Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for xPsydxck (page 56)

also i'm probably not going to keep Psyduck on my team, it's mostly there for Roark. When i get Magikarp or Floatzel i'm going to replace it for either of those.
Aug 1, 2021 by VinnyHedgehog
Hedges are cute
Aug 1, 2021 by VinnyHedgehog
heather is relatable for me because of my gender sksksk-

well I’m not sure what its characteristic or nature is but I would expect it to be very edgy and probably a gamer >:) but also loyal and kind. Also very misunderstood ig. It’s kinda just like my mascot and I’m known for being particularly fond of Yveltals, Serperiors, and Braixens

And that’s okay! I hope you did well on the test <3
Aug 1, 2021 by y-chai
Wow. XD
Boy, I know the feeling. I just read some stuff and go "in English please". XD

Usually there's not too much of an order aside from the time I post them on walls, unless it's a multi-parter. It seems to follow some sort of weird timeline, with references to older stories being in newer ones occasionally, but everything's so random that even I can't keep track. The 'release' order for the three stories on your wall (from oldest to newest) was Escape From D.O.R.P Labs --> Dorptoons - Enneths Unite --> Primal vs. Gau Twilight.

Mmm... fooooooooooood...

Yup! I'd say Primal, Pika, and Gau are the current main characters, though Gau's spot has been previously occupied by Gladion in the past. Enneth and Parlor Swipple are the main 'villains' who put make (insert name of really cutesy and childish kids' cartoon here) villains look menacing and serious. Gill is Gill and he throws fits. Baked beans are, as you can see, the lameheads' food of choice (which is funny because I like baked beans), and HeadX trucks are simply beyond words. And Gau is my favorite character from Final Fantasy 6, whom I became completely obsessed with (which is nothing new) after playing it. He's also the one who said "Uwao! Waou!!!", on Setzer's airship, I believe. I tell ya, I go crazy over the most random boys. XD

I didn't even think about that one. Dang, that's a good idea! I can see it now... XD

I adore putting 'one' in the "!!!!11!1!11!1" kinda thing, and I dunno why. I know someone here did that once, but I don't recall who. Maybe it was Primal. I clearly found it hilarious, because here we are. XD

I'm glad you like 'em! And yep, I am! Sadly, I'm not very good at completing long stories, and most of my stuff is left unfinished partway through. I'm gonna have to work on that, of course. If I do, then I could probably write stuff all day long... which wouldn't be surprising at all.
Jul 31, 2021 by Gau
i named my Psyduck in Platinum after you
Jul 31, 2021 by VinnyHedgehog
If you want a run of filthy dubstep though, check out JPHELPZ - Necromanca
Jul 31, 2021 by Hexhalem
thinking today about me masquerading as a wholesome elder of the db when in reality im kind of a pos and have been banned more than once and been close to more bans for some stuff i did and didnt do

crime <3
Jul 31, 2021 by melcakes
he's a hedgehog
Jul 31, 2021 by VinnyHedgehog
I'm not planning on it, because life doesn't really work that way. Who ever planned life to be a certain way and then achieved that?
It never happened. :)

My philosophy is, life makes us follow it, we do not rule over life the way it contradicts our understanding of what a Universe should be like in a way we can manually shape, and sculpt to make what we want it To Be.
No, cosmos is more what I believe in; that we're but slaves and embodiments of something far stronger than our unfathomably weak and decaying bodies.

But, here's my question, are YOU planning on making music as a profession? ;)
Now that's the real quack-of-the-day.
Jul 31, 2021 by Hexhalem
I'm glad you like the song. I make a lot of shorter songs, too, you're right - there's actually a reason for it.
I can't get into it here in any way, but let's just say it's best to let some things stay in the past....

Ghost types. Right. Old favorite of mine. I never quite figured out if I meant HEX in a spooky or mathematical way. Which one do you think?
The eerie has always fascinated me a lot. Ghosts, ghouls, anti-demons, etc.
All kinds of creatures. The concept of a ghost is nice too seeing as we're supposed to have one. It makes us eternal to have one.
Something that does not rot.
Neither decay, nor share filth and evil towards antiness of the eternal. Now that's the real formula, alright.

Jul 31, 2021 by Hexhalem