PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Syl ™ (page 91)

What ever happened to your Eeveelution drawings?
Oct 4, 2018 by Azelfeo
Oh, I thought you were saying we feed the mouse to something, not something to the mouse.
Cheese being good for mice is a wives tale, you should not give it to them, least of all wild mice. A wild animal should get its own food, they also can go days sometimes weeks or months without it. The most important thing is to hydrate them.
But no, cheese is not good for any rodent because they have a hard time digesting dairy.
You might also want to know that carrots have no nutritional value to rabbits, and feeding bread to geese and ducks is actually harmful.
Oct 4, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
Did you know if a YouTube channel has no content, and you search it on YouTube, you won't find it? You actually need the URL.
Oct 4, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
What kind of things happen today? Ah yes, you got me thinking about the 4th of July.
Oct 4, 2018 by Azelfeo
Oct 3, 2018 by Azelfeo
We don't have anything to feed it to. Mice are wild animals and are better off outside.
Oct 3, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
Look. I saved this little guy from our window well, brought him outside, gave him water, and now he thinks I'm his mommy. No matter where I moved he snuggled up to me, he even went about 3 inches into my pant-leg for safety. After a while I left him outside in a blanket, when I found him in there again he let me pick him up and put him back into the wildnerness.
Oct 2, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
Oct 1, 2018 by Azelfeo
If you go to Game Mania or DreamLand (in Belgium) you could get Zeraora.

Source: https://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
Oct 1, 2018 by Azelfeo
Do you know why your Gmail is in your profile?
Oct 1, 2018 by Azelfeo