PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Colorful Glaceon (page 17)

All right, just remember you’ve been warned lol oh, I’m excited for tomorrow because I get to pick up some new hair accessories. Finally at least as far as I know that’s what we’re doing tomorrow. I can’t wait to try out the hair rings cause I’ll be something new.
Mar 22, 2023 by Dyla N
Yeah I know you said so lol. If you ever get annoyed with my random tips or ideas though just say so
Mar 22, 2023 by Dyla N
I might’ve already responded to your last msg but I’m case i didn’t
This is like the first time someone took my suggestion serioysly sure you were probably already planning it but it’s fun to be on the same level as someone fashion wise.
Mar 22, 2023 by Dyla N
Awesome! You rock it!
Mar 21, 2023 by Dyla N
You Suck (title)
You are the type of person to shoot someone and blame it on the gun
You suck so much that even the ducks throw bread at you
(This poem might be unfinished, idk)
Just Shut Up (title)
Hey, can you shut up?
You suck like Sagie
No actually
You are worse
You are so dumb that your IQ went into the negatives
You look like a car that ran into a nuclear power plant
Mar 20, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Shut Up (the title)
No one cares
Nor no one will ever
You suck like hockey pucks
Sagie (a kid at his swimming class who is a tryhard) is like a sagging goat
You collect brass and you eat grass
Mar 20, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Hey did you hear someone ask?
I don't think someone did.
You have no friends, not even imaginary ones
Ever heard of no one asked?
It means that no one asked for your opinion

Poem by my friend
Mar 20, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Well, then, that’s an idea for you to think about. I think it’s funny that you seem to be liking my ideas because I’m not even really designer. Well, I’m not a designer at all or anything. but I think I’m also surprised the fact that I keep making the suggestions lol.
Mar 20, 2023 by Dyla N
Gee how’d I guess? Lol. Bet the purple hair makes a really pretty contrast. Ohh how do if you did a little silver shadow and dark lashes…
Mar 19, 2023 by Dyla N
Ohh that’s so cool. I went to our prom with a friend but everyone assumed we were dating, not the case. Funny I  asked them before anyone else good and then it turned outh met up with his GF there and I got l left behind from my self-esteem OK I think that bothers me more because you know I have been friends since fifth grade(what is in our senior year) and besides that, your school, but you don’t go to prom with a friend and then we never get a girlfriend in Main friend you want with it in the dark… (sigh) memories
Anyway, sorry i bunny trailed there.

Is this a semi formal or a formal dance? Bet you wear something black XD
Mar 19, 2023 by Dyla N