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Wall for ~Obstagoon-Marnie~ (page 31)

Ooh interesting. I’ll check that out later since right now I don’t have much time
Feb 28, 2021 by themodernage
Woo! :D
Feb 28, 2021 by Hoenndragon
Poor hushie
Feb 28, 2021 by Amethyst
I am posting this here because I have to delete some of my Nuzlocke to post more, so I am just gonna post the stuff I have to delete here.
-I was heading to the next city, until I saw May waiting to destroy me, and I quickly turned around to grind my Pokémon more.
-Finished grinding my Pokémon to Level 15.
-Got by May with no problem.
-I sailed to Dewferd, because I am a good delivery boy.
-Fished and Caught Magikarp in Dewferd named “Feesh”.
-Walks into Granite Cave, and talks to a hiker who gives me flash.
-Caught Geodude in Granite Cave named “I Have Legs”.
-I need to beat Brawly to use flash. Huh.
-I take Taco and calmly walk into Brawly’s gym. Seconds later, everyone heard desperate screaming. “Leave me alone please! I will give you anything! Just don’t hurt me!”
-Preston (my name) swept Brawly and claimed the Knuckle Badge!
-I go back into Granite Cave, (encounter so many Arons) and deliver what I was meant to deliver to Steven! (Mission Passed! A+) My purpose has been for filled as a delivery boy.
-After that, I sailed to Slaport and beat every trainer there.
Feb 28, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Do i need to do a Sinnoh grav too?
Feb 28, 2021 by Mr. Fish
I just prefer to call it Legend of Arceus :P sounds better than Legends: Arceus
Feb 27, 2021 by themodernage
Would you have preferred Let's go Marill over DP remakes and Legend of Arceus
Feb 26, 2021 by themodernage
Lol Dawn in the remakes looks like DP dawn's baby daughter
Feb 26, 2021 by themodernage
I have to honor Sinnoh, don’t I?
Feb 26, 2021 by Stephwheel8
What do you want more: Sinnoh Remakes or LGM

We need both, but Sinnoh does kinda come first... I think?
Feb 26, 2021 by Stephwheel8