Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for xPsydxck (page 58)

Quack ;)!

Did Giratina at one point betray Arceus? I never realized that, actually. I just remember watching that Shaymin and Giratina movie, and I really sort of dropped the common thought then :) really didn't get me as "The Devil", ya know?

Guack, for Giratina's sake! ;~)

Floette, Cloette, nonsense and riddles; all beliefs but none fake or real. Silouette, common rites, last rites and blossom. Ta-da! Formula of eternity. This one should be even more unbelievable! :~)

I'll listen to that drop soon and tell you what I think!
Jul 28, 2021 by Hexhalem
“ Hey there! I read your Enneth's Church story (fanfiction?) on Primordiai's wall and I'd have to say I loved that! :) Do you frequently write stuff like this? If yes, then I'd love if you could please post them on my wall too? I love reading stories and articles online and would really appreciate that! Here's to a new friend. :3

Also, I was wondering why you're "very popular among carpenters, fishermen, doctors, cooks and sons of mayors."
8 minutes ago by -oPsydxck”

I’m bored out of my mind so I’m going to answer this myself!

Me and Giru-Ruku have been posting these stories for a long time now, and we act quite high when we create them. You could dig through our walls and find *tons.*

To answer your second question, it has to do with harvest moon, which she could probably elaborate on
Jul 28, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Do all the changes you want! Musical taste might change a lot, like the wind
Have you heard Excision - Paradox? That's a favorite of mine. Nice bass, pretty harsh too, but lovely.
Also check out MUST DIE! - Gem Shards. SUPER screechy, but expressive!
What other songs do ya like?

Huack, quack, squack and bark for Giratina's sake! Wither, decay, flower and blossom, for Floette and her friends' sake!
Jul 27, 2021 by Hexhalem
It's interesting that you'd associate Giratina to Satan transferred to our world. I never thought about it that way, but I've heard other people think of it like that as well.
To me, Giratina is the ultimatum of order and an emblem of unison between Dialga and Palkia. I guess an old philosopher like myself has a weird opinion from time to time! ;)
Quack, for Arceus' sake!
Jul 27, 2021 by Hexhalem
What would -oPsydxck's nickname for me be? :-)
It's okay, call me Hex! It's a spooky name. Classic.
ZXOS is pronounced Soes/Zoes. Hehe.
Oh really? Well, well, glad to hear that! What's your favorite thing about dubstep then?
Jul 27, 2021 by Hexhalem
You can look up game mechanics on Bulbapedia before posting an answer. I think Bulbapedia is more reliable than Pokemon DB. You can also try looking at this: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/77535/what-sources-do-you-use-to-answer-questions
Jul 27, 2021 by sumwun
Missing dat douhe
Jul 27, 2021 by Hexhalem
You just got yoself a new subber, pal!

Nice playlist. Even had Virtual Riet - Purple Dragon
Saw some Excision in der too, nice

Keep it up!
Jul 27, 2021 by Hexhalem
Jul 27, 2021 by Stephwheel8
I see you are a man of culture!
Jul 27, 2021 by BottomlessSea