Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for xPsydxck (page 27)

YES ITS BIGMAN CHESTA!! .. why gotta watch out? im a hero :b
Jan 1, 2022 by Chaos481
Jan 1, 2022 by Fizz
"I highly recommend others to avoid dating online unless you've been the other person's really close friend for upwards of 6 months."

I personally believe people shouldn't date online at all. It never seems to end well, as it's hard to maintain a relationship with someone you've never met and never seen (unless they send you a picture which is honestly just weird). And even if some miracle happens and you meet the person in real life and live happily ever after, how long would that even last? The person might end up quite different from what you expected, even if you knew them online for a long time. It just spells disaster to me.

Yes, I just ranted for the sake of a rant.
Dec 31, 2021 by Gau
Not to be really knows he what country are you from?  I yhink i know what you mean, someone a girl, whom you tolerate I don’t necessarily like.

 I’m certainly not from Alabama so I’m not sure what that is referencing In fact i’m in Maine so  that’s quite a ways off lol.

Hey do you want to use i just have strong opinions about sound that sounded kind of solly or dumb.
Dec 31, 2021 by Dyla N
Yep! I like to think I'm not an a$$hole about religion, so thank you for saying that, lol
Dec 31, 2021 by Amethyst
Aww :) I'm glad it did. I think I know what you mean yeah ;)
That's good, that's good. All good baby baby, said the nutorious B.I. BiggiE :)

I'm glad you liked the Witxh one as well, btw :) I recently feel better (today, mainly) from getting the COVID virus - yup, it finally hit me 2 years after launch....
 Sorry I haven't been replying so well these days... How are you doing? :-)

Happy new years!! Yay!
Dec 31, 2021 by Hexhalem
I was actually kidding around, but yeah it wasn't appropriate
Dec 31, 2021 by vydestiny
Well f-
Dec 31, 2021 by Mr. Fish
I hope you DON’T wanna impress me. I think its dumb to wanna impress ANYONE on yhe internet. I’m assuming “sis” is some of kind slang but its funny you called me that cuz i have 2 younger brothers both of whom used to like pokemon.

And  i’m aware it’s just my opinion but “ya’ll” also doesn’t sound very intelligent want to use over and over again  it doesn’t sound intelligent when you even ones but sometimes I’ll use it just to be funny  or two very my greetings and chat room.
Dec 30, 2021 by Dyla N