Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for xPsydxck (page 55)

That's right, pal!
It's a picture I took myself.
On a walk.
On a beachy shore.

It's on my Instagram, check it out: https://www.instagram.com/ZXOSZEIA/

It's Norway!
Aug 10, 2021 by Hexhalem
If we do make that languege, let's call it Quackers F.C.
Hell yeah!!

I believe in what I call Cosmos. Hehe..... I like mathematical approaches. It fits an old madman like me to believe in cosmos. :)

Speaking of which, why do I believe in a cosmos? Because you can observe it, of course!
For Arceus' sake, we live under a rotating sun! Numbers rule all of our lives.

Why is that, actually? @ way more active in a year. You're makin' me work for it. Now what, an obstacle-coursed Marathon, filled with Racoon dogs and Piranhas?

If you ever need help making music, hit me up. Discord, or YouTube, or something else.
You should have my YouTube channel.
Discord can be engraved in my stomach and set in the mail, but I prefer "vocal approaches.."

Do link it! I love stuff like that.
Yes, they do. Quack, for variable's sake...
Aug 10, 2021 by Hexhalem
You act pretty mature, your grammar and linguistics are obviously above teenage too.
Idk. 20+ for sure.


:) Forgive me, if it's wrong..

It's not about privacy, but thank you for respecting it :) What's the reason?

I'll give you a riddle, see if you can figure it out: The sword doesn't grow apples, but is able to slice them through really easily. So, at the end of the day, which do you eat?
Swords, of course.
The question is, why?

w1ll you f**k me! haha, dark and grievous, yet so expressive. I'm glad you liked it....
You know when you tell a dark joke, hypothetically? You never know if it'll hit well.
My heart is filled with gratitude that you do. Thank you. ~

8 years + at this point! I started producing music myself in 2012, and it went from there.

I don't miss those days. They were horrible... Huack.

Be friendly to beginners, including yourself.

the coding community always be friendly to those who start. There's no shame in startin' out.
Here's one to start ya out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMN8msnUK5Y

:) Cuack. Squack, for f***'s sake!

Is there a reason you'll be more active next year? I was actually planning on being more active irl 2 years ago, but it didn't happen.
False story. But still. Care to elaborate, or do you want to leave an old, washed-up Count Nicholas wondering and scratching his hairless head, toiling with insanity and beguiling the devil to share Unwisdom to defilement of the Saints of Hell?

How old do you think I am, for Arceus' sake? XD
Aug 10, 2021 by Hexhalem
"Hey you're probably right, I did like Warm Ups a lot. And by a lot, I mean enough to add it to my playlist!" I knew you would ;)

I think what you really like is the frequency of the bass. It hits just right for a duck-lover yourself.

True story.

That's alright. I'll link you 10 more if you want.
Hit me up.

I'm glad you like the impression from League of Legends :) It's a great Video Game.
I believe it's a MOBA Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.
There are many more cool champions, too :)

Oh. Right. Heh, **** bad vision. I have it too...
Not wearing vision correction at all. It got too expensive trying...

How old do I think you are?

Given that you already have bad vision .... 67? It comes with the ag-

Gotcha XD
Aug 10, 2021 by Hexhalem
Quack, for f**$'s sake! Haha!

Had to...

Do check out sample packs. I'm sure you'll be heavily impressed.....~
Vengeance sample packs are famous around the community.

I listened to it again. Hm... I just think Immunity sounds harsher. I think I know where you're coming from, even though I wouldn't have made the association myself!

Quack :) ;-)

Right. I get you. I actually have the impression the producers in the label called Disciple Recordings sort of started the Riddim genre. Virtual Riot, CHODEGANG, PhaseOne, with friends. What do you think?

Haha @ Dead Link. Good song, right?

I always have something insane going on in my head. Like my great friend, Encalmbrus here. You know, he from ze Void :'D
Aug 10, 2021 by Hexhalem
Aug 9, 2021 by BM™
Aug 9, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
I feel the same way! Rap is a dumpster fire on wheels with a 'music' name tag. I don't get exactly why criminals and them like to rap so much. Although their songs are usually about the crimes they've committed, it seems, so maybe they're bragging. People really have no shame nowadays, it feels like. Sure, there are plenty of decent people, but I feel like I was born into an era of wackadoos and insanity. I miss the good old days I wasn't alive for. And I have very strong opinions too. I seem to recite 'em on a daily basis. XD

I dunno, maybe it's still a dance form or whatever. I have bad memory. XD
Pop is... all right, I guess. It depends on what's popular. But yeah, overrated.

I'm not sure... I've probably heard some, but I dunno where or when.
Oof. There's this one song I wanted to mention but I completely forgot the name. What a shame. And that rhyme was unintentional. XD

Oh, I mean that I wouldn't be able to transfer them to any physical games or anything because they're emulated. I didn't make myself very clear on that, sorry. I like being able to use my Shinies in battles and stuff, which is why I transferred my Shinies to Sword. That, and paranoia. I know Nintendo would (probably) inform people in advance that the 3DS's internet's gonna lose support, but I guess I'm better safe than sorry, because I miss things easily. But two of my Shinies are sitting in HOME because they're not in Sword/Shield. Really, Game Freak?

Yep! Though if 'messy' was a color, my hair would be messy instead of red. XD
Oh, interesting. I just like stuff like drums and good voices, mainly. I'm not sure how common drums are in rock and metal, but you can't go wrong with loud drums and good voices.
I know the feeling. Sometimes people say things and my reaction is so blank. I remember someone saying that, soon, she wouldn't be able to come back to Pokemon Database and would never see me again. My reaction? "Oof."

Not sure, actually. My grammar and spelling really improved when I came to DB. It was trash before that, and I guess I decided that I didn't wanna waltz around the chatroom with poorly-written sentences. I'd show you a clip of old fanfiction, but I don't have it on hand. But my grammar? Basically nonexistent. My spelling? Poor. My logic? Uh. Boy, am I glad that improved...
Oof. XD
Yep. I think it's a pretty good mindset. I wonder how old I was when I had a crush on Ash Ketchum. And yes, I had a short-lived crush on Ash Ketchum years back. What I lack in jokes, I can make up for in that fact. XD

Yeah, it really doesn't. Maybe I'm jealous of her. XD
Funnily enough, my Danny obsession only started recently. Once I played those rather cringey Nicktoons games, I was led down a rabbit hole of ghost boys. XD

Ah, interesting. I think I'm introverted, and I'm definitely judging. Feeling? I guess I'm feeling, though my pity is incredibly low. Intuitive? Not really sure. I kinda forget what that means. Having a lot of intuition? There should be a 'forgetful' in that list. XD
The closest thing I've took to a personality test lately were some 'what Danny Phantom character are you' quizzes. I got Sam once, but I got Danny three times! All separate quizzes, obviously. Made my day. Or my night. Whatever.

Interesting. I like coming up with explanations for why I act the way I do. It ends up quite interesting, at least to me. Pretty much anyone else would just give me a blank stare, like 'you write about yourself this much what even'. XD
Aug 8, 2021 by Gau
I did check the IP and it confirmed everything, but I also wanted to see the old name for myself. I distinctly remember there being an old user called 'Scott' (maybe an implanted memory?) so when I checked and saw the name now belongs to an account from 2014, I realised what you were getting at.
Aug 8, 2021 by Fizz
20 points...
Have fun :)
Aug 8, 2021 by Mr. Fish