PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 119)

Umm outa pure  Curiosity what exactly in chat was Facepaint worrhy? Also rhank you for defining “Facepaints” i seriousky had no clye what that was all abkut maybe that’s why you Facepainted? XD
Nov 30, 2020 by Dyla N
Here's a list of abilities that fit me, some much more than others. And some are exclusive to certain Pokemon, but they still fit slightly.

Adaptibility - I can adapt to quite a few situations.
Anger Point - I'm rather quick-tempered, usually for weird reasons.
Anticipation - It says that the ability-bearer shudders when it activates, and I shudder a lot.
Berserk - I can lose control of my temper.
Chlorophyll - I'm energetic in light, including sunlight.
Competitive - I can be very competitive and enjoy rivalry and competition.
Contrary - I can be very contrary.
Dancer - I love to dance and dance a lot.
Dark Aura - I'm quite a dark person in reality.
Defiant - Sometimes I can be incredibly defiant.
Early Bird - I sometimes wake up very early.
Forewarn - Sometimes I have dreams about things that happen in the future. Other times I have thoughts about it and it happens later.
Friend Guard - I defend my friends sometimes.
Gluttony - I have a big appitite.
Guts - I occasionally have determination despite being tired, hurt slightly, ect..
Hustle - I can be hasty and klutzy.
Hydration - I usually feel nice in water and drinking water hydrates me.
Insomnia - I have a hard time sleeping.
Justified - I can be what I consider just.
Keen Eye - I have bad vision from far away, but it's good close-up and I can notice small differences.
Klutz - I'm a klutz.
Limber - I'm quiet limber.
Long Reach - I have pretty good reach, especially when I use my feet.
Merciless - I can sound rather merciless and cruel.
Mimicry - I can mimic things sometimes.
Moody - I'm quite a moody person sometimes.
Moxie - I can have quite a bit of moxie.
No Guard - I'm bad at guarding myself.
Oblivious - I can be rather oblivious.
Own Tempo - I go about things my own way.
Pickup - I'll pick up things sometimes
Prankster - I'm very mischevious and can be a bit of a prankster.
Punk Rock - I like rock music, I suppose.
Quick Feet - I have quick-moving feet, especially when dancing.
Rattled - I am a timid person who can be easily scared.
Reckless - I can be rather reckless, despite my timidness.
Rivalry - I love rivalries and challenges.
Run Away - I'd rather run than fight.
Serene Grace - I can be quite graceful sometimes.
Simple - I'm usually very simple.
Slow Start - When I first wake up, I'm usually very slow.
Solar Power - Same as Chlorophyll.
Speed Boost - I can be quite speedy.
Stall - If it counts, I love stalling in Pokemon.
Stamina - I sometimes have a lot of stamina and can walk for a long time.
Strong Jaw - I seem to have pretty strong teeth.
Super Luck - I'm usually a lucky person.
Tangled Feet - I can lose balance and mix up my feet sometimes.
Telepathy - Though I'm not actually telepathic, I sometimes say the same things as others unintentionally.
Unaware - I can easily stop paying attention and become unaware.
Unburden - When I'm carrying things, I'm slow, but when I put them down, I get faster and sometimes have an urge to run.
Vital Spirit - I can sometimes be a hard worker.
Wimp Out - I'm cowardly.
Nov 30, 2020 by Gau
Nov 29, 2020 by Haze
I saw your battle replay. You’re a hacker with flamethrower umbreon.
Nov 29, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~
Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite  
Ability: Technician  
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Hidden Power [Steel]  
- Vacuum Wave  
- Roost  
- Silver Wind

Tell me how that isn't the best set in the world
Nov 29, 2020 by Haze
Parlor Swipple's Attack On Frocky Whee Heads

It was a regular day for the frocky whee heads. They were relaxing. Pika was jumping around like a lunatic and making Junior dance to Allan's music as Primal Water Spouted any lameheads that came near. Gladion was napping in the grass. But then Pika got whiny. "I've been hunting for that Shiny Pheromosa for hours! I want a Shiny Charm!" she wailed, nearly deafening her son. Gladion didn't even twitch. Then an odd sound was heard. They didn't know what it was, just that it was loud. Gladion snapped out of his nap, rubbing his forehead. Suddenly, Lusamine came running, filling from lamehead malasadas dripping from her lips. She was also holding some lamehead malasadas. "WHO WANTS LAMEHEAD MALASADAS?! THEY'RE FREE!" Pika reached for one because it was free food and she was hungry, but Junior slapped her hand and she whimpered like a little kid. Primal Water Spouted Lusamine, and she ran away. They assumed it was just another visit from a lamehead, nothing serious. But then a loud clanging sound was heard. Walking towards them were Mad Hauhead and Angry Nface robots, intent on crushing them. They ran away a bit, with Primal trying to destroy them. Sadly, the Water Spouts didn't seem to affect the robots at all. The Angry Nface robot's mouth opened to reveal Parlor Swipple sitting inside. "DERP! I HEARD FROM N THAT YOU GUYS WEREN'T BLASTING MY MUSIC, DERP!" she yelled. "That's right, because your music sucks." Junior snorted. Parlor Swipple's jaw dropped. "DERRRRRRRP?! DERPY DORP YOU ARE DUMB! BUY MY NEW ALBUM, LITTLE BOY!" she yelled. "I'm fourteen, idiot. I'm not a little boy. And I'm taller than my mom." Junior replied and gestured at Pika, who was indeed shorter. "Also, insulting someone and then asking them to buy your album is a very stupid thing to do. But coming from you, I can't expect anything different." Enraged at Junior's words, she closed the Angry Nface robot's mouth as the Mad Hauhead robot's mouth opened, revealing Lusamine. "DERP! YOU'RE MY GRANDSON, AND I ORDER YOU TO BUY PARLOR SWIPPLE'S ALBUM, DORP DERP!" she cried. "You can't order him around, I'm his father." Gladion said. Lusamine turned her attention to Pika, who was laughing at them. "DORP! YOU'RE A TERRIBLE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, DERPY PIKA! FROCKY WHEE HEADS SHOULD NOT BREED! IT'S TRUTH, DERP!" The look she got from Gladion and Pika was enough to melt through steel. Gladion also gave Pika a look, telling her to not talk about reproduction. Primal tried to Water Spout Lusamine, but sadly, a force field was protecting her. "YOU TRIED TO DROWN ME, DERP! YOU'RE A LAME KYOGRE SAMMY!" she yelled before making the Mad Hauhead robot launch missile malasadas at Primal. He was hit, and though it didn't injure him much, he wasn't exactly pleased. The frocky whee heads knew they needed a plan. But then a massive robot approached them, bigger than the Mad Hauhead and Angry Nface robots combined. It was Ticked Groudonhair, the strongest lamehead robot ever made. The frocky whee heads stared in shock. The mouth of the robot opened. "I... AM... SAFRINA BOYNE! DERPY HEAD I AM PARLOR SWIPPLE'S SISTER AND I WILL BRUTALLY MURDER ALL THE FROCKY WHEE HEADS IN THE NAME OF PEACE, DERRRRRRP DORP!" screamed the person inside. The robots' mouths closed and a loud sound was heard from them. They were trying to deafen the frocky whee heads with Parlor Swipple's new song: Derp Epics. "DERP, OH DERRR-RRR-RRRRP! I HAVE A LAMEHEAD BUTT LODGED IN MY STERRRRRNUM! I GOT A RED CARCASS STUCK IN MY SPLEEEEEEN! I'M CONCIETED AND THINK I'M BEAUTIFUL, DERP, AND YOU SHOULD ALL LOVE ME! BUY MY NEW ALBUM AND THEN GO KILL YOUR FROCKY WHEE HEAD BUDDIEEEEEEEEEE-EEEEEES! YEAH, YEAH, DERP HECK! N IS THE CREATOR OF THRILLLLLLLLLER, AND I SUPPORT HIM TWENTY-FOUR SEVEN! I SING MY EPIC N SONGS THAT SING OF THE DERPS UNKNOWN, AND MY SECRET TRACK IS HAUHEAD, WHICH HAS BROKEN MY COLLARBONE! OHHHH-HHHH-HHHH! FROCKY WHEE HEADS ARE NOT TO BE TRUSSSSSTED! I HATE THEIR CELLS THAT BOUNCE OFF MY WALLS IN THE DEEPEST NIGHT SO COLD! I JUST WANNA EAT MY DERP PARFAITS! SO WE'LL KILL ALL THE FROCKY WHEE HEADS TONIGHT AND TODAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! DERP EPICS! DERP EPICS! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, DERRRRRRP EPPPPPICCCCCCCS!" After the song finished, they looked at the frocky whee heads. They weren't deaf nor flinching. They were dying of laughter and pointing at the lamehead robots. The three lameheads were enraged. Suddenly, a mostly white Pokemon sped towards Junior and nearly kicked him in the nose. "HOLY FRICK! IT'S THAT SHINY PHEROMOSA! IT'S A LAMEHEAD!" Pika screeched. It was indeed the Shiny Pheromosa Pika had been hunting for. It spoke in Ultra Beast language. Its words translated to "DERP PARLOR SWIPPLE IS THE EPICEST SINGER SINCE THE EVER TIS OF THEE! SAFRINA BOYNE IS THE MAGICAL COUSIN OF THE POOPY HEAD CLAN, DORP! DERRRRRRPY DORP DERP!" That's when the frocky whee heads got an idea. Gladion begun to sing a Japanese song. The melody was beautiful and calm, and the lameheads stopped in their tracks. After Gladion was done, Junior joined in on the next loop. Those two voices were enough to make the lameheads rock back and forth in their lamehead robots while drooling as the Shiny Pheromosa just sat there in shock. But then Primal joined in, holding a music sheet. He didn't like to sing, nor did he care for music, but he wanted to see what would happen to the lameheads. As they sung, the lameheads all fainted due to the melody's intensity and its abundance of cute boy voices. When they finished the song, Pika joined in to hum the last part. The voices of Gladion, Junior, and Primal, as well as Pika's humming, combined was too much for the lamehead robots. They exploded, causing the lameheads, including Shiny Pheromosa, to blast off again. Peace was restored, and Gladion resumed his nap.

The end.
Nov 28, 2020 by Gau
My favorite part of Still All His Fault is:

"I blame him
Because my high heel got a stain
He didn't make the coffee that spilled
But he's the one to blame"

It sounds catchy when I sing it AND it sounds like something she'd say.
Nov 27, 2020 by Gau
N Dumped Me And I Go REE
by Parlor Swipple

N, N, N
He dumped me (dumped me)
N, N, N
He makes me ree (makes me ree)

I hate N (hate N)
He's a big meanie (big meanie)
I was his girlfriend (girlfriend)
He treated me (treated me)
Like lamehead turds (lamehead turds)
As you can see (can see)
I have a reason to ree (reason to ree)
Because N makes me

Into a lamehead (a lamehead)
I totally wasn't one before (wasn't one before)
And so I hate him (hate him)
Because he yeeted me (yeeted me)
At a magical whee box (whee box)
Filled with N pants (N pants)
And Hau-flavored malasadas (Hau-flavored malasadas)

N, N, N
He lived in a spleen (in a spleen)
N, N, N
He pooped a lot (pooped a lot)

N, N, N
Dumped me (dumped me)
N, N, N
And so I go ree (I go ree)

OMG No N Dumped Me
by Parlor Swipple

OMG no
OMG no

Oh N
He dumped me
Oh N
No no no
No no no

I am Taylor Swift
How could he do this to me
Oh no
No no no no no
Oh why
Why why why why why

I am a narcissist
Just like him
So why
So why
So why did he dump me
I support Peta Isis
Just like him
So why
So why
So why did he dump me

OMG no
OMG no
OMG no
OMG no
No no no

Wait I Broke Up With Him
by Parlor Swipple

Oh em gee
I just recalled
Oh em gee
I broke up with N
Oh em gee
My life was a lie
Oh em gee
I just wanna die

'Cause N gave me no money
When I broke up with him
How dare he
How dare he
How dare he
I want my big money
Out of N's Rubik's cube
I need more money
Despite me making millions or so
I'm so broke
I don't have a single dollar
He just left without giving me anything
How dare he
How dare he
How dare he
Dollars cash money cents nickels quarters dimes
I need the big money
'Cause I broke up with N

Still All His Fault
by Parlor Swipple

It's N's fault
All his fault
Because I disliked him
Even though I was his girlfriend
I'm totally not stupid as frick
He dumped me
Despite me dumping him
All his fault
Still his fault

I hate N
For dumping me
No matter what I did
He's the one to blame
If I killed him
I'd say he killed himself
'Cause it's all his fault
Not mine

His fault
His fault
His fault
Bad N
Bad N
Bad bad baddy bad N

It's all his fault
Yeah yeah
His fault yeah
Yeah yeah
I blame him
Because my high heel got a stain
He didn't make the coffee that spilled
But he's the one to blame
I broke my ankle
Because I ran myself over
But there was an N ghost in the car
Who was sniffing a green clover
So his sight was blocked
And it was all his fault
And so I blame him
For me making the N worshipping cult

Still all his fault
No matter who did what
Where they were
Who they were
That doesn't matter
It's N's fault
Because he dumped me
And so I hate him
Forever and eternally

by Parlor Swipple

Ree ree ree
N makes me ree
I go ree at N
Ree ree ree
I go ree
Screeing rees
As I ree at N
Ree ree ree

OMG ree
Holy frick ree
Triple flip ree
Crazy clown ree
Dumping me ree
Sleeping sound ree
Insanity N ree
Taylor Swift goes ree
Ree ree ree ree ree

Ree N
Ree N
Ree N
Ree ree ree N
Ree N
Ree to the Ns
Ree to every N
And ree at N


by Parlor Swipple

I ate Hauhead
In the exploding scree
I stole his malasadas
And kissed him on the knee

He's digesting
In my lower lung
He was really yummy
Though he killed my tongue

I ate Hauhead
Haueth McHead
Haumer Simpson
I might be a Hauhead addict
Because I ate his cigar of N brains
Yeah yeah

Hauhead got a whee
Lodged in his upper spleen
I ripped it out
And caused him to ree
He turned massive
And ate my eyes
But I said
"Who gives a frick"
And now all that's left
Is my memory inside
That's what's left of Hauhead
'Cause I ate him hard

Got Hauhead
Lodged in my intestine
The doctors said
I should eat my kin

So I ate them all
And now they're stuck there too
The doctors shrugged their shoulders
And called me a crappy loo

So now I'm dying of Hauhead
But what a way to go
Although it hurts really hard
And imploded my big toe

Now I died of Hauhead
Whooptie-do for me
But I'll be fine here in purgatory
Because I can hold in my pee
Nov 27, 2020 by Gau
Parlor Swipple N songs

"N Dumped Me And I Go REE"
"OMG No N Dumped Me"
"Wait I Broke Up With Him"
"Still All His Fault"
Nov 27, 2020 by Gau
Fanboy N And The Allan Lovers

It was a beautiful day. N was flying through the air using his lamehead Hau-powered jetpack. He was wearing a shirt that said "#1 Taylor Swift Fanboy" on it. Suddenly, a sound reached his ears: music. He flew into a concert hall and saw what was going on. The Aether family was playing Allan's music very loudly. Junior and Gladion were singing as the rest of them played instruments. Junior's voice made the pre-teen girls swoon, and Gladion's voice made the adult women jealous that he was married. N was outraged that they weren't blasting Taylor Swift music, so he flew over to them, screaming "STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" However, he crashed into June, and pieces of her violin ended up lodged in his tongue. He took them out and stood up, glaring at the family. "HOW DARE YOU NOT SING THIS LOVE OR NEW ROMANTICS! HOW DARE YOU!" he screeched in Junior's ear. Junior bit him on the nose and held on tightly as N screamed and jumped around. They all laughed at him as he finally pried his nose free from Junior's sharp teeth. He rubbed the injured nose and began to screech frantically. He wanted his revenge on Junior, but then heard Gladion's words. "We play Allan's epic music instead of Parlor Swipple's because Parlor Swipple sucks. Even Primal says Allan's better than Parlor Swipple, and he hasn't heard a single song." To prove it, Gladion took out his phone and showed N a text from Primal: "Yeah I dunno who Allan is but he can't be worse than Parlor Swipple unless he raps 24/7." N was even more furious and slapped the phone out of Gladion's hand before pulling something out of his pocket. It looked like a ray gun. Before anyone could do anything, he fired it at Junior, who became enveloped in glowing energy. The Aether family rushed to their collapsed son's side. Junior rose to his feet, not looking injured at all. However, his eyes weren't glaring like Gladion's, they were now big and round like Pika's. "Really?" he asked, looking at N as if he was an idiot. "Crud, I meant to set it to 'burn to a crisp', not 'change eyeball shape'... oh, whatever!" he said and pulled the trigger. However, nothing came out of the gun this time. "Aw crud! I knew I should've plugged it in earlier!" he cried. Junior, with his adorable big eyes, grabbed the gun and hit N over the head with it, knocking him to the ground. Then he crushed the gun under his foot and snorted loudly. N squealed and stood up, deciding that he'd just have to overpower Junior. He leapt at Junior, but Junior kicked him in the stomach, which launched him into the air. The whole family got ready to beat him up, but then someone came down from the audience. It was Hau, who was a massive Pika fangirl. He tossed malasadas at N, which made him scream like an elephant would. Hau stuck out his tongue, and N tried to pull it off of his mouth. He made a garbled scream and bit down on N's hand, trying to eat it. N pulled his hand out of Hau's mouth, terrified that it would be eaten. Then he kicked Hau back into the audiance. He was just about to beat up Junior, but suddenly Lusamine, who was old with gray hair, was yeeted at him. She exploded as she hit him, causing massive damage. He weakly raised his head to see Primal, who leapt down from the seats and used Water Spout, drowning N. They all high-fived at N's defeat. But then, N's eyes opened, pure red. He stood up and grew to a massive size, about two hundred feet. "I AM ANGRY NFACE! I WANNA DATE TAYLOR SWIFT!" he bellowed. The girls clung to each other in terror as Junior just looked up at him like he was high. Suddenly, Hau grew to the same size as N, with glowing blue eyes, and roared "I AM MAD HAUHEAD! I WANNA EAT YOUR CELLS!" They begun to clash, destroying the concert hall. Angry Nface seemed to be overpowering Mad Hauhead. But just when it looked like it was over, Mad Hauhead tore off N's shirt, which made him shrink to the size of a mouse due to proof of his Taylor Swift fanboy status being destroyed. Mad Hauhead crushed him under his foot, causing him to become a little pancake with feet. Pancake N ran off into the sunset with his little feet and was never seen again.

The end.
Nov 27, 2020 by Gau