable person.

As for shinyhunting, my method of choice in Gen 7 is SOS chaining, since it gives you access to most Pokémon available in the wild in your game, and gives really good shiny odds after 30 calls. Using a Trevenant or Exeggutor with Harvest, Skill Swap and Trick (Trevenant) / Bestow (Exeggutor) while holding a Leppa Berry is one of the most universally used strategies for SOSing. In general, it's a good idea to do a little research before hunting so that you aren't Sand-Attacked to death and stuff like that. Also, be sure to bring a Pokémon that knows Thunder Wave to use once you've found the shiny, since status prevents a Pokémon from calling for help
Ultra Wormholes are probably the best if you just want some shinies, and don't care about which ones you get, but when you're looking for a specific target, I've found it to be surprisingly difficult. You should keep in mind that for regular Pokémon (not legendaries / Ultra Beasts), their shininess is determined the moment you enter the wormhole, while the rest of their stats are determined when you start the battle, so it's really easy to get one with competitively viable stats / nature, since resetting your game won't reset its shininess as long as you saved after entering the wormhole. Legendaries and Ultra Beasts, however, are always full odds (or charm odds, if you have the Shiny Charm), and their shininess is determined once the battle starts, *not* when you enter the wormhole.
I have a personal vendetta against the Masuda Method (thanks, shiny Torrent Froakie). But even though *I* will avoid it like the plague unless I absolutely need a shiny I cannot get through SOS, the logician side of me can't deny that it is the best way to get a comp shiny. It's not hard to find a foreign Ditto on the GTS, and a lot of times, people who offer them are looking for Masuda Dittos of their own, so many of them ask for a Ditto in return. Just trade Dittos until you get one with 4 IVs (if you get one with 5 or 6, there's a high chance it's hacked, so if you're a stickler for legitimacy, keep that in mind) and then you can use that whenever you want to get a shiny with the Masuda Method.

As for what to hunt, just hunt Pokémon you like and/or ones with nice shinies. If you've never really hunted before, it's a good idea to start off with easier hunts (in terms of raw odds, Wormhole > SOS > Masuda) and then move to harder ones. While not the easiest to SOS, Eevee could be a good first target (since I know you like Umbreon), just keep in mind that wild Eevee knows Sand-Attack, so use a Pokémon with Keen Eye, Aerial Ace, etc.

Sorry about the wall of text.
Oct 29, 2018 by KRLW890