PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for DemonFlygawne (page 7)

Potential in me!? Serious!? Oh youve made me soo happy! Thank you sooo much!!!
Sep 4, 2015 by Araikai-kin
Sep 2, 2015 by Your Excellency
you have a book shaped like a chrome?
can i see it?
Sep 1, 2015 by Your Excellency
Sep 1, 2015 by Fluffle Dragon
"Ledyba?" Cuddles was confused, why was he fighting this Volbeat? Who was the person giving orders to him to use reflect when he was already shrouded in a guard? He couldn't make heads or tails of anything, so he attacked himself. Yep, the satisfying crack of fist on face should snap him out of confusion, and it totally did. Just in time to see the Volbeat charging straight at him. It was at this moment that Cuddles realized, he had fucked up.
Aug 28, 2015 by DemonFlygawne
"Damn these Scraggy!" Sharkeisha shouted about 3 scraggy that just brought Butch to a critically wounded state. "Sharkbait, you're in charge now!" She returned Butch to his ball to protect him from further harm as she sent out Sharkbait, a pansage, to wipe out the remaining scraggy. "Pan!" He barked as he whipped a vine at one of three scraggy bringing it to a wounded state too, but instead of running it leered at Sharkbait as one of it's sisters kicked him low while the other threw sand in his eyes. "Screw you *:D*!" Sharkeisha shouted as Sharkbait whipped another vine at the wounded Scraggy, but missed because of the sand in his eyes! She leered at him and so did her sister as the 3rd came in with a critical kick to the nads. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Sharkiesha shouted as Sharkbait fell, cupping the wound his life essence escapes from.
Aug 28, 2015 by DemonFlygawne
He said no ;-;
Aug 26, 2015 by Pado00405
Hi long time no seeee!
Aug 24, 2015 by Chatseareo
also, "ask him", quit bullshitting me, demon.
Aug 24, 2015 by Your Excellency
August 23, 2015
22:03 Seraphimon: ATTENTION!
22:03 Seraphimon: relation..*
22:04 unnamed: Aye.
22:04 Sapph: :v?
22:04 Seraphimon: I WAS ON A REPLICA EARLIER
22:04 Seraphimon: AND HELL NAW
22:04 Seraphimon: brb
22:05 Tori: Wtf is this place
22:05 Sapph: It's patamonadventure
22:06 Tori: What do we do here? D:
22:06 Seraphimon: back
22:06 Eppy: Patamon plans on sailing around the world like a pirate. This is the HQ or whatever.
22:06 Sapph: Chat or write on the side
22:06 Seraphimon: not a pirate
22:06 Seraphimon: just a sailor
22:06 Eppy: Yeah right.
22:06 Tori: So we just talk?
22:06 Seraphimon: i aint goin' to prison
22:07 Eppy: Talk and plot/plan.
22:07 Sapph: So i guess ill join the plotting?
22:07 Sapph: Can I join :o
22:18 Tori: What are we planning for? Building a ship?
22:18 Seraphimon: sure sapph
22:18 Seraphimon: only if you marry me
22:18 Sapph: (/oDo- No.
22:18 Seraphimon: we're not building the ship
22:18 Seraphimon: that was kinda my plan
22:18 Seraphimon: but
22:18 Eppy: *plots mutiny*
22:18 Seraphimon: i just realized it's a terrible idea
22:19 Seraphimon: sapph, if you actually go on the adventure with us, you can come
22:19 Eppy: I KNEW it was a terrible idea.
22:19 Sapph: Ok (/oDo)/
22:19 Seraphimon: we're lacking females anyway
22:19 Seraphimon: or was it the other way around?
22:19 Seraphimon: //counts
22:19 Seraphimon: brb again
22:24 Sapph: :T
22:25 Eppy: I want another duty on the ship. Being just the cook will be boring.
22:25 Sapph: So what am I
22:26 Eppy: What do you want to be? What are your abilities?
22:26 Sapph: Um...
22:28 Eppy: I can just barely cook stuff. I'm learning though. Slowly...
22:29 Seraphimon: finally back
22:29 Eppy: Wb.
22:29 Seraphimon: ok
22:29 Sapph: Wb
22:29 Sapph: Seraph assign me to a role
22:30 Seraphimon: time for a ♫MAKEOOVEEEERRR!♪
22:30 Seraphimon: ok
22:30 Seraphimon: you can be my queen
22:30 Seraphimon: nvm that role's already taken by cwegz
22:30 Seraphimon: ...apparently
22:30 Seraphimon: you can be the freeloader that just does nothing
22:30 Seraphimon: wait no that's kero
22:30 Seraphimon: is kero even coming?
22:31 Eppy: I dunno.
22:31 Seraphimon: you can clearn the ship
22:31 Seraphimon: clean*
22:31 Eppy: I'm trying to sort things out so I can write my book.
22:31 Seraphimon: although, mike is apparently goign on this journey
22:31 Seraphimon: and if so, he'll be the one to "mop te plank"
22:31 Sapph: I can just throw my drawing at enemies and watch them die hue
22:31 Seraphimon: lol sapph
22:32 Seraphimon: we won't have enemies
22:32 Seraphimon: it's the 21st century
22:32 Seraphimon: get with the times
22:32 Sapph: :v
22:34 Seraphimon: right
22:34 Seraphimon: well crow's nests aren't really needed now due to mapping and other similar technology
22:34 Seraphimon: we won't need to be on the lookout for sutff such as enemies and land
22:35 Eppy: Hmm... carpenter is open... I coul- Nah, I can't even bash a nail into a stick.
22:35 Seraphimon: but i guess if might be fun to have a crow's nest and look around
22:35 Seraphimon: sapph
22:35 Seraphimon: you ever put a poster up straight on your wall with thumbtacks or pins or nails?
22:36 Sapph: I don't own posters
22:36 Seraphimon: -.-
22:36 Seraphimon: are you living in poverty or something
22:36 Sapph: I don't decorate my room
22:36 Seraphimon: oh
22:36 Seraphimon: you're one of THEM
22:36 Seraphimon: //casually scratches sapph off the list
22:36 Eppy: :o I can be the morale officer.
22:36 Sapph: :v
22:36 Seraphimon: define morale
22:37 Seraphimon: no seriously i don't remember the meaning
22:37 Seraphimon: and i'm too lazy to google
22:37 Eppy: Morale = happiness.
22:37 Seraphimon: ah
22:37 Seraphimon: no
22:37 Eppy: I could make sure everyone is content.
22:37 Seraphimon: however
22:37 Sapph: Eppys going to be arresting me a hundred times a day
22:37 Seraphimon: you can be our m- that just sounds sexist
22:37 Sapph: rip
22:38 Seraphimon: ok well
22:38 Seraphimon: we're just a group of adventureers
22:38 Seraphimon: we don't need any roles
22:38 Seraphimon: accept for nav and captain
22:38 Seraphimon: and quartermaster
22:39 Eppy: Yay I can slack off while other people cook!
22:39 Sapph: //casually puts name back on list// So anyway
22:39 Sapph: Where are we even going
22:40 Eppy: Everywhere.
22:40 Seraphimon: if we don't have a machine dishwasher, we'll need to take turns doing that
22:40 Sapph: So this is also a spaceship-//shot
22:40 Seraphimon: CHOOOOOREZ ♪
22:40 Sapph: Wynaut just buy a dishwasher
22:40 Seraphimon: oh sure
22:40 Eppy: gtg
22:40 Sapph: Bye
22:40 Seraphimon: go on ebay and look up prices for dishwashers
22:40 Seraphimon: bai eppy
22:41 Sapph: Theyre only like $1000
22:41 Seraphimon: they range from 400-1000
22:41 Seraphimon: i'm a nerd, i'm not gonna be able to save up that kinda cash within 7 years
22:41 Seraphimon: i'll be buying nerd books and video games
22:41 Sapph: (I might already have about $300)
22:41 Seraphimon: and other stuff
22:42 Seraphimon: i guess i can have two stashes
22:42 Seraphimon: 60% of my money earned goes on stuff for the cruise
22:42 Seraphimon: all the rest is free to use
22:43 Seraphimon: FYI if you guys are serious about goign on this adventure with me, you gotta be loyal and you gotta help with costs
22:43 Seraphimon: going*
22:43 Sapph: Well its not irl so-//shot
22:43 Seraphimon: ...
22:43 Seraphimon: .......
22:44 Seraphimon: .........
22:44 Seraphimon: ......
22:44 Seraphimon: ...............
22:44 Sapph: Inb4 it is
22:44 Seraphimon: ............................
22:44 Seraphimon: ............
22:44 Seraphimon: pfft
22:44 Seraphimon: NAW
22:44 Seraphimon: it's all roleplay..
22:44 Seraphimon: y'know..
22:44 Seraphimon: all just
22:44 Seraphimon: a serious
22:44 Seraphimon: roleplay
22:44 Seraphimon: ...
22:44 Seraphimon: //scratches sapph off the lsit
22:44 Seraphimon: list*
22:45 Sapph: //puts self back on// >:v
Aug 24, 2015 by Your Excellency