PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for LeDragónTamer (page 3)

Ah, well. I thought I would chat with her here, guess I won't.
Dec 5, 2013 by Muguet
Lmao kewlieee XD but I'm only half Chinese and half viet
Dec 5, 2013 by Moon
Girl Power. Woooh. xD
Dec 5, 2013 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
I went on Microsoft Word and used Symbols. Your friend is registred to pokemondb.net ? ;)
Dec 4, 2013 by Muguet
I mean *text, not test.
Dec 3, 2013 by Muguet
Hello ;)
Love the calligraphic test ? :D
Dec 3, 2013 by Muguet
Yes, but it is also an option to take it off, making me a boy and a girl. x3
Dec 3, 2013 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
On my profile, it says (Fe)male. So, think whatever you wish. xD
Dec 2, 2013 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
You have a rock safari with a Dwebble and Oynx in it, and i can't access your 3rd slot yet. (We haven't connected yet in the game)
BTW i changed my name, it isnt shaishai8 anymore :3
Dec 1, 2013 by Shaishai8
Oh... you're a girl... Sorry. o.o
Again, it's the KoD confusion. x)
And thank you for adding me to your friend list, GIRL. :)
Dec 1, 2013 by !'•-Indigo-•'!