PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Hoenndragon (page 21)

OK class over nuzlocke time!
So I was standing b4 the grass after getting pokeballs. Let's find our pokemon. Hmmm what is it? oh oh. It's a starly! oof. atleast not shinx or doofy. good let's catch it. nice nice caught. oh I forgot to check nature of my turty(turtuig nicname)! and let's check brave's nature too. hmm. turty is bashful, neutral stat gains and brave is mild.  alright nature for turty and lucky good one for brave(starly). let's make everyone lv 6 and then battle trainers. So we beat all trainers well and reach jublife city. Nothing to recount. gave town map to blaze(he's my rival, sorry blaze I thought of naming you) and got pokewatch(watever it's called I know something like pokeketch IDK). Now rival time. I trained every one to lv 11(training isn't as easy as it sounds) and rival time. turt finishes starly (not easily) and then I switch in brave to take sratch. then finish off his chimchar. Heal up and then finish all trainers in the next route. oops, I forgot to catch pokemon! let's search. OH NO! it's abra. luck time , oops gone :'(. I found a geodude in the cave. I tackled it a times and my brave almost dies to a crit tackle. switch to turt and start tackling. finally in red health. let's go catch it! OH no!!!!!!!!!!!  misclick razor leaf! miss oof. thank god. I catch it then. what good luck! like air slash missing in competitive! I catch it and I freakin have modest nature!? Go to pc you Idiot! (lol) I'll challenge roark tommorow. Until next time!
Jan 12, 2021 by Hoenndragon
Jan 11, 2021 by ~BlazeFreeze~
Yeah congrats on 1/4!
Jan 11, 2021 by Spex
Also congrats on  1550
Jan 11, 2021 by Sam and Noivern
Jan 11, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
I shall do that
Jan 11, 2021 by Amethyst
Alright guys, now exam is.. well, RIP so let's get back to our nuzlocke!
Jan 11, 2021 by Hoenndragon
Read the headline, context, then comments and answers if any, then understand and proceed to answer. You are Hasty to answer sometimes.
Jan 11, 2021 by ~BlazeFreeze~
wow. I have more points than 1/4 of my dream.
Jan 11, 2021 by Hoenndragon
If you flag for no reason, you may lose sleep.  Btw why did you flag? BA?
Jan 11, 2021 by ~BlazeFreeze~