PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for LeDragónTamer (page 9)

Great, thanks for the understanding! now I feel a lot better! :D :D :D
Sep 12, 2013 by TERKOIZ
I know its unfair that you told me you're name but I didn't, but I have a really ugly name that I don't like to tell peope online about. I hope you understand. :(
Sep 11, 2013 by TERKOIZ
What's yours mines is M/I
Sep 10, 2013 by PikaPals
Don't worry, I saved the replay and posted it on Mewderators Wall. I still have the link up on my computer, just in case.
Sep 10, 2013 by Flafpert
Dammit, I thought you were 12 because I am although I wont tell my name but ill also delete that post and well, cant stop the overlap I hate it though I cant find a reason why its annoying :P
Sep 9, 2013 by TERKOIZ
Hi :D
Sep 9, 2013 by Adam.
Can't stay longbut haiiiiiii how is your dayyyyy? =3
Sep 9, 2013 by ZoroarkMaster132
Nope, im serious I will, and I also give up. :P
Sep 9, 2013 by TERKOIZ
Hmmm... if you're somwhere between the middle schoolers... that means... that you are somwhere between 7th or 8th grade!!! I am in 7th wich means I am between 12 or 13 years old... I think I made a good prediction... now if you can guess my age, ill upvote all of you're questions. :P
Sep 8, 2013 by TERKOIZ
Hi, it seems we are up against each other in the tournament, so I were wondering if we could meet on chat to have that battle? I'm usually on at 1 PM to 6 PM American time.
Sep 7, 2013 by Flafpert