PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for JustATypicalPerson (page 5)

And even I've only favourited the questions and not answered them as soon as I saw them. I only really get around to answering once in a while and at this point my favourite questions list is like a to-do list of questions I can answer hehe.
May 4, 2022 by xPsydxck
Just swap their abilities and maybe their viability would also swap. ;)

You're right, older questions are also pretty low quality but I just ignored them while going through the list, favouriting important ones like this:
Almost 100K views was just too tempting. :P
May 4, 2022 by xPsydxck
Oh yeah I did notice that lol. I initially thought you magically got to know about the question. x)

There are a lot of older questions like that, since the site quality in older days was very bad. I recently went through the Fire Red tag (still going, 11/13 pages done) and there were a lot of questions which could have way better answers, so I favourited them. One of them is even a 200K views question. :P
May 4, 2022 by xPsydxck
Aw man, I had favourited that Fire Red question which you just answered and was gonna answer it soon. Can't believe I got sniped on a 11 year old question lol.

Great answer tho!!
May 3, 2022 by xPsydxck
Nah just kidding. But it was posted on a PS3 instead
Apr 29, 2022 by L'chonk
posted on a Nokia 3310.

Apr 29, 2022 by L'chonk
You too.
Apr 20, 2022 by vydestiny
Apr 19, 2022 by vydestiny
Dude it's 2am for me and I can call act now
Can you still play?
Apr 18, 2022 by vydestiny
Nw, can you still play?
Apr 18, 2022 by vydestiny