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Wall for FieryHalmar

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The leak videos are fire though
3 days ago by GeckoGuy
chaos destruction fear
and legends ZA news idk
5 days ago by BananaBroSHSID
Feb 11 by Whistle650
I mean, you are in his friend list
Feb 8 by DavidVileplume
Why isn't your own brother in your friend list
Feb 6 by DavidVileplume
wait holdon I just read your lore again, your SON is Zygarde????
(so that means...since you and Whistle are the children of Lugia...and your son is Zygarde...Lugia is Zygarde's grandfather/mother????)
Feb 4 by BananaBroSHSID
Yes and no. I have PLA but I've barely started it. Maybe try asking BananaBro?

I will take a shiny celebi though let's gooooooooo!!!
Jan 25 by Mr. Fish
Jan 25 by Mr. Fish
Stack and attack
Jan 24 by Mr. Fish
although, it should be pretty easy to get one with a Sun Stone (just buy one) and a random Petilil
Jan 22 by BananaBroSHSID