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Wall for Ion (page 1)

And sure thing lmao
Jan 28, 2017 by PsychicX1
Yuck stall, you should be ashamed af
Jan 28, 2017 by PsychicX1
Should totally add me on Skype though
Jan 25, 2017 by PsychicX1
Lol I started college yesterday and I already don't wanna go back xD Sorry for the late reply
Jan 25, 2017 by PsychicX1
And, I wanted to tell you: I spent hours using your team on PS! Won about half the games. Generally, it was Fire types that gave me trouble. There are THREE Pokemon weak to fire, so apart from Fini, it was hard to switch in. Salamence is a beast, though. DD + Supersonic Strike is legit a game deciding factor. The only issue I had was with Garchomp and Rock Slide :( and I can't really switch in to most Pokemon, so there's that. Luckily, Moxie makes just about everything a piece of cake post DD :D

Apart from that, I just wanted to tell you how OP Porygon Z is with Z-Adaptability, but I guess you already know. I'm looking forward to creating a team centered around it. After all, Porygon2 is literally one of my top 5 competitive Pokemon to use, so it's awesome that its evolution gained a buff this generation :D
Jan 16, 2017 by Emty
I like OverWatch a lot. Which is surprising because.... I don't really... (dramatic pause) play it. Maybe it was seeing literally hundreds of memes and expertly drawn fanart, or really, the comics (which are GOLD), but the franchise sucked me in. I spent quite some time learning about the mechanics, watching gameplay videos on Youtube and all that. I probably prepping myself for when I buy it :D

Just don't tell Astro lol
Jan 16, 2017 by Emty
Nm, waiting for college to begin, you?
Jan 15, 2017 by PsychicX1
Wuz gud tho
Jan 15, 2017 by PsychicX1
Right, about that Expert thing. 6k was a goal for me, because I thought you'd automatically become an Expert. Guess not. Apparently PM or the mods decide to upgrade to the level. It's symbolic, really. I can already edit others' answers and stuff. I sort of wanted to do that a lot before, but now that I can, I'm not really into it. Maybe because it's rude to edit other's posts :/  

So yeah, it's okay if I'm not an "Expert". Mods need to select active folks, not people like me who disappear for months (like most of the older users) so I don't hold that against anyone :)

As for the RMT, I really liked your post because as someone pointed out, the RMT standard's are not that high. Then again, I've been wanting to get into competitive properly, but without access to Sun/Moon, I'm lost in the meta. So, your post was important for me to get a proper idea before I got kicked around in PS! Besides, the RMT is the one side I suck at, so I'm trying improve, at least get to the front page of users there xD

P.S. 1785+ on the ladder? Colour me all 50 shades of impressed :D

P.P.S: I have major exams henceforth, so let's battle once I'm all done with them, okay? That would be around June though :/

P.P.P.S. Halfhearted apologies for the block of text for your post lol, it's a bad habit of mine :(
Jan 15, 2017 by Emty
Cya m888
Oct 5, 2015 by Sempi