PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Redvolt77 (page 5)

Magical Poker Midgets is my favorite nickname for Yu-Gi-Oh!. Called as such because the protagonist is a midget (seriously he's like half as tall as his friends) who has magical powers and plays a card game. While this card game is Duel Monsters and not poker, it's funnier. Sometimes called Starfish Poker Midgets because apparently Yugi has starfish hair. Midget man.

As for the cable thing, because cable costs money and basically all you get out of it is a bunch of crap. The good stuff that you can watch, however, you can also watch on YouTube or such and usually DVD. I don't see the benefit. Maybe I'm just missing it, but I think it doesn't exist.
Aug 12, 2022 by Gau
If you want the highest BST for any Pokemon, it's Eternamax Eternatus with 1125, but if you ones that are obtainable, then Mega Rayquaza and Mega Mewtwo have BSTs of 680
Aug 12, 2022 by BM™
No problem
Aug 12, 2022 by Mr. Fish
No, I watch whatever DVDs I happen to have. Which is how I got into Yu-Gi-Oh. My mom found volume one of season one sitting around, she picked it up, I watched it, and then I got hooked on Magical Poker Midgets. Really, I'm glad I don't have cable.
Aug 11, 2022 by Gau
OhMyGod you CaUghT us we're a|| r0bots you're the only one with a |1fe on heeeeeere.
Aug 11, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Nope, haven't heard of the movie. Don't really think I've heard of an actual bullet train either. It seems I get out even less than I thought. XD
Aug 11, 2022 by Gau
Well, there's Pokemon.
Then there's pokemon.
There's always PokEmon.

Oh yeah, the fat Italian guy using his head to break bricks. That's a fun one.
Aug 11, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Hmm... never heard of it. Sounds interesting, though. Also Bullet Train is a cool name.
Aug 10, 2022 by Gau
I mean I have heard of the other 2, but I don't play them or anything.
Aug 10, 2022 by Mr. Fish
I have no idea what that is.
But cool.
Aug 10, 2022 by Mr. Fish