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Wall for ~Obstagoon-Marnie~ (page 4)

Mmm, more like BoTW but it's good.
Yea, I had Discord but I gave it up. People in there were too toxic, and they wouldn't let me be.
Jul 3, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Oh, also, do you play Genshin Impact?
Jul 2, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Btw, that's the kind of grav I'm talking 'bout. Nice one!
Jul 2, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Nope, I totally understand that. My units die almost every time to the point I'm like RANDOM BULLSH!T GO, so yeah. Normal mode is always the best option.
Jul 2, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Oh what I thought he didn't make to the game! MAN, I must find a quick way to obtain him..
Ye, Aversa is good (ye, I know why you said that.. EHEM-), Marth (my second favourite character). Mine other favourite characters are: Alfonse, Ashe, Wolt and many others.
Jul 2, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
HELL yeah I do!! :D
I play FE Heroes, Path Of Radiance and Three Houses.
Ike is one of the best characters out there, but unfortunately, Fire Emblem: Heroes  does not have him :(
Jul 2, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Neat! I got my Jolly Mischievous Type: Null to name after Gau so I might start my Namelocke soon. I know I mentioned doing a Shiny hunt, but I'm so darn lazy. Excuse me as I think things over- OK never mind I wanna do the Namelocke. XD
Jul 1, 2021 by Gau
I think I did that once. I forget if the character died again or not. XD

I'm still thinking about that Final Fantasy 6 Namelocke. I have to decide which characters I should use, and my first thought is the characters you can play as. So here's what I got:

Terra (female)
Locke (male)
Edgar (male)
Sabin (male)
Cyan (male)
Gau (cute as frick- I mean male)
Celes (female)
Setzer (male)
Shadow (male)
Relm (female)
Strago (male)
Mog (male)
Umaro (male)

And then there's Gogo. I have no idea what to do with Gogo. They don't say if Gogo's male or female, though I consider Gogo male. I might exclude Gogo. So that makes 13 Pokemon, 14 if I decided to include Gogo, which I likely won't. With that out of the way, I have to decide on which game to play it on. I have X, Alpha Sapphire, Moon, Ultra Moon, and Let's Go, Eevee!. X is dull, I'd prefer to keep my Alpha Sapphire file, I wouldn't delete my Moon file to save my life, I'm busy on Ultra Moon (I'm close to beating it with my Silvally and wanna do some Shiny hunting), and Let's Go, Eevee! is currently unfinished and I'm Shiny hunting Eevee at this moment. Maybe UM later on once I'm done with it.
Jun 29, 2021 by Gau
Oh yeah! Fire Emblem isn't the most interesting series to me (I've played The Sacred Stones and some other one I can't recall), I guess because I'm not too good at that sort of tactical thing. I'm a sucker for basic turn-based RPG fighting and I'm so bad with tactics like that. XD

Me playing The Sacred Stones: "NOOOOOOOOOOO (insert name of character whose name I can't recall but I guess I liked) DIEEEEEEEED WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (leads all the other characters into death) BAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGHHHHH"
Jun 28, 2021 by Gau
Awakening? I totally forgot what that is, oops. XD
Jun 27, 2021 by Gau