Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 59)

I was actually planning on starting it around September time. Just I go on holiday soon as will many of the British users so I thought I'd start it when school starts. Maybe an 8 man tourney could be held in the meantime?
Aug 5, 2013 by Blobyolo
lol, Peter Capaldi played a WHO doctor in World War Z.
Aug 4, 2013 by trachy
Well, after playing Civ 4 for 36 hours, I can say this about the game: I played it for 36 hours. For a game with no story at all to do that is quite rare. Very few games without a story have been able to captivate me. But Civ 4 has done quite a good job. It's a 4x-lite, so it is fairly easy to get into but difficult to master the higher level of play. An excellent early and mid game. However, the main problem with the game is the late game, which can drag on for quite some time. The combat isn't really deep enough to make things interesting, however, killing your opponents is the most entertaining of the victory conditions. But the amount of choice you have in technology, unit, and building options slowly goes away the longer the game lasts. Eventually, it just comes down to building units and spaceship parts. Hopefully, the DLC fixes some of the problems I had with the game. 8.4/10
Aug 4, 2013 by trachy
lololl it was my fault, i wont ever talk about her anymore
Aug 3, 2013 by MonoUmbreon
I just saw my wall trach. Fair nuff, thanks for the warning <3 :3 lol first time i ever did that tho..I feel like a jerk >.<but seriously, thanks.
Aug 3, 2013 by PX
http://i.imgur.com/eUxQZyS.png (I made this for you <3) to show how much I hatez you.
Aug 3, 2013 by Flare
A trachy has done is filled his wall with games from... Amazon o3o'd
Aug 3, 2013 by Flare
Trachy i am sorry Iasked for ppl to up vote.

In my other games I am just used to having ppl join my groups. :P
Aug 3, 2013 by geodudedude