PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for ~BlazeFreeze~ (page 2)

Thanks i hope it turns out okay
Sep 15, 2021 by Dyla N
Oh that’s a story i’m  writing not reading i do a chapter a day basically i’m actually reading  The last of the Mohicans. A classic partly because I want to but also because I am thinking of another story and him and his characters would be either the children out or descended from characters from classic story works like an of Green Gables or Secret Garden or maybe even last of the Mohicans
Sep 14, 2021 by Dyla N
Pahua yhe soulsteeler? Yhat wasn’t one i knew about the one i was thinking of  was something carnival and other  catastrophes , so he must be doing yhree new ones wonder when they’ll be out

I don’t lnow what i think apollo is but i liked him better towards the end of the seriesand i don’t really like Meg she wasokay but meh

Its been awhile since i read the MC books  especially the first oneso i don’t remember yhat scene i do remember ch 1 of book 1’s title “good morming your going to die” i still laugh about that and make jokes XD
Sep 14, 2021 by Dyla N
Huh i never noticed Apillo/Leester acting like a “dumbass” he was made mortal so he’s allosed to blunder a bit uf HOO is scary i’
 Glad i didn’t read it lol in Magnus chase Alex was my fave actually Alex is my fave in all of the
M so far every series!

Did yiu know RR is  coming up with a couple more boxes?  One of them is called daughter of the deep in it has something to do with 20,000 leagues under the sea  and the other one is based on celtic myths i think
Sep 13, 2021 by Dyla N
Hi, fellow cabin sixer!
(Pun not intended my name is a reference to gravity falls)
Sep 13, 2021 by KitkatKK2
Actually therrs two of us me and Sixer. I’ve read em all ( that are out ) except heroes of (i read lost hero but that’s it) my fave is magnus Chase how bout you?
Sep 13, 2021 by Dyla N
Sep 12, 2021 by Hoenndragon
Sep 10, 2021 by Hoenndragon
Sep 10, 2021 by Hoenndragon
hewo :3
looks like u caught a shiny grats
Sep 10, 2021 by Hoenndragon