PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 104)

Jan 10, 2021 by ~Silver~
Dragapult ain’t a legend
 4 minutes ago by PrimalKyogre

Which one is it then?
Jan 10, 2021 by ★~ProfDelldell~★
Is it Dragapult?
Jan 10, 2021 by ★~ProfDelldell~★
""Groudon. It’s 2:00 AM. You’ve dropped enough baked beans to build a stage for your idiot friend Parlor Swipple to play at, as well as make a replica of 555 mental insanity drive. And you whine to me every time you drop one. I’ll tell you again, shut up and get married to Lusamine.""

"The next morning, he went to the surface to see a stage made out of baked beans, and Parlor Swipple was singing about the N lodged in her ear while N huggled her. Groudon was also slowly eating the stage. He looked to the left and saw a house that looked identical to that of the house on 555 mental insanity drive, except for made out of baked beans. Gligurr and Josh Kool were making alts there. “What the hell” primal whispered. He went back to sleep, woke up, and the baked bean stage and house were still there."


""DORP N WHO PUT YOU IN THIS COFFIN?!?! IT MUST HAVE BEEN THAT DUMB HEAD PK!” Groudon screamed “Stop calling me P-erm, DORP IT WAS PEE KAY HE A MEAN DORP HEAD REE” Primal replied. Groudon went up to N and said “OOO DORP PEEKAY WHY DID YOU PUT N IN COFFIN” he asked. N, who was so incredibly idiotic, replied with “HAHA DORP I AM EVIL PEEKAY I AM A FRONCKREE REE HED”. “How stupid can you idiots ge-erm DORP HE MEAN PEEKAY” Primal cried. “WAIT IM N” N realized. They then realized that Primal was not N, and was in fact, Primal."

"He turned around and destroyed the baked bean 555 mental insanity drive with Origin Pulse, which revealed hundreds of Gligurrs and Josh Kools. “I HOPE YOU RUN OVERED BY A FUCEEN TRUCK ALONG WITH FIZZ” Josh Kool yelled. Gligurr just stood there, idle as usual. Primal took all of the Gligurr alts and Josh Kool alts and baked them in to a pizza which he force fed to Groudon. Groudon hated pizza and went to the Lamehead Dorp hospital for two weeks. As for Josh Kool and Gligurr, they ran away."
Jan 9, 2021 by Gau
Oof. That’s sad.

I’ll see if a muddy boi, godzilla, and the coolest OU legendary can beat the tourney
 8 hours ago by PrimalKyogre

Try Scarf Dracozolt (UUBL), is a nice choice, amd maybe Urshifu, make sure you bring a fairy mon because almost everyone will be using Urshifu
Jan 9, 2021 by ★~ProfDelldell~★
Lameheads Through Time - Part 3

The frocky whee heads approached Josh Kool's fortress. Around it were alts wearing name tags, with names like 'Sirr Aaron', 'Zero-Saber', 'godhelpme', 'Redking', and so on. "Wow they are stupid." Pika said. They had left N behind to be beaten up by prehistoric X and now were about to storm the fortress. Pika, Gladion, and young Gladion were fully equipped to fight. Primal Water Spouted, Pika used a flamethrower, and Gladion used a mace. And young Gladion? He used his trusty bow and arrow. They tore through the alts and made it to the door. They broke through and went to Josh Kool's chamber. "U A ****HEAD FOR BREAKING INTO MY FORTRESS FUC U I HOPE ALL FROCKY WHEE HEADS DIE AND GET RUN OVER BY A CAR AND DIE AND FIZZ TOO" he screamed. They realized that he was still a senile three year old even in the future and began to blast him with their attack methods. But he was unharmed. Suddenly, a giant mech burst through the wall and Josh Kool climbed into it. "OH IM THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD AND UR FUCING JERKS" he screeched from inside the mech, which read 'Mech-X 4'. "Oh for the love of Arceus." Gladion moaned and facepalmed. So Josh Kool, despite being completely stupid, began to use his mech and fire swear word beams at the frocky whee heads. Of course, Primal Water Spouted it, but it had no effect. They were baffled. How could someone as dumb as Josh Kool have the upper hand? But then Josh Kool used a mech hand to grab Pika by her tuxedo collar and pull her into the air. She was so startled she dropped her flamethrower like a moron. "IM A PROFESSIONAL ATTRACTIVE MAN AND GLADIONS A ****HEAD GO OUT WITH ME" Josh Kool said as he attempted to flirt with Pika. Even an idiot like him knew that Pika was adorable. But what he was too dumb to know is that he was far from attractive. "DON'T TOUCH MY MOMMY!" young Gladion screamed before firing flaming arrows at Josh Kool's now-open cockpit window. His hair was set ablaze and his mech released Pika, whom Gladion caught. Then Gladion was subjected to nuzzles, and not for the first time. Primal Water Spouted Josh Kool, and he screamed "FUC U PRIMAL UR A ****HEAD AND U TOO PIKA" before his mech exploded, causing him to fly into space and into the sun. All the alts fell over and died as their leader was gone, and so the frocky whee heads emerged victorious. After a celebration and some goodbyes, Gladion opened a portal again. "It's re-stabilized. It'll send us back to our proper time." he said. Pika was just about to step through the portal with young Gladion, but Gladion stopped her. "What do you think you're doing? You can't just bring young me into his future." "B-But... then who am I gonna take care of?" "LEMONADE-" "But he's already busy at work over at Glitch City! He's too old for me to baby him!" "You don't even know how old he is." "Good point, but probably still too old." "And you never let me finish. LEMONADE... Junior." "WAIT LEM HAS A SON?!" "Dude he just got married the other day. His son is Hau." "But wait... I'm friends with Hau, I've known him for like a year! You said he just got married the other day!" "True. But it's a warp in the timeline. Glitchmons are like that. But whatever, young me is not coming with us." "But we can't leave him in the future!" At that, Gladion re-calibrated the portal. "Put him in. This'll send him back to his own time." Pika's face fell. Young Gladion had heard everything, and now he was crying... rather loudly. "Aww, you made him sad!" "I know. I just don't care. We're not bringing him with." Gladion said decicively. So Pika heaved a sigh and hugged young Gladion before putting him into the portal. After a minute, Gladion re-calibrated it to send them back to their time. "It's really sad, you know..." "There's still older me... though I don't want to be paraded around in a baby carriage." "Yeah, I know... say, Gladion?" "Yeah?" "Can you... use the bow and arrow well?" A smile spread across Gladion's face. "I'm not telling you until we have another run-in with the lameheads." They stepped through the portal and looked around. "Oh jeez it's good to be back..." Gladion breathed. Pika just looked sad. "All right, all right, Pika, look here. Don't worry. You can visit him next weekend." he said. Pika's face brightened up and she hugged Gladion. But then there was a creak as the window opened. Something with glowing white eyes crawled in. "HAVE YOU SEEN PRIMALLLLLLLLLLL...?" asked the creepy voice of Parasect-eyed Shauna, accompinied by the 'ROOOOOOOOOAR BAKED BEANS DERP' of Groudon and the 'DERP I HAVE A NIHILEGO ON MY HEAD' of Lusamine, as well as the 'DORRRRRP I MADE A NEW ALBUM CALLED 'MAGICAL N BRAIN FIESTAS'' of Parlor Swipple. "Oh, for the love of-" Pika cut Gladion off and handed him a bow and arrow.

The end.
Jan 9, 2021 by Gau
Lameheads Through Time - Part 2

"OOGA OOGA!" cried a voice. From a cave emerged a prehistoric version of X and his prehistoric chocolate latte. "COCO WIFE! COCO MINE! GO WAY!" prehistoric caveman X screamed. "DERP I WANT TO DRINK COCO!" N screeched and used a baked bean jetpack to jetpack over and snatched prehistoric Coco out of prehistoric X's hands. Then he drank Coco and said "YUM YUM SHE TASTES LIKE PARLOR SWIPPLE'S BATHWATER DERP!" Prehistoric X was furious. "DRANK COCO! N SUCK! N BAD! BAD N!" he screamed and whacked N on the head repeatedly with a club. Older Gladion whistled and a Dracozolt ran over. "Hey, if you give us a ride outta here, my friend here'll sing Hau Thriller and Bau Triller." he said. The Dracozolt was only too happy to oblige and the frocky whee heads sat on its tail as it ran away. "'CAUSE THIS IS HAU THRILLER! HAU THRILLER NIGHT! AND NO ONE GIVES A CRUD IF YOU SEE THIS, SCREAM, AND DIE! YOU KNOW IT'S HAU THRILLER! HAU THRILLER NIGHT! YOU'RE FEEDING HAU MALASADAS, NOBODY KNOWS WHY, HAU THRILLER TONIGHT, YEAH, OOH!" Pika sung wholeheartedly, which younger Gladion enjoyed. By the time they reached a secluded place, Pika was singing Bau Triller. "CUD DIS ID BAU TRILLER! BAU TRILLER NOOT! WHERE LUSAMINE WRITES PARENTING BOOKS AND IS THE OG LAMEHEAD FACE! YOO NO IDS BAU TRILLER! BAU TRILLER NOOT! HAUHEAD IS CHEATING ON HIS HEAD WITH HIS FROCKY FACE, BAU TRILLER TWONOOT, YEA, WOO!" It was hard to shut her up, and they thanked the Dracozolt. Gladion opened another portal. "Hmm, N's lameheaded beam is still destabilizing the portal's molecular structure... basically, I have no idea where we'll end up if we hop through. Still." he said. Pika cried. But then N was rushing toward them, prehistoric X in pursuit. Once more, he tackled them and they flew through the portal... prehistoric X included. This time, they ended up in the distant future. "HOT DERPITY I'M HOME!" N screamed and threw a dance party while singing Parlor Swipple's newest song, 'Tooting Splees'. "OOOOOHHH DERPY DERPY POO! I HAVE A TOOTING SPLEEEEEEEEEE THAT IS LODGED IN MY KNEEEEEEEEE! MY FRIENDS SAY TO ME, 'GO GET A LOBOTOMY', BUT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND AND FANGIRL OVER ALAN WHEE! PEE PEE I EAT MY TOOTING SPLEE WITH SOME SOUPY GHRAM CRACKERRRRRRRRS! CRACKERRRRRRRS! OH MY DERP I POOED IN THE S'MORES BECAUSE WE HAD NO CHOCOLATE LEFT! MY BATHTUB IS STAINED WITH AN IMPLOSIONAL CREAK THAT CAUSES ME TO GO OMG! FA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA FA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA FA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I SHIP PRIMAL X PIKA DORRRRRRPY-" However, his 'song' was cut short when Primal appeared, wearing futuristic armor stuff. "FRICK YOU NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" he screamed and Water Spouted N right in the rear end. Then he looked at Gladion and young Gladion and Pika. "Dude are you guys from the past or something? Or are you just the newest members of Pika and Gladion's family?" he asked. "WAIT WE GET MARRIED?!" Pika screamed so loud that it nearly made Gladion go deaf. Then she huggled the frick out of Gladion. "I hate the future already." he groaned. "Oh, whatever... I have a problem, and I could use your help. You guys were pretty good back in the past, and for once I can't stand up to the lameheads alone." Primal looked as if he was hard-pressed asking for help, but he decided to. "Huh? 'Sup?" Pika asked. "Josh Fool is at it again. That guy is completely tyrannical, and he has all these dumb alts guarding him, not to mention Gligurr's as well. I've tried to Water Spout them to kingdom come, but they keep making more alts and before I know it they're about to shove a lamehead happy meal into my mouth. So I was wondering if you could help me exterminate them." "Ooh, sounds fun! Count this really young kid in!" Pika cried, pointing to young Gladion, who looked like he was still having fun but had no idea what was happening. Older Gladion sighed loudly. "All right, I'm in."

To be continued...
Jan 9, 2021 by Gau
Lameheads Through Time - Part 1

It was a regular day. Pika had stolen some FP nerd's Celebi and traveled back into the past so she could kidnap young Gladion for some odd reason. Of course, older Gladion was tracking her down, and so was younger Lusamine who was freaking out because her son was gone, causing her to stick Nihilegos on her head. At a market, N, equipped in futuristic gear, was buying a carton of milk. "DORP DON'T I KNOW YOU FROM SOMEWHERE?" he asked the poor guy who was just trying to scan his milk in peace. "No." "DERPY YES I DO AREN'T YOU PARLOR SWIPPLE?!" "What on Earth makes you think I'm Parlor Swipple?" "DEERP I LOVED YOUR NEW ALBUM 'PEE TURDS ANNONYMOUS'!" Despite being from the future, this N wasn't very bright. In fact, he was as dumb as current and past Ns. Possibly dumber. Pika waltzed into the market unnoticed, young Gladion in her arm. Of course, young Gladion didn't even care that he was being kidnapped and looked like he was having fun. Pika grabbed N's milk carton and drank from it before handing it to young Gladion. He, of course, guzzled it down. N didn't even notice them and fanboyed over the guy he had mistaken for his girlfriend who was about to call the cops and report that some guy who was high was annoying him. "Pardon me, sir, but that little boy in that girl's arm just drank all your milk." "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DERP I DON'T BREASTFEED LITTLE KIDS!" "No, I mean the milk you were trying to buy." N turned and saw Pika and young Gladion. Pika yeeted the milk carton at him before running off. "OMG IT'S PARLOR SWIPPLE WHEN DID SHE HAVE A DERPING BABY?!" N cried. "That wasn't Parlor Swipple, you twit, that was the child kidnapper who's been running around." "WHAT HOW DARE YOU DERPILY CALL MY GIRLFRIEND AN ECKSIC HED!" "...What?" Ignoring the dumbfounded scanner guy, N chased after Pika. "PARLOR SWIPPLE COME BACK DERP!" Pika looked over her shoulder at N and was completely confused. N enabled his hempcrete jetpack and sped toward her at lightning-fast speeds before tackling her and trying to kiss her because he was dumb enough to mistake his female archnemisis for his girlfriend. But young Gladion grabbed his bow and arrow and pointed it at N, half an inch from his eye. "Don't touch my mommy." he said. Indeed, young Gladion had ditched Lusamine and decided that Pika would be his new mother when he was kidnapped. And he was not a fan of N, as he could smell lameheads from a mile away. "OMDERP PEAR SWOOP OUR SON IS SO CUTE!" N screeched happily. Young Gladion was fed up, and fired the arrow. It went through N's eye, brain, skull, and then hit the fire alarm button. The scanner guy slammed his head into the counter because he just couldn't catch a break. N ingested baked beans and his eye and skull grew back, though the same cannot be said for his brain. "Pika!" called a voice. Older Gladion ran toward the scene, boiling mad. "DON'T CALL MY GIRLFRIEND A PIKOLIN YOU FREAKY TREE DERP!" N screamed and jetpacked toward Gladion angrily. However, his jetpack fell apart and he fell at Gladion's feet. "How dignifying." Gladion said sarcastically before stomping all over N and glaring at Pika. "For Arceus' sake! Every weekend it's the same thing, you go back in time or forward in time and do something stupid that always involves lameheads! Can't you take a break?!" "But Gla-Gla! I got young you and he's so precious!" Pika whined before holding up young Gladion, who indeed looked precious. Then N stood up, furious. "YOU! ARE NOT! PARLOR SWIPPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! DERP!" he screamed. Pika and Gladion looked at each other in a 'yeah I have no idea' manner. Pika handed younger Gladion to older Gladion and yeeted Poke Balls at N, delaying him. "Gla-Gla, get us outta here!" "All right, all right!" A portal was opened to the current time, but just as older Gladion was about to put his younger self on the ground and jump into the portal, N fired a baked bean laser at it and tackled all three of them in. So the three frocky whee heads and one lamehead ended up in a different time: 666 Whee.Scree, age of the prehistoric Pokemon. In this time, Archen, Crainidos, Archeops, Rampardos, Kabutops, Arctozolt, and Dracozolt were making a conga line and singing Hau Thriller. Pika and the two Gladions fled N as he tried to fire baked bean lasers at them.

To be continued...
Jan 9, 2021 by Gau
A Pk is a dumb idiot that my mom was arguing with on Facebook for some reason I forget.
Jan 9, 2021 by Gau
Raiders Of The Lost X

X ran through the temple while being chased by a giant derpy N head boulder and wondering how he got his job. Just as the N head boulder was about to hit him, he leapt over a chasm and the N head boulder rolled into it. He was safe. He looked at his reward, the sacred treasure of the Toople Pleat family: a tiny N x Parlor Swipple statue. Happy and triumphant, he went back to Frock Town and stopped by the Ecksic Hed, a bar. "Yo, barkeep! Gimme some malt liqwhee!" he said. The bartender was an eleven year old girl named Pika who seemed out of place. "Paper or plastic?" she asked. "What?" Then she poured malt liqwhee all over his head and ran off. Of course, X was very confused. So he grabbed the chocolate latte sitting on the counter and was just about to drink it when... "HEY, HEY! X, it's me!" it cried. X hastily put it down. "Sorry, Coco!" He lit a cigarette like any random Greninja would do before Gladion sat down next to him. His eyes narrowed as he met Gladion's already narrow ones. "What?" he asked aggressively. They were in silence for a moment before Gladion spoke. "You see that lamehead over there?" he asked, pointing at N, who was being derpy with Parlor Swipple. "Yeah." "I want you to kill him." "WAIT, WHAT?! I THOUGHT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE AN INDIANA JONES PARODY NO WONDER MY LINES WERE OFF-" "Just shut up and do it." X thought about it for a minute. Then he pulled out a gun and shot N in the middle of him screaming "DERP I'M A LUSAMINE FANBOY!". Unfortunately, it went in his mouth and he ate it. "YUMMY YUM BULLET DORPY HEAD!" "Nice job, ace." Gladion said sarcastically. X was furious and shot N multiple times, each time with him eating the bullets. "Hey, barkeep." Pika, who was busy drinking malt liqwhee instead of serving it to people, sat up, accidentally whacking her head on the counter. "Ya say...?" she asked. Gladion groaned. "Give me a molscree cocktail." X was shocked that they served those, as they weren't things you exactly drank. "Aye aye cap'n..." Pika said before nearly falling over and then making an alchoholic drink. "Here ya go..." "But that's just regular-" "Shush." Gladion told X and poured some LEMONADE essence into it. X was about to freak out. LEMONADE essence was a rare thing to come by. Then it magically transformed into a molscree cocktail and Gladion yeeted it at N. There was a fire-y explosion and Gladion drank Coco. "OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" X screamed. "I wan' huggles..." Pika said in a rather drunken fashion. The dust settled and N was on the ground, vomiting up Parlor Swipple albums. X and Gladion got into a fight and Pika looked confused. She fell over the counter and poked X in the eye, which distracted him while she huggled Gladion. "DOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYY HEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!" screamed a voice. N suddenly rose up with demon wings and began to fire baked beans at X, Pika, and Gladion. X hopped around desperately, and Gladion used his body as a shield to protect Pika from the baked beans. He then brought out his phone and called Primal, who soon arrived in Ecksic Hed, armed to the fin. He Water Spouted Ticked-As-Frick Nskull, making him collapse. "PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DERP FROCK HEADS GO DED!" Parlor Swipple screamed and leapt at Pika for little reason. But she gorged out Parlor Swipple's eye with a glass and kicked her in the stomach. Gladion engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Ticked-As-Frick Nskull and knocked him unconscious. They stood victorious. But then a loud screech reached them. "PRIMALLLLLLLLLLLL MEMORIES!" Parasect-eyed Shauna screamed, hopping through the window. "OH HOLY FRICK-" Primal screamed and Water Spouted Parasect-Shauna. But she didn't surrender. So Gladion grabbed Josh Kool, who was shouting "FUC U ALL UR ****HEADS" as he was yeeted at Parasect-Shauna, ending up in her stomach. Then Gladion yeeted X at Shauna and he ended up in Josh Kool's stomach. Then he dragged Pika away, and by the time X was out of the lameheads' stomachs, they were gone, as if they never had came.

The end.
Jan 9, 2021 by Gau